thehuntison · 1 year
Quinnter || nye
Hunter: You're coming to Seb's tonight yes?
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askthemike · 2 years
FLASHBACK  MIKE📱QUINN (after her texting accident)
MIKE: Hey Quinn.
MIKE: I was about to text how are you... how dumb is that?
MIKE: I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and if there is anything I can do to help out, just let me know.
MIKE: I can collect your assignments and bring them over. Explain them if you need help, and bring them back to school if you're not ready to come back yet.
MIKE: Or I can help you at school when you come back. We've all got lots of experience with Artie.
MIKE: OY. That was not good was it.
MIKE: Anyway, yeah. We miss you. I miss you.
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sammy-d-evans · 3 years
text || Quinn
Sam: Hey Q. It was really great seeing you again. Had fun catching up with you over dinner. So wouldn't mind if we do that more often.
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blainethelonghorn · 4 years
text || quaine
Blaine: Just texted Britt, but wanted to hear from you too! how are things?
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callmemissmia · 4 years
TEXTS ✉️ Quinn & Mia
Mia: Good morning Ms Fabray.
Mia: Just checking in with you. Have your figured out what courses you're taking; what clubs you are joining.
Mia: We should also discuss therapy appointments.
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sntanalopez · 4 years
Santana: So for our duet should I look up songs about teen pregnancy, songs about cheating, or songs about having sex with your best friends’ FWB and not telling them about it until AFTER the pregnancy test comes back positive?
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mskatherineanderson · 4 years
text 📲 quinn & katherine
Quinn: don’t even go there!
Katherine: I'm sorry! I can't just watch Disney movies and not share my feelings about them! This is what I get for watching Beauty and The Beast and Tangled in one sitting.
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theclaringtonhunter · 4 years
✉Quinn⇆ Hunter
HUNTER: The ever lovely Quinn Fabray... would you believe me if I told you I discovered in my house, on my bookshelves, a copy of the book you recommended me and that I've already read it?
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northsidesebastian · 5 years
Ale: I'm not sure if I can't or I'm not suppose to contact you, but I wanted to say thanks, because you were the major reason for me to be done with the repairs of my car shop in time. So yeah, thanks.
Quinn: Hi Ale. This is Quinn, Bas isn't able to come to the phone. I'm glad you were able to get the shop taken care of. If there's anything else you need, please let me know
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msjackiestjames · 5 years
JACKIE: Quinn, darling it was so good to hear from you. And I a glad that you guys got to see him. Is he okay? Is he still with you guys.
JACKIE: And please never apologize for rambling. It means the world that you reached out to me.
JACKIE: I love you too, Quinn always.
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thehuntison · 2 years
Text || Quinnter {Thursday after Thanksgiving}
Quinn: Hunter Clarington I have some questions for you.
Hunter: Uh-oh! What did I do?
Quinn: Well, I figured I'd hear from you this week once you got back into the city and figured out what's next. But nadda, nothing. So this is me informing you that I'm coming to New York this weekend to see you in person.
Hunter: Sorry...yeah that is my bad. Things are okay though. I mean, better than okay really. Sebastian has been really good; in some ways it feels like we're closer than ever. But I feel like...well, he's Seb. I know he's also putting up walls now.
Quinn: You'd never know you guys had split up by scrolling your social medias. Well, apart from ... who's Jay Baker?
Hunter: I know, and I think that is on purpose. You know how private Sebastian is. I'm okay to let people think what they want about us. But he wants to have a "we broke up party." And let people know then. After the hubbub of the holidays.
Quinn: A what?
Hunter: He said it is like a divorce party but not lame. I don't exactly want to celebrate our breaking up, but if it's something he needs to do for him, then I'm going to support it and him. Because he's my best friend.
Quinn: And who is Jay Baker?
Hunter: Oh... yeah. So uh, Jay is the guy I'm seeing.
Quinn: Hunter! That was quick.
Hunter: It's complicated. Jay is a factor in why Sebastian broke up with me. I kind of fell for him. HARD. As in leave Ojai (where we were for Thanksgiving) in the middle of the night and fly up to San Francisco when I found out he'd been in an accident.
Hunter: Oh, and Jay is Sebastian's college boyfriend. His one "real" ex. And he works for Sebastian's dad as a nanny for Matthew (Seb's little brother) and sometimes Annabelle (Seb's grandfather's little girl-- technically she's Aunt Annabelle but she's seven so...).
Quinn: And Sebastian is fine with all of this?
Hunter: I know-- it's weird right? But he pretty much was the one who told me to go after Jay after he broke up with me and made me go back to Ojai with him. And suggested I make a move sooner than later because Jay had recently started seeing this real estate agent here in the city.
Quinn: I'm used to these complicated, twisted relationships after high school, but I thought you Dalton boys were better than this. Plus we're not teenagers anymore, you're grown men.
Quinn: Well that came out far more judgy than I meant.
Hunter: You think?!
Quinn: It's weird. Sorry. I'm processing.
Quinn: So you're doing okay?
Hunter: A lot better than I expected to be honest. And that's because of Seb. So it's hard but we're going to work it out. I just can't imagine my life without him in it.
Quinn: Well, I'm still coming up to check on you, and Seb, for myself. And meet this new guy. See what his story is.
Hunter: Quinn- you're going to love him. He's an artist. He's beautiful. He's creative and fun. And he's from California, so he's super chill.
Quinn: Mhmm. I'll send you my train info. And I'll see you Friday evening.
Hunter: Yes Ma'am. 😛
Quinn: Shut up.
Quinn: I'm glad you're okay.
Hunter: Thanks Q. See you Friday.
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astonjones · 5 years
[TEXT]: Hey Aston. I know it’s pretty gauche to ask for a favor after not talking to someone for a while but I seem to be in the need of some legal advice. I’d rather not ask Hunter’s or Sebastian’s family. Can you let me know when you’re available? I can work around your schedule.
[ TEXT ]: Ms. Fabray, though I always appreciate the manners and appreciate the thought, it’s unnecessary.
[ TEXT ]: Whether we talk every day or don’t speak for years, it’s apart of my responsibility as a human being to help someone who needs it. Even if it’s just something as simple as legal advice.
[ TEXT ]: My gorgeous fiancee has an incredible woman of many talents and making a fantastic lunch is one of them, if you’d care to drop by my office and join me this week.
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sammy-d-evans · 3 years
text || Quinn
Sam: Hey Q, just me checking in to see how you're doing. That post of you earlier this week had me worry. So... how are ya?
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blainethelonghorn · 4 years
text || quaine
Blaine: Hey, this may be a kind of weird question, but have you heard anything from Sebastian?
Blaine: I know he's your cousin and he's not responded to a couple texts... Just want to be sure he's just avoiding me and not in trouble or something, you know?
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windycityhunter · 5 years
Text || Q
Hunt: Mikey woke up in the middle of the night again so I'm up, wide awake, and watching old Bones episodes and sipping a glass of rye.
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marleyeverdeen · 5 years
text mssg ✉ fabrose
Marley: I didn't say this earlier, but thank you for the advice on Sue.
Marley: I didn't realize how far out of my element I was when auditioning, but I stood my ground on not doing Stupid with Love as a gymnastics number with the cheerios and she let it go after a bit
Marley: So again, thanks
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