#thank youuuu for the ship ideas btw this is very helpful
ghvstvee Β· 3 years
I have random ships for H2O:
Charlotte x Miriam
Zane x Charlotte
Bella x Zane
Will x Lewis (I don't like Will, but I wanna see what happens)
Tiffany x Lewis
Miriam x Tiffany
Miriam x Lewis (completely unlikely, unless you go enemies to lovers with Miriam being a lone mermaid and Lewus being her unlikely confidante - after Tiffany ofc!)
Lewis x Charlotte (who decided that lying was pointless and just been honest!)
Tell me what you think!
ok!! sorry i jusst got around to answering this xd
Charlotte x Miriam
wait i'm kind of here for this one,,,, i imagine a s2 au where Miriam is still in the show & she recruits charlotte after seeing how she is outcasted which of course leads to lesbianism when does it not! adding this to the ship edit list rn
Zane x Charlotte
hm,,,,,, you know, in an au this could've been interesting if the writers decided to put charlotte between zane & rikki rather than cleo & lewis,,,, idk it's hard for me to imagine them together because i just genuinely don't know how charlotte would feel about zane πŸ’€ i feel like zane would have an aversion to her at first but might end up growing to like her if he spends enough time near her. but idk. could hypothetically see the appeal
Bella x Zane
this is interesting. i can only imagine season three zane though which makes me not want to put my sweet baby bella through that sksjsksks honestly i think bella would be a bit turned off by zane's bad boy attitude in early seasons as well? and i don't think she would be able to see past it in order to like him. otherwise im not sure but much to think about!
Will x Lewis
you know what? yes 100%. will wants a mermaid gf? too bad you get a scientist diver bf and there's nothing you can do about it. obviously in this ship i expect bella to have like 60% better morals and to dump will so he gets mopey and lewis tells him to shape up. anyway this is going into my ship to-do list :3
Tiffany x Lewis
i feel like they dated once, maybe in middle school, and it was really awkward and now lewis tries to avoid her gaze sjhlkskjhsksks i don't think they're like endgame or anything but they're cute,,, just dk what the hell their dynamic would be
Miriam x Tiffany
yesssss! miffany for the win! they're actually already on my to-do list,,,, antagonist girlfriends :) the mean girls sapphic relationship we deserved tbh
Miriam x Lewis
basically what you said in your ask about miriam being a sole mermaid and coming to lewis for help because he's the only sciency guy she knows but i can really only see that dynamic as friendship or solidarity sksjksjdsk i just feel like they're not each others types
Lewis x Charlotte
have indifferent thoughts about lewis and charlotte,,,, i think they could've been alright but after the events of season two i don't think they could ever find love in each other again. plus i think charlotte as a character liking lewis was probably something she'd grow out of,,, a puppy love maybe that turned awry. lewis as well in that regard xd i think they would be cute though in a pre-s2 setting because they genuinely are very similar
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