#the dodge mechanics take some getting used to but considering I've learnt how to avoid fireballs before it was introduced I'm doing fine XD
thunderboltfire · 1 month
I had a need to destress at the end of the week, so I've decided to see whether or not I still can fly a dragon in Century: Age of Ashes. And because of the new season the matchmaking put me with newbies, so at least I've managed to feel good about my skills XD
Anyway, it's still a fun game! The monetisation is pretty obnoxious, but it's F2P so It could be expected. The thing I really love in this game are the dragon animations and how organic the flight simulation is. I've also managed to get a few pretty dragons two years ago, before they've introduced the battle pass. Hence, a pretty dragons tax:
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When it comes to playing Marauder, my dragon of choice is Valkür Ridges, followed closely by Smoldering Sands, which was the first dragon I've hatched from an egg.
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I have a very limited choice of Ironwings, their drops don't like me too much XD but I was able to get the gamer dragon Rayless Depths. Its colors clash terribly with base Windguard skin, but I like its bioluminescent markings and sleek, dark coloring.
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I play as Phantom only if I must, but surprisingly I have a few Nightsnaggers too. Their design is a little pointy for my taste, but out of all I have I think I like the Manorc'h Pasturages the best. Its butterfly-like pattern on its wings is pretty compelling and matches the muted body color nicely.
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I think I've only played the Stormraiser one or two times, but I happened to have a battlepass when the class was first introduced, so I've collected a few extra dragons. The Stonesnouts' design is IMO the most ostentatiously based on HTTYD (the whole game has a very evident footprint in the very concept of it and in the gear aestetics), and my fave from my nesting ground would probably be Radkron the Thunderborn.
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