#that sounds sooo amazing u teaching lil kids ballet
wakatshi · 2 years
hi bby! guess who didn't actually have the day off bc they decided to call me in at the last minute? i'm so tired :(( i teach lil kids ballet at our summer school since i've finished uni for the year aaand don't get me wrong i love em but it's so tiring haha.. how was ur day so far though?? did u do smthn nice? im sending u kisses <33 🐕‍🦺
that’s so disrespectful 😐 are u fr why’d they do that u i’m sorry baby )))): i’m sure the kids are sweet, but c’mon now… get some rest u deserve it <333 i had to pick up some papers for my internship i’m FINALLY done with it !!! no more uni/internships for 3 months slayy 😍 omw back i found an art exhibit hold on i’ll show u. and then i went shopping i didn’t get anything tho boooo
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