#the color scheme of this totally clashes with my blog theme but that's okay
notion shit
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I spent like 4-5 hours messing around in Notion last night and today. This was the result.
Pics 1-3 are the main page, and pics 4-6 are the character template that would be for the character pages in the table in pic 3. (The character page section was HIGHLY inspired by @lockejhaven 's character masterlist, which you can find here.)
A bonus peek at what's under those toggles (and also the potential cast of this wip) under the cut:
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These are the toggles on the main page.
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and these are my notes on the cast for this WIP. You can definitely tell I wrote this at 4am based on how inconsistent they are, lmao. (Why does only one character have an ethnicity? why so many questionmarks??)
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