#supermassive gave me a fucked up appalachian family - /i/ am from a fucked up appalachian family
queenofbaws · 2 years
wip meme!!!
Rules: Post the last line you wrote (from any WIP) and tag the same number of people as there are words
well hey there folks! i was lucky enough to get tagged by BOTH @love-fireflysong AND @nick-furcillo for this, so i figured hey, why not. now...here’s...here’s the thing, my friends. i need you all to know sharing this snippet is very hard for me.
because ONCE A-FUCKING-GAIN, i’ve let myself down. “i’m def not gonna start writing this new thing,” i said to myself, “i’m only gonna outline it and nothing else,” i said to myself. aaaaaand now i’m writing it. so, welcome, i suppose, to the first peek into the fic i am still jokingly calling the (hackett)s for now ;P
"Pickin’ on you,” Jack repeated as he regained his footing, moving slowly, thoughtfully, a snake preparing to lash out and strike; “You are fifty-six goddamn years old - there are retirement homes that would take you in if you turned up on their doorstep - you do not get picked on at fifty-six, you slimy piece of shit, you get insulted.”
aaaaaand i definitely do not know that many writers. SO. please take this as an open invitation to share a wip of yours if you got one you’d like to share, and just SAY i tagged you ;P cuz i did. sort of. in theory.
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