#is there a right answer 2 this do i win a prize. Most morally correct reasoning award
twilightarcade ยท 8 months
You're in the dungeons of Fear and Hunger. Your reasons for traversing the world to arrive at this decrepit place has lost you, at this point. The dungeons had a special, otherworldly cursed effect on you. Your hunger and mind dwindled much faster than it should have. Though, time was impossible to tell. Now your main objective here was to merely survive.
Early on, you spot a cage that held a little girl. Scarred arms, blue eyes, ginger hair, wearing a black dress. The way she seemed, she could be no older than 10. Why was a soul like hers imprisoned here, where the worst offending criminals were meant to rot? You unlock her cage, she nods a thanks. Meek and unspeaking.
Soon after you find a small dagger, one that is much unsuitable to your hands. But to the girl, it fit in her palm comfortably. She aids you as best as she can in the dungeons, though you try to make sure her safety is above yours.
The next gift for her was a small doll that you both found in a cell. What it was existing there for was an unknown that you didn't truly care about. You gave it to her, to hold on, to comfort her. She has a small smile.
Now you've dwelled deep. How deep did this dungeon go? Your equipment is starting to be a bit too weak for the stronger and more horrific enemies the deeper this hellhole goes.
A light, in a dark ravine you're traversing through. You see a tall figure. A man, with a wooden mask resembling a cat. His coat is purple, fancy, like he was a royal. His brown boots sleek, polished. A sane being able to have a proper conversation with?
His voice, refined, posh. He went on a few minutes, monologing how dark and depressing the world is. You decide to let him have his time talking, with how the dungeons were, he probably was lonely and needed to get some things off his mind. Soon, he sighs and gets to a topic that makes your eyes widen and your fists clench.
He asks for the little girl that you brought along in your journey.
In return, he would offer you a reward of a powerful sword, with only a few blows, could slay enemies easily. Your eyes dart to the long sword in your hand, getting duller. It seems the dungeon's darkness also effected the utility of items, too.
You probably couldn't stand a chance with the enemies soon to come with this sword. There's only so many times you can run away.
Do you trade away your travel companion, this girl you found just a few hours ago, for a better chance of survival?
(idk I was thinking that you're the questions guy I thought why not give you epic funger scenario)
ouhhh is this that cat guy i've heard so much about
honestly um? Desperate survival situation?? I can't say much on what desperate survival me would do maybe u should kidnap me (honestly I don't know what not desperate survival situation me is up to most of the time). BUT hypothetically yeah I am putting that kids safety above my own u got that right,, Absolutely adore children and also I think I would get lonely pretty quickly especially while im like. Sitting here fighting for my life. Lonely me easily translates to desperate me which easily equals not pretty good. (bro can't be left alone in the dungeon for a few hours ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ)
I would just sharpen my sword myself honestly man bet you didn't think about that huh [i am going 2 die horribly]. I mean based on recent trends it's just going 2 keep getting harder so like? I'll die eventually. Why give up some kid while I'm at it [<- HIS ASS IS GOING TO GET BOTH ITSELD AND THE KID KILLED] Also I don't trust that guy anyways. People with elaborate voices aren't trustworthy
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foxlover0615 ยท 1 year
Karini: What ifโ€ฆ
Part 2 title: Why did I say yes?
What if my black OC met Hawks
Part 1 Part 3
July 11th
Emily found some abandoned apartment that was told to be haunted
So of course with Emilyโ€™s love for anything horror she decided to stay at that place until she can get enough money for a real place
Emily saw how the place looked clean it just needed light
So of course the smart thing to do was break the window so there was more light in the day
After renovating the place to how she liked it Emily layed on her couch and sighed
But then somebody banged on the door making Emily groan in pain
โ€œWho is it?!?!โ€œ Emily shouted as she was getting off of the couch but then thatโ€™s when Emily realized
สทแตƒโฑแต— แตƒ แตˆแตƒแตโฟ แตโฑโฟแต˜แต—แต‰ แต—สฐโฑหข แต–หกแตƒแถœแต‰ โฑหข แตƒแต‡แตƒโฟแตˆแต’โฟแต‰แตˆ
Emily whispers to herself as she panics and walks back and forth
สทสฐแต’ แต—สฐแต‰ สฐแต‰หกหก โฑหข แต—สฐแตƒแต—
Emily takes out her wings and sharpens them as most of the feathers fall of her wings
Emily took one with no feather and was gonna use it as a blade
แต’แตแตƒสธ แต‰แตโฑหกสธ สฒแต˜หขแต— แตƒแต—แต—แตƒแถœแต แต—สฐแต‰แต สทโฑแต—สฐ สธแต’แต˜สณ แต‡หกแตƒแตˆแต‰ แตƒโฟแตˆ สทแต‰ แตแต’แต’แตˆ. สทแตƒโฑแต— สทสฐสธ แตƒแต โฑ สทสฐโฑหขแต–แต‰สณโฑโฟแต โฑโฟ แตสธ สฐแต‰แตƒแตˆ
Emily kick opens the door and saw no one outside
โ€œCause your stupid ass donโ€™t knpw the difference between goofy and stupid,โ€œ Some guy in a black suit says
โ€œOh hey Ken are you gonna kidnap me or kill me?โ€œ Emily asks
โ€œYes. And if you want to live just do as I say and we can make this quick,โ€œ Ken says and takes out a gun pointing it at her head
โ€œOkay Mr. Martin how about we play a game before we go,โ€œ Emily suggested but then she threw her blade him
Ken caught the blade with ease and it actually snuggled up on him
โ€œWait a minute what?โ€œ Ken asked but then all but one blade snuggled up on him and Emily couldn't help but smirk as she ran out of the door
But then she ran into some guy in a mask and they fell down the emergency stairs
Emily landed on top of him and the two were then unconscious
The only words she heard was the name โ€œkenjiโ€œ
Emily woke up blind folded and head pounding from getting attacked
โ€œGod where am I? Please let me live,โ€œ Emily prayed as a man with a deep voice laughed
โ€œWelcome everyone to the game show of a life time my name is Simon Moral and this is..โ€œ The guy stop talking and suddenly the words โ€œ Welcome questionnaireโ€œ echos the room
โ€œOh my god where the hell am I?โ€œ Emily asked genually nervous
Claps cancels out her voice and cries for help
โ€œThis contestant will have 3 different questions to answer per round in order to get the wordn needed for the final round where sheโ€™ll create the question for us to answer,โ€œ Simon says and Emily stopped shaking as she thought about what they just said
โ€œNote there are no manipulation allowed, no screaming allowed, and no looking allowed,โ€œ Simon says
โ€œHow the hell can I look if I'm blindfolded?โ€œ Emily asked but Simon ignored her question
First round is TV shows
โ€œDora the Explorer has a certain cousin that got their own spin off series. What is their name?โ€œ Simon asked
โ€œDiego,โ€ Emily answers and some weird applause soundโ€™s surrounded her
โ€œWhy does it sound like itโ€™s coming from everywhere?โ€ Emily asked herself
Next question
โ€œ In the popular l Disney series โ€˜Kim Possibleโ€™ who was Dr. Drakken sidekick?โ€ Simon asked
โ€œWho the hell is Dr. Drakken?โ€ Emily asked
โ€œOh come on Emily you got the series main villainโ€ฆ but if you want a hint itโ€™ll cost ya,โ€ Simon suggested
โ€œWait wasnโ€™t that a hint already?โ€ Emily asked right back
โ€œANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!โ€ Simon shouted and Emily responded
โ€œI donโ€™t know! That seรฑor senior guy?โ€ Emily asked and suddenly a bunch of boiling hot water falls on her
Emilyโ€™s wings popped out and protected her head but in the process gets burned
Emily was about to scream in pain but stopped herself and just groaned
โ€œCorrect answer was Shego,โ€ Simon says and sighs
โ€œYou know Emily if you keep on answering wrong weโ€™re gonna have to punish you and you wonโ€™t be able to win the special prize,โ€ Simon informed and her and she scoffed
โ€œWhat if donโ€™t give any shits about your prize and I just want to leave?โ€ Emily asked sarcastically
โ€œ Well of course how you feel wouldnโ€™t matter the only thing that matters is how this competition ends,โ€ Simon says as he explains the final question
โ€œSince you answered the question incorrectly you wonโ€™t be able to get the last question of this round of the special round time to go to the next round,โ€ Simon says and Emily new that hell was coming
After two more rounds of all of this Emily was so close to really going insane
โ€œOkay I answered all the questions just let me go!โ€ Emily begged
โ€œThatโ€™s adorable of you to beg but we still have one more think for you to do,โ€ Simon says squeezing Emilyโ€™s cheeks
โ€œAll I need for you is to tell me the question and I will answer the question,โ€ Simon was now talking in a baby voice
โ€œYour asking me who is someone but I donโ€™t know the name. How can I answer this question if I donโ€™t have the clue?โ€ Emily asked but then she felt him pull her head close enough to the point they were just inches away
โ€œIf you get this wrong I will pour spiders on your head. I know how you are to them. If you fail I will kill you,โ€ Simon says slamming the wall behind me
โ€œI need the fricking clue in order to know the answer,โ€ Emily says crying at that second
โ€œPlease just tell me the clue I let you do whatever you want with me. Please, just donโ€™t kill me,โ€ Emily says and Simon licked the tears off her face
โ€œYouโ€™ll do whatever I want right?โ€ Simon whispered in her ear
โ€œYes anything to stay alive,โ€ Emily says
โ€œI want you to first kiss me then I want you to join us,โ€ Simon whispers
โ€œYes anything at all. Just let me free,โ€ Emily says tears still running down her face
Suddenly she was unlocked and Emilyโ€™s arms felt so tired and was hurt
โ€œSimon she already said she was joining you still wanna continue?โ€ Another voice said but Emily recognized that voice
โ€œI know that voice are you Elliottโ€™s son uhโ€ฆ Ken?โ€ Emily asked turning her head the same direction she heard the voice
Simon lifted Emily up and had her against a wall and started kissing her neck
โ€œSimon! You said-โ€œ Ken was interrupted by Simon
โ€œShe said she would do whatever I want so how about you give us some room,โ€ Simon suggested
Soon Simon kissed her but oddly enough it was soft it wasnโ€™t as rough as he was when he shot her
Dropping Emily on the ground and himself as of well.
Emily took off the blindfold and saw how the room looked and it surprised her
The room was multicolored but it had blue almost everywhere
She saw that she was locked to some giant x in the middle of the empy room
But of course right above that x was a bunch of spiders running around in a glass container
Emily fave turned white thinking that she was almost dead but lucked out and survived
Emily looked down and recognized Simon as her exโ€™s brother
โ€œWait your Sofiaโ€™s brother? Why would youโ€ฆ do this?โ€ Emily asked getting off of him as she sees Ken pointing a gun at Simon
โ€œBecause you betrayed herโ€ฆโ€ Simon says moving away from the two
โ€œYou made her think you loved her when in reality you only wanted her for popularity,โ€ Simon says
โ€œI loved her I only broke up with her because she cheated on me with someone else,โ€ Emily admitted and Simon was shocked
โ€œChange the channel I donโ€™t like this stupid soap opera,โ€ Someone else said and everyone turned their attention to someone
โ€œI told you to play a simple game with her using a little violent twist but instead you not only got the girl crying, your sexual desires got the better if you, but you also threatened to kill her when the whole point of having her was so she would join us,โ€ The man said
โ€œOh my god your Elliott. Why do you want me?โ€ Emily asked falling onto her knees and crawling away from the men
โ€œIs this all because of Sofia? Iโ€™m sorry but sheโ€™s the one who hurt me so I left her. But she wasnโ€™t the reason why I left America,โ€ Emily admits and starts to cry again
Simon gets up at her and looks at her in anger
โ€œYou lying BITCH!โ€ Simon yelled and throws the glass container that had spiders in it at her
But then some vines grabbed it and pulled it up before it can hit her in the face
Emily looked up and saw a guy with a stichted together mask while holding the containter
Kenji what are you doing up there you could hurt yourself again
โ€œIโ€™m fine I canโ€™t hurt myself while Iโ€™m iโ€™m up here,โ€œ Kenji said and Elliott walked to Emily
Emily was already backed up in a corner and was crying so the only thing she could do now was pray again that she wasnโ€™t gonna die
To Emilyโ€™s surprise Elliott put out his hand making Emily look at it in more fear
โ€œTake my hand I want to show you something,โ€œ Elliott says and out of fear Emily did as he said
They left the room and arrived outside where people were staring at them
Emily was terrified as to what was gonna happen next but the two stopp moving and Elliott looked at her His tall physiquw scared her and made him seem like a powerful person and a leader
โ€œLook to your left and what do you see?โ€œ Elliott asked and Emily wiped away her tears just so her vision wouldnโ€™t be blurry
It was so weird. Itโ€™s like Emily left Japan and made it into an entirely new dystopia
โ€œWait what is this?โ€œ Emily asked in fear as to how she got there
โ€œDonโ€™t worry angel your still in Japan just an underground version,โ€œ Elliott says with a smile
โ€œWhen Hawks calls me angel itโ€™s cute and makes me happy but when he does that itโ€™s disgusting. I donโ€™t like this guy he is up to no good,โ€œ Emily thinks as she fakes her smile
โ€œEmily this place isnโ€™t a normal town youโ€™d find anywhere. This is what I like to call Clandestine,โ€œ Elliott says
โ€œA what?โ€œ Emily blurts out
โ€œWhy donโ€™t I explain while we take a walk,โ€œ Elliott suggested
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โ€œBut Elliott what tells you what your doing right now isnโ€™t creating a version of the hero safety commision?โ€œ Emily asked
โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€œ Elliot asked
โ€œThe commision created heroes to protect the world against villains and criminals. Nobody would be safs if ut wasnโ€™t for them, but the priblem was that they lied to the heroes and promised them that they can โ€œ change the worldโ€œ when instead they just y
joined a never ending battle between life and death!โ€œ Emily says to him
โ€œBeing a hero means risking your life everyday just to give civilians an easier and better life. You want to do the same exact thing as the commision except what your doing has more drama A.K.A you have a better backstory,โ€œ Emily points out while crossing her arms and Elliott shakes her head
โ€œWhat they have is tyranny while I want is a democracy,โ€œ Elliott tried to persuade Emily
โ€œIf what they have is tyranny than so do you. No matter how hard you try at freedom or equality it can never happen because no one will ever be seen as equal or free,โ€œ Emily says to him in anger and Elliott became quiet
To Emily Elliott wasted her time kidnapping her and telling her some bedtime story so she can what join him
โ€œI just hope you that heroes, assassins, and villains are one of the same. Heroes kill also known as save to protect civilians, assassins kill just cause their told to, and villains kill cause they were probably neglected in life and seen as a villain so they kill to unloxk their inner child,โ€œ Emilg admits and walks past him
Emily obviously didnโ€™t know her way out so she just hoped she could find an elevator
Suddenly she felt something sting her on the head and Emily saw in her reflection it was two spiders
โ€œWhy แตแต‰?โ€œ Emily fell to the ground and was knocked out in mere seconds
When suddenly everything went black and the last thing being heard was a loud bang
Emily woke back up with a bruise on her head and at the hospital
Emily saw flowers next to her with cards
Emily turned to her left and saw Hawks next to her
โ€œIโ€™m glad your okay I was worried about you,โ€œ Hawks says hugging her tightly but then Emily groaned
โ€œOh sorry I guess I was a little to tight,โ€œ Hawks smiles sheepishly
โ€œGosh how did I get here?โ€œ Emily asked
โ€œThe doctors said you got hit in the head and got bitten by two spiders,โ€œ Hawks says and Emily looked at him with most surprised but annoyed face yet
โ€œOh wow I got sent to the hospital because of spiders. But why are you here? Shouldn't you be saving the world,โ€œ Emily emphasize with her hands
โ€œIf you ever get sent to the hospital Iโ€™m gonna come here and stay with you as long as I can,โ€œ Hawks says and someone enters the room
โ€œMr. Hawks you have to go now. YYou have a meeting with the number 2 hero and the number 1 hero,โ€œ A woman in a suit says and Emily rolls her eyes
โ€œUh well...โ€œ Hawks says but Emily chuckle
โ€œ Go on birdbrain you have a meeting with top heroes so go do your thing,โ€œ Emily smirks while Hawks nodded and left her in the room
Emily immediately opened the cards that was next to her until she found the one
It was a blue and black card full of beautiful spirals
It had a small sentence on it โ€™Finish the questionโ€™
Who is _____?
There was a pen next to her on the counter
Emily wrote the name in their and sighed before reading her answer out loud
โ€œWho is Keigo?โ€œ Emily asked when suddenly a checkmark appeared on it
Words appeared on the card out of then air as it did disappear
โ€™Check your emails at home their is a present at your abodeโ€™
After Emily gets taken out of the hospital she made it at home where she saw a box in front of her
Emily sat on her couch and opened the box. There was a small flash drive along with gloves and arrows
โ€œWhat the-โ€œ Emily stopped herself and put the flash drive in her phone
โ€œWelcome Emily to โ€™The Societiesโ€™ where people get reborn into a better them and become assassins,โ€œ A male voice said
โ€œNo,โ€œ Emily says and turns off her phone before laying down on the couch and closing her eyes
โ€œ You probably tried turning off this well guess what you canโ€™t escape this. Of you tell someone you will die, if you try killing yourself your family and friends will die, and if you try to disobey orders you will die,โ€œ The voice says revealing themselves to be Elliott
โ€œNow Emily as your clue said who is Keigo? He is known as Hawks the pro hero. I want you to date him in order to get intel from him. Sad part is you I want you to disguise yourselves as a pro hero since not only will it be easiert to be aaround him but itโ€™ll be easier to kill certain targets you are assigned as a her,โ€œ Elliott says and try harder to turn off the phone
Emily took out the flash drive but the video continued
โ€œNow Emily Sheresko are you ready to become a defender?โ€œ Elliott asked and Emily sighed pressing 'yesโ€™
My life always have to be a pain
Years later
โ€œNow this is interesting. So basically you joined the defenders cause you was threatened but also because you were curious,โ€œ The blonde woman said
โ€œCuriosity? In what way?โ€œ Emily asked crossing her arms
โ€œSee when Defenders want to invite someone they go on and make riddles where the answer could be anything random like โ€™who killed rodger Rabbit?โ€™ or something related to a mission like yours โ€™who is Keigo Takami?โ€™โ€œ The blonde explains
โ€œSometimes when they deny or donโ€™t join at all curiosity gets the better of them and they accidentally answer the question making them stuck there in the defenders society,โ€œ The blonde continues
โ€œYeah I know that I shoulda never answer the question but come on who wouldnโ€™t try right?โ€œ Emily said trying to help her understand the situation
โ€œYou did this to yourself, brought yourself in this situation. Canโ€™t blame anyone but yourself. Sure you got lucky you wasnโ€™t raped by your exes brother but overall everything that happened to you is just a case of bad luck,โ€œ The blondd told her
โ€œCourtney, you know how traumatizing that is for me. Just to feel weak and defensless while a guy is all up on you. Then just to hear your stuck in a cult like society,โ€œ Emily said to the blonde
โ€œI understand that but then again you couldโ€™ve forgotten it all. But instead you kept this hidden within,โ€œ Courtney said to her
โ€œWell who can I talk to? I got no family here, no friends whoโ€™d understand, currently I donโ€™t even talk to my neighbors,โ€œ Emily explained to Courtney
โ€œThen try your best to come out of your comfort zone cause obviously you need a friend to talk too and not just some boyfriend or a therapist an actual friend,โ€œ Courtney says in a serious tone and Emily chuckled
โ€œHow rude of you to not call me a friend,โ€œ Emily said and Courtney smiled
โ€œHow can someone like you not have at least 100 friends?โ€œ Courtney asked
โ€œHow come someone like you got plastic surgery and faked your age to get guys?โ€œ Emily asked and Courtney was trying to think of something to say back
โ€œYou know you talk too much,โ€œ Courtney smirked defeatedly
โ€œYep!โ€œ Emily smiled
0 notes
horrorslashergirl ยท 4 years
Kinda want a part two of Chromeskull with the tattoo artist!reader. Maybe with her divorcing her husband, starting a relationship with Jesse and getting the tattoo he suggested.
Chromeskull x Tattoo Artist!Reader- Guilty Pleasures Part 2
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Authors Note: You asked and you recieved. Part two of this taboo guilty relationship. You simply cannot say no, no to this man.
Part 1 HERE
Warnings: None I can think of.
Words: 1.4k
Were you feeling guilty? Probably. Did you care? Most likely not. Looking into the mirror of your bathroom after a night of stressful sleep and at this very moment, you were glad your husband left earlier for work, not in the mood to put up with anything.
To say that the affair you had with your boss was eating at your mind was a faint understatement because sickly, you enjoyed it a lot and in a more twisted way, you wanted more.
The past week has been a hazardous adventure you weren't looking forward to having, not one bit, especially after your parents-in-law came unannounced, a particular reason you hated them, but at first, you thought that's what everyone feels about their own parents-in-law.
Your husband's father wasn't a problem, surprisingly you didn't mind him, he never criticized you, only talked about the old days and he was as calm as a beach in the winter can be. The problem was your mother-in-law and sometimes you wondered if jail was worth it to get rid of the old hag.
She always spoke well of her son and gave you unwanted advice about how a wife should be. To put it bluntly, she wanted you to be the perfect housewife which in your opinion wasn't a good attribute in your book, but you meant well. You learned to cook better for the sake of this marriage, learned to control your rebellious attitude, which was quite the challenge, but she demanded more and more out of you.
The topic came this week when she came unannounced and she asked when you and her son were going to have a baby. You almost choked on your drink and the answer that your husband gave, made you more anxious.
Alright, you loved children and the idea of being a mother was a plan in the future, but not with him.
That's why you were looking like a corpse at this moment; ever since that discussion your husband opened the topic of having children with each day, and your answer always was the same.
'In the close future.'
You wanted to escape so badly, but being a divorced woman in society wasn't exactly a big plus and you knew that if it would happen you would be seen as the villain and everyone will probably tag you with words that would drown your self-esteem.
Staying in an unhappy marriage for the sake of society. How marvelous!
You grimaced, staying outside on the front porch of your house, taking a deep drag of smoke and exhaling like the nicotine will ease your nerves. It was another late night full of arguments and whatnot with your husband; he seemed to find flaws in each step you took. When the door opened your gaze moved to your husband who had a very serious expression, his arms crossed and you knew he was going to say something.
"I want a divorce." he simply stated, making you raise your eyebrows in surprise. Well, you clearly didn't see that one coming.
After you finished your cigarette and got inside, he told you that there was no point in maintaining this marriage and according to him you were embarrassing him, destroying his image.
Pffff...What image? What reputation?
To say that the divorce went simply was an understatement. You didn't have too much to take from this marriage, the house was his, the car too, you just had your little belongings and that was it. He was just surprised that you didn't want to undress him of money or any winning.
The ultimate prize of this divorce was that you will be finally free; no more critiques, no more useless arguments over the smallest things in life.
You were back at work at one of Jesse's warehouses, inking up one of his henchmen, when the door opened and the tall and imposing form of your boss was blocking the door. The guy you were tattooing quickly got up and left the two of you alone; smart guy.
'I'd heard about your divorce.' the electronic voice spoke and you internally groaned.
"The rumors are really floating here quickly, huh?" you asked, not really surprised. Jesse had a habit of knowing every small detail of his employees.
'You're finally free.' he stated, a sentence that the intentions were clearly; reminding you that this is what you bragged about wanting before you two went at it like rabbits.
"Yes, but I don't feel like it."
'How come?'
"Well, his family hates my guts, all of our friends took his part and pretty much labeled me as a 'whore'....I don't know...How would you feel?" you asked, arms crossed and eyebrow raised, your mood clearly not a good one.
'I'm a widower.'
Ouch, that hit a nerve and he was right. He lost much more than you, not to mention being just inches from dying.
"Sorry. I'm just....I didn't know how hard a divorce can fuck up one's self-esteem." you said, sitting down and running a hand through your hair.
One brown eye looked curiously at you, then he closed the door, stepping towards you, his huge hand cupping your cheek, making you look at him.
'Do I have to remind you how beautiful and amazing you are?'ย 
You knew he was just trying to cheer you up, pull you up from the shreds and ashes your now ex-husband created, but why? Jesse wasn't being nice without a reason, you weren't one of these guidable piggies he either fucked or killed or both. The man was the vainest person you knew, even with his face the result it is today, he could pull off the drop-dead charming casanova attitude with ease.
"You don't have to lose your time trying to cheer me up." you muttered, only for your nose to be caught between two of his fingers, making you squeak a little, making him smirk, fingers typing on the phone.
'What if I want to spend all the time with you, dollface?'
Alright, that was new. He never showed interest in you, and that affair you had with him was something that you would classify it was accidental and desperate, something you didn't want to happen again....But you're divorced now, right? Single, free and to do as you please.
"Don't say things you don't mean.....plus this is..." you didn't know exactly what to say.
'Wrong?' he signed, looking at you with amusement.
'Correct me if I'm wrong, but....when you were married you didn't found it wrong to jump my dick.' he typed on the phone, a smug look on his scarred face at the expression you made when you read his response.
"I-I didn't-" you quickly said, only to be stopped, when he spun you around, pinning you against the cold wall of the room, a silent snarl pulling at his lips, giving you a glimpse of the predator that he truly was inside.
'Pleeeeease...Don't act like such a prude.' he types on the phone with one hand, the other slowly running up your waist, dragging your shirt up, exposing more skin with each inch his hand was running up.
You were left speechless; no wonder all these piggies were falling on their knees for him, he wasn't one to be denied, to be said 'no' to.
"You're my boss!" you said, feeling your cheeks heat up at his obscene suggestions.
He snorted in your response, rolling his brown eye.
'You're one to bring up moralities now? You cheated on your husband with your boss...and you liked it.' he typed, his body moving to be flush against yours, feeling how excited he was, not like you were any different down with how moist your panties got from all the sexual tension.
'You're just as fucked up as I am...Not that I mind one bit.' he typed, another flash of pearly white pulled into an arrogant grin.
"P-Please..." you didn't know what you begged for.
Were you begging for him to stop this charade or were you begging for him to finish this nonsense?
'You were mine from the moment you spread your legs for me.'
Oh God, this was so humiliating.
Your eyes were wide open, looking up at him, both breaths heavy, then the lips came crashing together into a needy and passionate kiss.
It was true, you were his....The moment you took up on his advice and inked your whole arm into the tattoo he suggested.
Skulls and Roses.
95 notes ยท View notes
confrontingbabble-on ยท 6 years
โ€œOne cause of dysrationalia is that people tend to be cognitive misers, meaning that they take the easy way out when trying to solve problems, often leading to solutions that are wrong.ย 
Another cause of dysrationalia is the mindware gap, which occurs when people lack the specific knowledge, rules and strategies needed to think rationally.ย 
Tests do exist that can measure dysrationalia, and they should be given more often to pick up the deficiencies that IQ tests miss.ย 
... shallow processing can lead physicians to choose less effective medical treatments, can cause people to fail to adequately assess risks in their environment, can lead to the misuse of information in legal proceedings, and can make parents resist vaccinating their children.ย 
Decades of research in cognitive psychology have suggested two causes of dysrationalia. One is a processing problem, the other a content problem. Much is known about both of them.
The Case of the Cognitive Miser
When approaching a problem, we can choose from any of several cognitive mechanisms. Some mechanisms have great computational power, letting us solve many problems with great accuracy, but they are slow, require much concentration and can interfere with other cognitive tasks. Others are comparatively low in computational power, but they are fast, require little concentration and do not interfere with other ongoing cognition. Humans are cognitive misers because our basic tendency is to default to the processing mechanisms that require less computational effort, even when they are less accurate.
Are you a cognitive miser? Consider the following problem, taken from the work of Hector Levesque, a computer scientist at the University of Toronto. Try to answer it yourself before reading the solution:
1. Jack is looking at Anne, but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Cannot be determined
More than 80 percent of people choose C. But the correct answer is A. Here is how to think it through logically: Anne is the only person whose marital status is unknown. You need to consider both possibilities, either married or unmarried, to determine whether you have enough information to draw a conclusion. If Anne is married, the answer is A: she would be the married person who is looking at an unmarried person (George). If Anne is not married, the answer is still A: in this case, Jack is the married person, and he is looking at Anne, the unmarried person. This thought process is called fully disjunctive reasoningโ€”reasoning that considers all possibilities. The fact that the problem does not reveal whether Anne is or is not married suggests to people that they do not have enough information, and they make the easiest inference (C) without thinking through all the possibilities.
Most people can carry out fully disjunctive reasoning when they are explicitly told that it is necessary (as when there is no option like โ€œcannot be determinedโ€ available). But most do not automatically do so, and the tendency to do so is only weakly correlated with intelligence.
Here is another test of cognitive miserliness, as described by Nobel Prizeโ€“winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman and his colleague Shane Frederick:
2. A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
Many people give the first response that comes to mindโ€”10 cents. But if they thought a little harder, they would realize that this cannot be right: the bat would then have to cost $1.10, for a total of $1.20. IQ is no guarantee against this error. Kahneman and Frederick found that large numbers of highly select university students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton and Harvard were cognitive misers, just like the rest of us, when given this and similar problems.
Another characteristic of cognitive misers is the โ€œmysideโ€ biasโ€”the tendency to reason from an egocentric perspective. In a 2008 study my colleague Richard West of James Madison University and I presented a group of subjects with the following thought problem:
3. Imagine that the U.S. Department of Transportation has found that a particular German car is eight times more likely than a typical family car to kill occupants of another car in a crash. The federal government is considering restricting sale and use of this German car. Please answer the following two questions: Do you think sales of the German car should be banned in the U.S.? Do you think the German car should be banned from being driven on American streets?
Then we presented a different group of subjects with the thought problem stated a different wayโ€”more in line with the true data from the Department of Transportation at the time, which had found an increased risk of fatalities not in a German car but in an American one:
Imagine that the Department of Transportation has found that the Ford Explorer is eight times more likely than a typical family car to kill occupants of another car in a crash. The German government is considering restricting sale or use of the Ford Explorer. Please answer the following two questions: Do you think sales of the Ford Explorer should be banned in Germany? Do you think the Ford Explorer should be banned from being driven on German streets?
Among the American subjects we tested, we found considerable support for banning the car when it was a German car being banned for American use: 78.4 percent thought car sales should be banned, and 73.7 percent thought the car should be kept off the streets. But for the subjects for whom the question was stated as whether an American car should be banned in Germany, there was a statistically significant difference: only 51.4 percent thought car sales should be banned, and just 39.2 percent thought the car should be kept off German streets, even though the car in question was presented as having exactly the same poor safety record.
This study illustrates our tendency to evaluate a situation from our own perspective. We weigh evidence and make moral judgments with a myside bias that often leads to dysrationalia that is independent of measured intelligence. The same is true for other tendencies of the cognitive miser that have been much studied, such as attribute substitution and conjunction errors; they are at best only slightly related to intelligence and are poorly captured by conventional intelligence tests.
The Mindware Gap
The second source of dysrationalia is a content problem. We need to acquire specific knowledge to think and act rationally. Harvard cognitive scientist David Perkins coined the term โ€œmindwareโ€ to refer to the rules, data, procedures, strategies and other cognitive tools (knowledge of probability, logic and scientific inference) that must be retrieved from memory to think rationally. The absence of this knowledge creates a mindware gapโ€”again, something that is not tested on typical intelligence tests.
One aspect of mindware is probabilistic thinking, which can be measured. Try to answer the following problem before you read on:
4. Imagine that XYZ viral syndrome is a serious condition that affects one person in 1,000. Imagine also that the test to diagnose the disease always indicates correctly that a person who has the XYZ virus actually has it. Finally, suppose that this test occasionally misidentifies a healthy individual as having XYZ. The test has a false-positive rate of 5 percent, meaning that the test wrongly indicates that the XYZ virus is present in 5 percent of the cases where the person does not have the virus.
Next we choose a person at random and administer the test, and the person tests positive for XYZ syndrome. Assuming we know nothing else about that individual's medical history, what is the probability (expressed as a percentage ranging from zero to 100) that the individual really has XYZ?
The most common answer is 95 percent. But that is wrong. People tend to ignore the first part of the setup, which states that only one person in 1,000 will actually have XYZ syndrome. If the other 999 (who do not have the disease) are tested, the 5 percent false-positive rate means that approximately 50 of them (0.05 times 999) will be told they have XYZ. Thus, for every 51 patients who test positive for XYZ, only one will actually have it. Because of the relatively low base rate of the disease and the relatively high false-positive rate, most people who test positive for XYZ syndrome will not have it. The answer to the question, then, is that the probability a person who tests positive for XYZ syndrome actually has it is one in 51, or approximately 2 percent.
A second aspect of mindware, the ability to think scientifically, is also missing from standard IQ tests, but it, too, can be readily measured:
5. An experiment is conducted to test the efficacy of a new medical treatment. Picture a 2 x 2 matrix that summarizes the results as follows:
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As you can see, 200 patients were given the experimental treatment and improved; 75 were given the treatment and did not improve; 50 were not given the treatment and improved; and 15 were not given the treatment and did not improve. Before reading ahead, answer this question with a yes or no: Was the treatment effective?
Most people will say yes. They focus on the large number of patients (200) in whom treatment led to improvement and on the fact that of those who received treatment, more patients improved (200) than failed to improve (75). Because the probability of improvement (200 out of 275 treated, or 200/275 = 0.727) seems high, people tend to believe the treatment works. But this reflects an error in scientific thinking: an inability to consider the control group, something that (disturbingly) even physicians are often guilty of. In the control group, improvement occurred even when the treatment was not given. The probability of improvement with no treatment (50 out of 65 not treated, or 50/65 = 0.769) is even higher than the probability of improvement with treatment, meaning that the treatment being tested can be judged to be completely ineffective.
Another mindware problem relates to hypothesis testing. This, too, is rarely tested on IQ tests, even though it can be reliably measured, as Peter C. Wason of University College London showed. Try to solve the following puzzle, called the four-card selection task, before reading ahead:
6. As seen in the diagram, four cards are sitting on a table. Each card has a letter on one side and a number on the other. Two cards are letter-side up, and two of the cards are number-side up. The rule to be tested is this: for these four cards, if a card has a vowel on its letter side, it has an even number on its number side. Your task is to decide which card or cards must be turned over to find out whether the rule is true or false. Indicate which cards must be turned over.
Most people get the answer wrong, and it has been devilishly hard to figure out why. About half of them say you should pick A and 8: a vowel to see if there is an even number on its reverse side and an even number to see if there is a vowel on its reverse. Another 20 percent choose to turn over the A card only, and another 20 percent turn over other incorrect combinations. That means that 90 percent of people get it wrong.
Let's see where people tend to run into trouble. They are okay with the letter cards: most people correctly choose A. The difficulty is in the number cards: most people mistakenly choose 8. Why is it wrong to choose 8? Read the rule again: it says that a vowel must have an even number on the back, but it says nothing about whether an even number must have a vowel on the back or what kind of number a consonant must have. (It is because the rule says nothing about consonants, by the way, that there is no need to see what is on the back of the K.) So finding a consonant on the back of the 8 would say nothing about whether the rule is true or false. In contrast, the 5 card, which most people do not choose, is essential. The 5 card might have a vowel on the back. And if it does, the rule would be shown to be false because that would mean that not all vowels have even numbers on the back. In short, to show that the rule is not false, the 5 card must be turned over.
When asked to prove something true or false, people tend to focus on confirming the rule rather than falsifying it. This is why they turn over the 8 card, to confirm the rule by observing a vowel on the other side, and the A card, to find the confirming even number. But if they thought scientifically, they would look for a way to falsify the ruleโ€”a thought pattern that would immediately suggest the relevance of the 5 card (which might contain a disconfirming vowel on the back). Seeking falsifying evidence is a crucial component of scientific thinking. But for most people, this bit of mindware must be taught until it becomes second nature.
Dysrationalia and Intelligence
The modern period of intelligence research was inaugurated by Charles Spearman in a famous paper published in 1904 in the American Journal of Psychology. Spearman found that performance on one cognitive task tends to correlate with performance on other cognitive tasks. He termed this correlation the positive manifold, the belief that all cognitive skills will show substantial correlations with one another. This belief has dominated the field ever since.
Yet as research in my lab and elsewhere has shown, rational thinking can be surprisingly dissociated from intelligence. Individuals with high IQs are no less likely to be cognitive misers than those with lower IQs. In a Levesque problem, for instance (the โ€œJack is looking at Anne, who is looking at Georgeโ€ problem discussed earlier), high IQ is no guarantee against the tendency to take the easy way out. No matter what their IQ, most people need to be told that fully disjunctive reasoning will be necessary to solve the puzzle, or else they won't bother to use it. Maggie Toplak of York University in Toronto, West and I have shown that high-IQ people are only slightly more likely to spontaneously adopt disjunctive reasoning in situations that do not explicitly demand it.
For the second source of dysrationalia, mindware deficits, we would expect to see some correlation with intelligence because gaps in mindware often arise from lack of education, and education tends to be reflected in IQ scores. But the knowledge and thinking styles relevant to dysrationalia are often not picked up until rather late in life. It is quite possible for intelligent people to go through school and never be taught probabilistic thinking, scientific reasoning, and other strategies measured by the XYZ virus puzzle and the four-card selection task described earlier.
When rational thinking is correlated with intelligence, the correlation is usually quite modest. Avoidance of cognitive miserliness has a correlation with IQ in the range of 0.20 to 0.30 (on the scale of correlation coefficients that runs from 0 to 1.0). Sufficient mindware has a similar modest correlation, in the range of 0.25 to 0.35. These correlations allow for substantial discrepancies between intelligence and rationality. Intelligence is thus no inoculation against any of the sources of dysrationalia I have discussed.โ€
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ramajmedia ยท 5 years
10 Jokes From The Parks & Rec. That Have Already Aged Poorly
For six years we were totally enthralled in the behind-the-scenes look at Pawnee, Indiana's government; more specifically, the Parks and Recreation Department. With Ron Swanson and Leslie Knope leading the way, fans of the show followed a whirlwind of character development, outdated portrayals of women in the workplace, and an array of some pretty outlandish jokes.
Now, with many geniuses in the writing room and seven seasons on their belt,ย Parks and Rec.ย was a hit; but within just four years of the show's last season, some of their jokes are falling flat. What was once deemed laughable and "okay" for TV is slowly fading away. While not every fan of the show is offended by these 10 jokes, some fans have showed their disdain for them on message boards, thanks to more serious advances in our culture like the #MeToo Movement and issues revolving around green cards.
These jokes are surely up for debate among fans but they're definitely ruffling a few feathers.
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In the second season, we're given the episode "The Stakeout." It'sย date night for Ann and Mark but Leslie can't enjoy the night off because she's too upset and consumed by the fact that her BFF is going on a date with her crush. After hiding in a van for hours looking out after Ann and seeing if they can catch an intruder in the community garden, Leslie and Tom try to get to know each other more.
RELATED:ย Parks & Rec: 10 Episodes That Actually Tackled Deep Issues
Considering Tom is a man of color,ย fans are continuously upset at characters on the show of assuming Tom Haverford is from anywhere other than America simply because of his heritage. While in the back of the van, Leslie assumes he came here from "somewhere else." He tells her he was born and raised in South Carolina but she isn't satisfied with his answer and alludes to him being born elsewhere. The moral of the story here is why couldn't Tom be born in America just because his family came from somewhere else?
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Once Andy finds out that he and April have feelings for each other, he tries to win her over (regardless of that one, small kiss with Ann). However, she tries to move on with another man who speaks little English. After Andy says something to the couple, April's boyfriend asks what he said.ย โ€œHe says he wants to become a woman," she says, and her boyfriend dies laughing.
Uh, in what way is a sex change laughable? Although the joke was done in jest, someone being transgendered shouldn't be seen as a joke.
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Also in the second season, the Parks and Recreation Department is gearing up to welcome visitors from Venezuela in "Sister City." According to quite a few threads, many people were offended by this episode due to the stereotypical nods and insults coming from another culture.
For starters, when the Venezuelan team arrives in Pawnee, they instantly think Tom is a servant because he's a man of color... To make things even more uncomfortable, they want to choose Donna as their female companion for the night due to her size and color as well.
Leslie, the leader of the pack, should have protected her team, but instead told Tom to be a "good host" after he was asked to collect their bags. Come on, Leslie!
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It's not very often where Jerry offends us. The poor man is just trying to get by without drawing attention to himself. Nevertheless, in one camping episode, Tom asks Jerry,ย "What do Jay Z, Lil Wayne, and Drake all have in common?". In response, Jerry quickly says "Oh, I know this one... They are all rap-ists." Not only was Jerry incredibly insensitive but he was extremely judgemental. The short, quick answer is: They're all rappers, Jerry!
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Now that Tom is finally divorced from his green-card marriage, Leslie tries to cheer him up by the only way she knows how: taking him to a strip club. And although she says she's a feminist and that her stripper name would Equality, she actually does the opposite which upset a few viewers.
After meeting Sierra (a stripper), she ignores her name and calls her Seabiscuit โ€” even after being corrected twice. Furthermore, she tries to tell Sierra to rethink her life choices which is kind of against the whole women-support-women-thing.
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News flash, Ben: everyone is deserving of love!
It's understandable thatย Parks and Recreationย wanted to show another side to Jerry, considering he was bullied every day in the office. It made fans happy knowing he had a wife and three girls waiting for him at home every day after work.
RELATED:ย Parks And Rec: 5 Times Everyone Was Actually A Good Friend To Jerry (&5 Times They Were Too Mean)
As we know, Jerry isn't the most text-book attractive guy on earth, but his wife is a total bombshell. Ben (most of all) can't seem to fathom how Jerry landed such a knockout and says so multiple times throughout the seasons.ย "Was she temporarily blind?", he asks.ย "Like... was she a Russian spy and the KGB forced her to marry Jerry as a cover?", he says another time. Fans found his reactions harsh because it plays into the stigma of "larger" guys not being able to find love or happiness.
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Jean-Ralphio. Fans either love him or hate him. As Tom Haverford's best friend, Jean-Ralphio seems to always have a 'get rich quick' scheme. He's a con artist of sorts and everyone can see this except for his father who refuses to believe his children are life suckers.
RELATED: 5 Things Parks & Rec Does Better Than The Office (& Vice Versa)
While many fans are offended by Ralphio, he crosses the line when he sees Ben conversing with Chris. "Are you ding dongs making fake drugs for sophomores, because if true, this guy wants in!" he says. Fans always knew Jean-Ralphio was greasy but to become a fake drug dealer for kids? Too far, man.
3 April's Gay Jokes Fall Flat
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Aprilย is a very dark person who speaks in a monotone voice day-in and day-out, but she is low-key accepting deep down. Early on we find out that April is in a relationship with two gay men. Fans of the show figured April was "allowed" to get away with some of her demeaning jokes because she was in a polyamorous relationship, but that's not always respectful.
After inviting Ben out one night, he declines due to having a date. "Oh, what's his name?" April replies, which insinuates Ben is gay and she's poking fun at him for it. Likewise, Tom also drops some "jokes" about his metrosexuality โ€” especially when he was opening his store, Rent-a-Swag. "We're not even close to being ready, they're not even done painting that sign. It says 'Tom's bi.' Actually, no that's a good sign." The offense with Tom's joke is that those who are bi or gay love fashion and are more likely to shop, which is another stereotype.
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In "Beauty Pageant," Pawnee is hosting a local beauty pageant to award the winner with a cash-prize. Due to needing money, April decides to join and Leslie praises her for it because she's not the "average" beauty. After hearing there's a pageant in town, Tom rushes to his phone to make some calls to try and become a judge.
RELATED:ย Parks & Rec: April Ludgateโ€™s 10 Most Badass Quotes
Not only is he insensitive to another culture while trying to increase his personal gain ("Just bump that clown, tell them they already have an Asian judge"), but he's also a creep and confirms what most male judges think. Excited by the news of being a judge, he tells Leslie, "I had to make some favors. But if you don't make some favors to look at women in bikinis and assign them numerical grades then what the [heck] are you calling favors for?" *Sigh*
1 The LGBTQ+ Community Was Not Pleased With The Penguin Episode
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In the very first episode of season two, Leslie decides to marry two penguins at the Pawnee Zoo because she thought it was a cute gesture. After it turned out the two penguins were male, Leslie was thrown into a 'do you or don't you support gay rights' screaming match. Unfortunately, the LGBTQ+ communtity was upset that Leslie never took a strong stance. She only wanted the attention of the gay community because they were chanting her name. While at a gay bar, April chimes in, "Sheโ€™s Leslie Knope and she wants to recruit you!โ€, which plays right into the stereotype that young gays "recruit" others instead of accepting the fact that they were born that way.
NEXT: Parks And Rec: 5 Reasons We Want To Work For The Pawnee Parks And Recreation Department (& 5 We Don't)
source https://screenrant.com/10-jokes-parks-rec-already-aged-poorly/
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thepotterheadbookster ยท 7 years
What I would do as the Minister of Education?
There are times when I feel like I should just study Law and become the Minister of Education in Malaysia. Yeah, I know, I dream big. Really, really big. You also donโ€™t have to study Law to actually become a Minister. You join a political party, you do well, if the leader wins the Election, he might just appoint you as a Minister. Correct me if Iโ€™m wrong, because high school taught me much about the past historic elections in Sejarah (History) and nothing about how the political scene is like in the present day. But, why Law to become a Minister? I believe a lawyer knows well about the rules and regulations of politics. And so, when he voices out his opinions in Parliament, heโ€™ll have facts to back him up.
Some people might wonder : Why now, Tamil? Havenโ€™t you changed your future plans enough times already? Get a grip, mate.
Answer : Yeah, I have. Iโ€™ve also been wanting to be a Nobel Prize-winning Chemist lately. But, this is just a hypothetical scenario. Hereโ€™s the story, simple and short. I met a Malay guy last week in MPH 1 Utama. We had a conversation and it somehow led us to talk about his life. He then told me that he got a place in Matriculation even after getting only 2 As. What really set me off was that he got GPA below 3.0 and is now studying Engineering in USM. But, this isnโ€™t the first time Iโ€™ve heard someone with not-so-satisfying SPM results getting places in Matriculation. Weird thing : All those people were Malays. Another thing : Certain public universities in Malaysia only offer places for Bumiputera students in their Foundation Programs. Now, I know I shouldnโ€™t get angry about this. Because it is a certified Law that Bumiputera people have special privileges. The real reason why Iโ€™m writing this is because, why take in people with such unsatisfying results when there are Indian and Chinese students who perform well in their SPM examinations every single year? Hence, this post.
It is a fact that 51 % of unemployed graduates are from public universities in Malaysia. I think the problem lies within the Ministry of Education. So, what would I do as the Minister of Education of Malaysia? ( Hint : There are many changes that I would make. )
Malaysian students will be taught ย  ย  as to give strong foundation in Mathematics and Chemical Sciences. Science ย  ย  is really crucial for a nation to succeed in the area of technology. And ย  ย  Mathematics is a science. In case, mathematics is the only dependable ย  ย  science. All conclusions of any scientific research should and must only ย  ย  be certified by calculations. So, students should be given great exposure ย  ย  of mathematicsโ€”both theorems and calculationsโ€”since young. This will make ย  ย  them bright students. Mathematics doesnโ€™t come naturally to most, but that ย  ย  doesnโ€™t mean they stop trying. So, the teachers shouldnโ€™t too. As for ย  ย  chemical sciences, chemistry is the most important of sciences. As much as ย  ย  it represents the messy part of Physics, it also makes it easy to ย  ย  comprehend the complex parts of Biology. Chemistry, being a very broad ย  ย  science, should be taught since Form 1 to students. This will ensure that ย  ย  by the time that they enter Pre-University, theyโ€™ll be smarter than their ย  ย  peers and will have a greater understanding about how the world works.
Additional Mathematics will be ย  ย  taught to student from both Science and Arts streams. Like I said, ย  ย  mathematics is important and add-maths is what we actually study once we ย  ย  enter college. Instead of struggling in Maths in college, all students ย  ย  should be taught Additional Mathematics in high school for their own ย  ย  benefit.
Teachers will be allowed to talk to ย  ย  their students about what is happening around the world. Malaysian ย  ย  Education focuses so much on theoretical knowledge that once the students ย  ย  leave high school, they are totally clueless about how to survive in the ย  ย  outer world. Nothing will be taboo. And students will start to be closer ย  ย  with their teachers.
Students donโ€™t have to memorize all ย  ย  the moral values and their meanings for Pendidikan Moral. A studentโ€™s ย  ย  discipline should really be taught through practical exercises and not ย  ย  through memorizing a bunch of sentences.
Medium of language in both primary ย  ย  and secondary schools should and will be English. Teachers also must be ย  ย  welcomed to teach in Bahasa Melayu for those who prefer it. When you go to ย  ย  overseas, you canโ€™t talk with them about medicines or chemicals or natural ย  ย  phenomena in Bahasa Melayu. So, it is better to study in English. This ย  ย  will ensure that students wonโ€™t have a language barrier when they progress ย  ย  from primary to secondary school.
Malaysian Education will stress the ย  ย  importance of after-school activities and sports further. For a nation to ย  ย  succeed, progression in sports and arts is just as important as successes ย  ย  in science and technology. More students should be given the opportunity ย  ย  to be a part of the students exchange programs. In case, I have a friend ย  ย  who is in Texas right now taking part in an exchange program. (Proud ย  ย  friend here). But, more students should be given this opportunity. This ย  ย  will broaden their experiences. Thus, making them a well-balanced ย  ย  individual.
This is a sensitive one. And I ย  ย  would like to say that I am not against a certain racial groupโ€™s rights ย  ย  whatsoever. If anything, Iโ€™m just talking for those who werenโ€™t given the ย  ย  opportunities that they deserve. All students will be given fair share of ย  ย  chancesโ€”no matter itโ€™s for a scholarship or a placement in a public ย  ย  university. Many people might know about this : A certain racial group is ย  ย  given more chances than the minorities to continue their education in ย  ย  public universities after SPM. Malaysia is an amazing country. We have cheap ย  ย  Pre-Uni programs like Malaysian Matriculation and ASASI for students to ย  ย  further their studies after SPM. Although it is said that all races are ย  ย  given equal opportunity to be a part of this, the statistics show ย  ย  otherwise. Iโ€™ve heard of Indian and Chinese students with great results ย  ย  get rejected from Matriculation and people with unsatisfying results ย  ย  getting in. So, who is making the mistake? Why are those who deserve a ย  ย  spot, almost never get accepted? Special privileges for a certain racial ย  ย  group? Yeah. That is fine. But, I would increase the number of seats in ย  ย  Matriculation so that more people of all races can get in. What really ย  ย  angers some is that people of certain racial group with unsatisfactory ย  ย  results get in these programs easily while some of us have to take STPM, ย  ย  waste almost a year after examination to actually get into an ย  ย  undergraduate program. Whatโ€™s much worse but those who were given a chance ย  ย  waste it as if it was nothing? So, as a Minister of Education, I would set ย  ย  the standard to get into these programs real high and be strict about it. ย  ย  This will ensure that only those who deserve it get accepted. Equal rights ย  ย  are important. All students should be given fair amount of chances to further ย  ย  their education.
Entrance into competitive degree ย  ย  programs will be set in a way that those who deserve it are given a shot ย  ย  at it. Most will say that STPM should be oneโ€™s last choice for a Pre-Uni ย  ย  program. You know why? Every single year, STPM churns out top scorers with ย  ย  amazing results. Most of these hopeful youngsters worked hard to get the ย  ย  results. But, their dreams shatter when they are not given a place in the ย  ย  Degree program they desired. So, if one is considered worthy of a place, ย  ย  but thereโ€™s no capacity to let them in, they should at least get a placing ย  ย  in the next intake. I know what some people would think : โ€˜I did STPM and ย  ย  I got a placing in a good university. What are you complaining about?โ€™ ย  ย  Answer : Well, thatโ€™s just you. What about those who were given placing in ย  ย  a program that they never wanted to study? I would also like to take this ย  ย  time to congratulate all those who went to private universities after ย  ย  having their dreams broken, but still worked to get what they wanted. A ย  ย  big shout out to you, guys. Yโ€™all are amazing.
Last but not the least, the quality ย  ย  of teachers. Teachers are the most integral part in setting up a country ย  ย  in motion towards success. So, these teachers will be trained under the ย  ย  Ministry of Education in a way that they become great educators that ย  ย  change peopleโ€™s lives. Anyone in the teaching programs will have to repeat ย  ย  their last semester if their GPA is lower than 3.0. This is to ensure that ย  ย  this graduates are really good in what they will be doing for the rest of ย  ย  their lives : Helping a nation to succeed. Shout out to all the phenomenal ย  ย  teachers that shaped me up : My mum who is an UPSI-trained teacher. Pn ย  ย  Sabrina, Pn Zaida, Mrs S. Thevi, Mrs Tan Lee Lee, Pn Neoh, Pn Sumathi, Pn ย  ย  Samanthi, Mr Phang, Pn Salawati and many more.
That is all, folks. Thanks to all those who read this post until here. I want to repeat that this post is not meant to hurt anyone from any racial groups. If I had, I am sorry. I just wanted to let out my feelings. While I was writing this, my Dad said โ€˜Maybe, you might become the next Minister of Educationโ€™. I wanted to say, โ€˜Dad, Iโ€™m an Indian. I donโ€™t entertain the impossibilityโ€™, but then I remembered the three black women that helped NASA go out into space. Anything is possible. Civil rights ainโ€™t always civil. But that doesnโ€™t mean we should not try to change the stigma for a better future.
To all those who are offended by this post : Iโ€™m not against other peopleโ€™s rights. Instead, Iโ€™m just saying that all should be given equal right, when it comes to education at least.
Just remember, you are not being OPPRESSED when another group is given the rights that youโ€™ve always had. We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. So, people, let us all come together and support equal rights. Achievement has no color. Courage has no gender. Genius has no race. Or as Sonia Sotomayor puts it, โ€˜Until we get equality in education, we won't have an equal society.โ€™ Thanks so much for reading.
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Paperไปฃๅ†™๏ผšScience Can Inform Our Values
ๆœฌ็ฏ‡paperไปฃๅ†™- Science Can Inform Our Values่ฎจ่ฎบไบ†็ง‘ๅญฆไธŽไปทๅ€ผ่ง‚ใ€‚ไบบ็ฑป็š„ไปทๅ€ผ่ง‚ไธŽ็ง‘ๅญฆ็š„่ฟ›ๆญฅๅ’Œๅ‘ๅฑ•ๆฏๆฏ็›ธๅ…ณใ€‚็ง‘ๅญฆไน‹ๆ‰€ไปฅๅญ˜ๅœจๅ’Œๅ‘ๅฑ•๏ผŒๅŽŸๅ› ๅœจไบŽๅŒๆƒ…ใ€ๅฐŠ้‡ไบบใ€่‡ดๅŠ›ไบŽ่ฏšไฟกๅ’Œ้“ๅพทๅฎž่ทตใ€่‡ดๅŠ›ไบŽ่ฟฝๆฑ‚ๅ“่ถŠ๏ผŒไนŸไฝ“็Žฐๅœจไบบ็ฑปไปทๅ€ผ่ง‚ไธญ็š„ๅŒป็–—ๅ…ฌๆญฃใ€‚ๅพˆๅคšไบ‹ๅฎž้ƒฝ่ฏๆ˜Ž็ง‘ๅญฆๅฏไปฅๅ‘Š่ฏ‰ๆˆ‘ไปฌไปทๅ€ผ่ง‚ใ€‚ๆœฌ็ฏ‡paperไปฃๅ†™็”ฑ51dueไปฃๅ†™ๅนณๅฐๆ•ด็†๏ผŒไพ›ๅคงๅฎถๅ‚่€ƒ้˜…่ฏปใ€‚
Can science inform human values? The answer is positive. Science definitely sheds light on our values. Generally speaking, human values includes compassion, respect for persons, commitment to integrity and ethical practice, commitment to excellence, and justice in healthcare. Taking commitment to excellence for example, human spare no effort in pursuing a better life probably out of the fast-developing science. The invention of Internet has brought people closer all over the world, so those living in less developed regions may have a chance to see the life standard they have dreamed of, which turns into a strong desire for excellence and then values come into being. My argument may be developed on the account of several aspects of human values mentioned above.
Firstly, I want to discuss how science would account for compassion. At first glance, most of people think they have been educated to possess compassion for others, such as the poor, the old and the disabled. It seems a great result of humanistic education, and has nothing to do with science. What is more, the emergence of violent video games, driven by science for sure, push teenagers further from a mercy heart. Nevertheless, they are not all about science. If we look at a bigger picture, science is much greater than they thought. While seeing the scenes of refugees from Africa or Syria fleeing away and becoming homeless due to wars on TV or Internet, people could not be without shock and astonishment by virtue of such a scientific technology, and compassion is strengthened in their mind. They start to cherish things and people around them, as well as care for disadvantage groups.
Recently, an extreme scientific research lends a support to my idea. Meditation technique is used to show that it might be possible. The research is published in the journal Psychological Science.
โ€œCompassionate Meditationโ€ by focusing on a specific person while repeating a phrase like, โ€œMay you be free from suffering.โ€ The subjects concentrated on five different people: A loved one, a friend, themselves, a stranger and then someone they were in conflict with.
Another group of subjects performed general positive thinking. Both groups did the exercise
30 minutes a day for two weeks. Finally, finding show that they are more compassionate than before.
When it comes respect for others, science could be a fair explanation. A typical example is while writing a scientific paper, scholars may find a lot of reference to help with their research, in which three are some cutting-edge technologies as well as advanced ideas they can learn from. Then why do they need to add the list of reference at the end of the paper? That is to show respect for peers and for their achievement. Respecting facts and peers is the core spirit of science. Nothing can be achieved without this philosophy. On the other hand, science is strict. Any plagiarism or copy without permission is not allowed. Science requires us to respect others and achievement of other scholars, which are spread out as universal values. What is more, science discloses respect for others all the time. Image you are a professor and just finish a project. You would thank your assistant, your students and those technicians who work in the laboratory for their painstaking efforts to make your concept come true. That is exactly kind of values the majority of scholars may uphold. Naturally your students will inherit these values. Although it is confined to academic circles, when students graduate from colleges, they may bring such a spirit to work. I believe students like this will be highly appreciated by the company which hires them, and are more likely to stand out among peers.
Commitment to integrity and ethical practice is the fundamental requirement of science, the cornerstone of scientific moral and the critical factor of scientific survival and development. On the contrary, science symbolizes integrity and ethical practice. Whenever we speak of scientists, the first thing that comes to our mind is their integrity and ethical practice. Yet recently there are some negative testimonials in various sections from project application, funds receiving, achievement assessment to paper publishing and in all kinds of personnel, from common researchers, leaders, even to distinguished scientists. Scientific misconducts are always related to interest community, making it very complicated and complex, and is less likely to be found and punished. Like Huang Woo-suk, the father of South Korean Cloning, was suspicious of publishing a paper on the global renowned Journal of Science with fake data. He made up these data to complete an extraordinary paper, by which he hoped to win the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. His practices is obviously opposite to integrity and ethical standard. Actually, his values had changed to Benthamism and was totally wrong, and he may do whatever he can to achieve his goal. What a shame! However, the case like this is never alone. The tobacco company is trying to deny the harm of smoking, or the pharmaceutical company attempts to exaggerate the effect of drugs. All these happened because their values are misled, which are not allowed in the area of science. In another word. Science is the outward manifestation of integrity and ethical practice. Independence, objectiveness and fairness are connotation of science, and are also requirement for people, scholars and researchers in particular. Science is sure to inform integrity and ethical practice, and thus values. This is a truth that everybody may accept it universally.
Pursuit of excellence is normally an intrinsic requirement or request of science. Normal trains can only run at about 100 miles per hour while high speed bullet trains can ramp up to 250 miles per hour. The purpose is to meet the increasing demand of people who want to spend as less as time on the way. Just as the saying goes, โ€œwhere there is a demand there is a marketโ€. Scientistsโ€™ struggle to be innovative, forge ahead and keep moving motivates the development of science and become a part of human values. The Invention of Internet
has brought people closer all over the world, so those living in less developed regions may have a chance to see the life standard they have dreamed of, which turns into a strong desire for excellence and then values come into being. Despite pursuit of excellence is merely one of the most important of existing human values. Humanโ€™s seek for excellence not just focus on life standard, and is shown in sports activities. Athletes wants to run faster, jump higher and throw further, exactly their values once they are engaged in the area. That is why global leading sports goods companies such as Nike and Adidas keep developing sportswear with latest techniques to reduce the air friction and help them extend their bodies. The record will be renewed time and time again while athletesโ€™ spirt never dies with the assistance of scientific progress. Science again proves it can account for human values.
Justice in healthcare is one of human basic rights. That is why the medical industry develops millions of new drugs every year. That is why UN sent several groups of medical assistance to Africa, help people there cure all sorts of difficult miscellaneous diseases. The continuous development of medical science technologies promotes the transform of medical service formats. Facing different diseases, medical workers, including doctors and nursing workers, are aware of the transformation of medical service concept, playing a key role in correct diagnoses and fair treatment of clinical works. World Health Organization argues that human health not only refers to no presence of sickness or feeble phenomena but also a perfect status the mental, the physiological and social happiness. Peopleโ€™s chase for this phase bases on scientific advance and they count on it. In the human society, namely the democratic constitutionalism, the government may strive to educate the public with a higher ability of identifying self-profits by continuously strengthening it. However, common people cannot act like doctors to provide professional assistance. For example, if there is no community doctor, family doctor or insurance company, it is impossible to let the patent become a doctor to judge whether the treatment he/she receives is appropriate, credible or fair. This is associate with human inner values and science makes in come true.
To sum up, human values are closely related to scientific advances and development. As I analyzed above, compassion, respect for persons, commitment to integrity and ethical practice, commitment to excellence, and justice in healthcare represented in human values are the reasons why science exists and develops. There is no reason to deny that science can inform our values.
[1] Jacobs, Alexandra (2014). Science, Technology & Values. Sage Publications, 11(2), p.15.
[2] Caitlin, McGarry (2015). Compassion Can Be Trained. Psychological Science, 4(3), 6-9.
[3] Charleton, Graham (2011). ย Legislative Intent and Other Essays on Law, Politics, and Morality. University of Wisconsin Press, p.5-p.8.
[4] Schoenmann, Joe (2015). The Pursuit of Excellence in the Sports, Human Science and Accomplish, 8(15), 5-10.
[5] Marshall, Matt (2013). Justice in Healthcare. Outline of Healthcare Science, 2(1), 8-11.
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marcusssanderson ยท 6 years
50 To Kill a Mockingbird Book Quotes From Harper Lee
Our latest collection of โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ quotes on Everyday Power blog.
โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ is a novel by Harper Lee that has become a classic of modern American literature. Published in 1960, the book quickly became successful, winning the 1961 Pulitzer Prize. It became a best-seller and was also made into a memorable movie in 1962.
The book is about a family โ€“ a widowed father and his two children โ€“ who are living in Alabama in the 1930s. Atticus, the father, is a lawyer and is asked to defend a black man in a trial where heโ€™s been accused of raping a white woman.
The story is primarily about this white family and how they navigate the moral questions raised by racial inequality. It is Scout, the young daughter, whoโ€™s telling this story and itโ€™s her brother Jem, whoโ€™s four years older, who insists that the story actually begins long before the events of the summer when the trial takes place.ย ย 
One of the most widely read American novels of the 20th century, โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ has inspired many people of all ages. The story teaches each one of us about the value of honesty, love, friendship, and trust. In that regard, here are some memorable quotes from the book.
ย  โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ Quotes From Harper Lee
ย  1.) โ€œPeople generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  2.) โ€œThe one thing that doesnโ€™t abide by majority rule is a personโ€™s conscience.โ€ย โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  3.) โ€œYou never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view โ€” until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.โ€ โ€“ย Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  4.) โ€œItโ€™s not time to worry yetโ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  5.) โ€œEqual rights for all, special privileges for none.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  ย  6.) โ€œPeople donโ€™t like to have somebody knowing more than they do. It aggravates them.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  7.) โ€œI try to giveโ€™em a reason, you see. It helps folks if they can latch onto a reason.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  8.) โ€œYou donโ€™t have to learn much out of books, itโ€™s like if you want to learn about cows, you go milk one.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  9.) โ€œIf one went for a walk with no definite purpose in mind, it was correct to believe oneโ€™s mind incapable of definite purpose.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  10.) โ€œWe generally get the juries we deserve.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ quotes to inspire and teach
ย  11.) โ€œYou see they could never, never understand that I live like I do because thatโ€™s the way I want to live.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  12.) โ€œUntil I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  13.) โ€œPeople in their right minds never take pride in their talents.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  14.) โ€œSometimes itโ€™s better to bend the law a little in special cases.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  15.) โ€œI do my best to love everyday.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  ย  16.) โ€œItโ€™s not necessary to tell all you know. Itโ€™s not ladylike- in the second place, folks donโ€™t like to have somebody around knowinโ€™ more than they do.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  17.) โ€œIf you can learn a simple trick, youโ€™ll get along a lot better with all kind of folks.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  18.) โ€œThere are just some kind of men whoโ€™re so busy worrying about the next world theyโ€™ve never learned to live in this one.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  19.) โ€œCry about the simple hell people give other peopleโ€”without even thinking.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  20.) โ€œThe only way in which all men in America are equal, is in the courtroom.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ quotes to expand your mind
ย  21.) โ€œIf we followed our feelings all the time, weโ€™d be like cats chasinโ€™ their tails.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  22.) โ€œThereโ€™s a lot of ugly things in this world, son. I wish I could keep โ€™em all away from you. Thatโ€™s never possible.โ€ โ€•ย Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  23.) โ€œWhen stalking oneโ€™s prey, it is best to take oneโ€™s time. Say nothing, and as sure as eggs he will become curious and emerge.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  24.) โ€œMost people are nice when you finally see them.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  25.) โ€œThings are always better in the morning.โ€ย โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  ย  26.) โ€œAre you proud of yourself tonight that you have insulted a total stranger whose circumstances you know nothing about?โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  27.) โ€œJust remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isnโ€™t the way they actually are.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  28.) โ€œTry fighting with your head for a change . . itโ€™s a good one, even if it does resist learning.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  29.) โ€œClowns are sad, itโ€™s folks that laugh at them.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  30.) โ€œSimply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win,โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  Memorable โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ quotes
ย  31.) โ€œReal courage is when you know youโ€™re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  32.) โ€œI think thereโ€™s just one kind of folks. Folks.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  33.) โ€œBad language is a stage all children go through, and it dies with time when they learn theyโ€™re not attracting attention with it.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  34.) โ€œI had never encountered a being who deliberately perpetuated fraud against himself.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  35.) โ€œThe apple does not fall far from the tree.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  ย  36.) ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝAtticus sometimes said that one way to tell whether a witness was lying or telling the truth was to listen rather than watch.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  37.) โ€œI donโ€™t see why I have to when he doesnโ€™t. Then listen.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  38.) โ€œDonโ€™t worry, though, heโ€™ll be as good as new. Boys his age bounce.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  39.) โ€œIt seems to me, that love could be labeled poison and weโ€™d drink it anyways.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  40.) โ€œHe was as good as his worst performance; his worst performance was Gothic.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  More โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ quotes
ย  41.) โ€œWeโ€™re paying the highest tribute you can pay a man. We trust him to do right. Itโ€™s that simple.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  42.) โ€œThere are some men in this world who are born to do our unpleasant jobs for us. Your fatherโ€™s one of them.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  43.) โ€œYou canโ€™t really get to know a person until you get in their shoes and walk around in them.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  44.) โ€œThings are never as bad as they seem.โ€ย โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  ย  45.) โ€œI couldnโ€™t go to church and worship God if I didnโ€™t try to help that man.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  46.) โ€œNever, never, never, on cross-examination ask a witness a question you donโ€™t already know the answer to, was a tenet I absorbed with my baby-food.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  47.) โ€œThere are ways of doing things you donโ€™t know aboutโ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  48.) โ€œNearly never kills a birdโ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  49.) โ€œMockingbirds donโ€™t do one thing except make music for us to enjoy.โ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  50.) โ€œYou just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anybody says to you, donโ€™t you let โ€™em get your goat. Try fightinโ€™ with your head for a changeโ€ โ€• Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
ย  Which of theseย โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ quotes was your favorite?
โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ is standard reading for millions of young people. It has sold more than 40 million copiesย worldwide and has had a big impact on how people viewย and treat each other.
Each word written in the novel has a truly deep meaning to it. Hopefully, these quotes have inspired you to always believe in doing the right thing and being honest.
Which of these โ€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdโ€ quotes resonated with you best? Do you have any other favorite quotes to add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below. We would love to hear all about it.
The post 50 To Kill a Mockingbird Book Quotes From Harper Lee appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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