#the entire post was about how these were toh ocs... original characters.... i must have tagged doe in them a million times
briarborealisocs · 10 months
Willow's hair isn't colored that way
it took me ages to decipher this because i wasn't sure where you got willow from - i haven't posted about her over here at all! ive only posted about her in my main blog once! but. i think you're talking about... doe??
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^ this is.... not willow <3 hope that helps!
here is a drawing of willow i HAVE done
(gus is here too)
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even if i had been drawing willow (somehow) ... headcanon designs exist! regardless i hope this clears things up for everyone who may have been confused. i guess the glasses and green eyes and larger body type tricked people? i don't think they look at all similar beyond that
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