#tagging dental in case people are blocking it cause ew
ineharnia · 7 years
Alphabet Meme
@inevitably-johnlocked​ said that she’s tagging anyone who wants to do this and I’m bored so I decided to do it.
A - Age: 21 (for another month) B - Biggest fear: horror movies, the dark, anything that’s unknown or visually scary, also trucks and scary insects C - Current time: 9:45 PM Israel time (GMT +2, UST +2) D - Drink you last had: Water E - Every day starts with: Waking up? My schedule isn’t consistent. I have school three days a week and only two of them start in the morning. The rest of the week I don’t have anything to do. F - Favourite song: Just one? Okay, I’ll choose a random one. How about Let It Go, the Nick Pitera version. G - Ghost, are they real?: Maybe. There aren’t many in Israel but I think they do exist. H - Hometown: Meaning place of birth? Jerusalem. Current living place? Town near Jerusalem. All childhood homes? That’s eleven including this one. I’ve lived in northern Israel, Vermont, California, then back in Israel near Jerusalem. I - In love with: Captainsparklez. Wish I had a girlfriend, hope I’ll be in a romantic relationship soon. J - Jealous of: Everyone and everything K - Killed someone: Well I only turned vegan when I was 18, so... L - Last time you cried: A week ago in frustration at turning in a project late and still not knowing how to finish it and wanting to drop out of school.  M - Middle name: Don’t have one. N - Number of siblings: 1 O - One wish: These are difficult questions. I want to be an author.  P - Person you last called/texted: I sent a heart emoji to one of my friends who hasn’t talked to me in a while. Q- Question you’re always asked: More like sentence. ‘You don’t seem autistic’. I wonder why (sarcasm). R - Reason to smile: Still being alive and happy today? Also Jordan’s videos. S - Song I last sang: Listen by Beyonce  T - Time you woke up: 6:00 AM U - Underwear colour: Gray V - Vacation destination: Ireland, the Galapagos Islands, Venise, Vatican City, all the places where my far away friends live... Everywhere pretty much. Anywhere where there’s beautiful nature, art, architecture, and any way to get vegan food (which is actually not that difficult inspite of carnists thinking otherwise. And this with me not eating gluten either). W - Worst habit: Disassociation X - X-rays you’ve had: Just dental stuff cause monster teeth (aka adult teeth that grew over milk teeth so I had multiple sets of teeth. Took each milk tooth during puberty around three years to fall out and the last one I pulled out cause after four years I got tired of it.). Also I had an ultrasound cause my doctor thought I might have kidney problems. I’m fine though. Ultrasounds are weird. Also it’s cool to see your bladder cause they make you drink water beforehand and then it’s just a giant undulating black blob on the screen. Y - Your favourite food: Hummus, hummus, hummus, some more hummus with a bit of halva in between and also chocolate and sweet peppers and hummus. Z - Zodiac sign: Aries
Anyone who wants to do it is welcome, I don’t feel comfortable tagging people.
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