#thank Satriantar for that
nerizys · 1 year
Father's Day - Boboiboy AU
Might be OOC, Spoilers for Gur'latan Arc
It has been a while since she last visited her father. With all the work piling in and all the politics, you won't exactly get free time.
But today is different. She had pushed aside schedules to the best of her ability, just so she could visit him. She had also prepared gifts and flowers like what her (adoptive but also not really there?) uncle had told her to.
"If you want to honor your father so much, how about celebrating Father's Day?"
She'll admit, it's not a bad idea.
It doesn't take long to get to her father's place. She wonders what her father will think, seeing her suddenly turn up with flowers and all. There wasn't anyone else with her today.
Kira'na places the flowers onto the grave. "Here lies Gur'latan's shield - ###### - May he rest in peace". Those were the words etched onto it.
She remembered the feeling of clutching onto her father's lifeless body, and she still cried and grieved as she watched his casket gets lowered into the ground.
"I've lived long enough to be tired of my own immortality. 100 years ago when I lost my master, I was at my lowest. My will to live went down with her"
He looks into the distance, where the Elemental Hero is conversing with his friends and the other elementals, a fond look in his eyes.
"But then I was reminded, that I'm not alone, that I still have my brothers. It took years, and in those years I could have been talking normally with them instead of shutting everything out"
He looks up at her.
"I'm glad, that you remembered those who are important to you. Don't let it drag on like me"
Ah, today, the sky felt much clearer.
"I'm back, Ayahanda"
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