almostasenior · 4 years
Sunbury Georgia on the Medway River
My day started out with the intention of visiting a Harris Neck Wildlife Refuge near Townsend Georgia.  Along the way I stumbled upon this Revolutionary War fort and museum.
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Visitor Center and museum
Field artillery
The museum has an interesting display of the events of 1778
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London 1776
Philadelphia 1776
American Navies 1775-1783
Reproduction of an 18th century powder horn
Located in Sunbury Georgia a once bustling seaport only second to Savannah.
Medway River Sunbury Georgia
Sunbury in 1773 had about 100 houses occupied by wealthy merchants and planters
None of the homes remain today.  The cemetery  holds the only physical remains with 34 markers standing dating back to 1788.
As we move on from the museum the historical marker tells the story of the fort
Historical marker
Fort Morris was built entirely of earth and wood.  The site features Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 earthworks.
Earthworks profile
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Alligator path
Medway river marsh
Pathway to follow
Fort Morris
Herb and flower garden
Once a fire field
Built of dirt
What Sunbury offers today……
A beautiful view
Medway River
And an interesting site for archeological findings….
More than meets the eye
Bring your appetite………
Sunbury Crab Co
For more information please visit: FortMorris
Located seven miles east of I-95 exit 76 near Midway Georgia.  Follow the Islands Highway and Fort Morris Road.
Parking, picnic area and restrooms available
  Jo’s Monday Walk
Fort Morris State Historic Site Sunbury Georgia on the Medway River My day started out with the intention of visiting a…
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