#the best/worst part is Yugiri is somewhat self aware that she has a fucking problem and instead belittles herself as a Naive Fool for it
desertdragon · 4 years
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I feel like a lot of the reason Vaste is so initially attracted to Yugiri besides the Dramatic Bisexual Mystery she showed up looking like is how much of a similar vibe she gave off that matched Vaste's own struggles as a tool of war just from a different angle and life experience that she could immediately sympathize with
The fandom and the canon writing love overlooking Yugiri so hard beyond vague superficiality like you have to remember she was still a kid when she joined the Doman rebellion and trained to kill, a teenager yeah but teens are still kids and can't have the maturity of well adjusted adults nor should they have adult burdens yet there she was already being programmed to torture and murder right back at the fascists knocking on her adopted country's doorstep, a situation she shouldn't have been in yet one the Domans felt compelled to allow of her to have her childhood stripped away based on her own rash and naive if well intentioned desire to help bc they needed another weapon that badly
She was put in almost the exact ultimatum as Vaste was when made the WoL; a rash choice to runaway from home to do what's right makes her village banish her forever forcing her into the arms of those who use her for themselves and make her feel she has no alternative or that she's heroic/brave for being willing to die and kill on command and put aside her mental health (Especially in her case where it was at an age where she is entirely out of line to have that choice, in fact much like the U Tribe training Vaste to kill since she could walk in order to hunt as a cog in the tribe's machine) because she doesn't know any better yet like what the fuck there is so much to work with here it's really fucking sad
And like holy shit you can see Yugiri never got to resolve/transition from her childhood in a healthy way before being thrust into the adult world by the way she's still willing to let her emotions cloud her judgement into rashness that's repeatedly almost killed her; her heart is often in the right place but she has that side that sees only in emotional extremes of the moment, like when Zenos nearly cut her down on her hasty solo assassination attempt or how she can't find the maturity to treat a mentally broken Yotsuyuu with some humanity once she regresses to a child mindset (she doesn't have to forgive her for her past sins my point is Yugiri claims to live to serve and protect but she doesn't protect the helpless Equally, she made the choice then to be Selfish and Allowed a now harmless disabled person who couldn't fight back in harms way bc she couldn't put the right thing to do over her own anger and that should've been addressed better by the other characters, Yugiri still has a childlike stubbornness)
Vaste picks up on this and is Immediately like Finally You Can Understand Me, You Can Empathize once it all clicks and yeah they can still clash at times bc ultimately still have their differences and different personalities/experiences but when it counts at the end of the day they are extremely similar, two sides of the same coin approaching similar traumas in their own ways and meeting in the middle and I think that's the real reason they choose each other and can change together to unlearn all the nasty shit forced on their child selves
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