#thankies 4 this btw... <3 chewing on it
twilightarcade · 8 months
You're in the dungeons of Fear and Hunger. Your reasons for traversing the world to arrive at this decrepit place has lost you, at this point. The dungeons had a special, otherworldly cursed effect on you. Your hunger and mind dwindled much faster than it should have. Though, time was impossible to tell. Now your main objective here was to merely survive.
Early on, you spot a cage that held a little girl. Scarred arms, blue eyes, ginger hair, wearing a black dress. The way she seemed, she could be no older than 10. Why was a soul like hers imprisoned here, where the worst offending criminals were meant to rot? You unlock her cage, she nods a thanks. Meek and unspeaking.
Soon after you find a small dagger, one that is much unsuitable to your hands. But to the girl, it fit in her palm comfortably. She aids you as best as she can in the dungeons, though you try to make sure her safety is above yours.
The next gift for her was a small doll that you both found in a cell. What it was existing there for was an unknown that you didn't truly care about. You gave it to her, to hold on, to comfort her. She has a small smile.
Now you've dwelled deep. How deep did this dungeon go? Your equipment is starting to be a bit too weak for the stronger and more horrific enemies the deeper this hellhole goes.
A light, in a dark ravine you're traversing through. You see a tall figure. A man, with a wooden mask resembling a cat. His coat is purple, fancy, like he was a royal. His brown boots sleek, polished. A sane being able to have a proper conversation with?
His voice, refined, posh. He went on a few minutes, monologing how dark and depressing the world is. You decide to let him have his time talking, with how the dungeons were, he probably was lonely and needed to get some things off his mind. Soon, he sighs and gets to a topic that makes your eyes widen and your fists clench.
He asks for the little girl that you brought along in your journey.
In return, he would offer you a reward of a powerful sword, with only a few blows, could slay enemies easily. Your eyes dart to the long sword in your hand, getting duller. It seems the dungeon's darkness also effected the utility of items, too.
You probably couldn't stand a chance with the enemies soon to come with this sword. There's only so many times you can run away.
Do you trade away your travel companion, this girl you found just a few hours ago, for a better chance of survival?
(idk I was thinking that you're the questions guy I thought why not give you epic funger scenario)
ouhhh is this that cat guy i've heard so much about
honestly um? Desperate survival situation?? I can't say much on what desperate survival me would do maybe u should kidnap me (honestly I don't know what not desperate survival situation me is up to most of the time). BUT hypothetically yeah I am putting that kids safety above my own u got that right,, Absolutely adore children and also I think I would get lonely pretty quickly especially while im like. Sitting here fighting for my life. Lonely me easily translates to desperate me which easily equals not pretty good. (bro can't be left alone in the dungeon for a few hours 🤣🤣🤣🤣)
I would just sharpen my sword myself honestly man bet you didn't think about that huh [i am going 2 die horribly]. I mean based on recent trends it's just going 2 keep getting harder so like? I'll die eventually. Why give up some kid while I'm at it [<- HIS ASS IS GOING TO GET BOTH ITSELD AND THE KID KILLED] Also I don't trust that guy anyways. People with elaborate voices aren't trustworthy
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