#the fact that it's In Hakita's Words
antlerpunk · 1 year
youre so right for your ultrakill sound design thoughts, the way heavens structure and hierarchy is set up is such a clean, organized set up, with the design and how they sound doubling down on that
i've never seen anything like ultrakill's world.
the way it sets up its structures and ecosystems. you have husks and you have demons and you have machines and you have angels.
biblical tragedy and political drama.
ultrakill's world is a Character. and i was saying that shit before we knew hell was alive.
ultrakill's world is a character and i'd love to get to know them better
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inverse-problem · 6 months
has anyone figured out what the “thr” in 1000-thr earthmover stands for
or is it just a random letter sequence that doesn’t stand for anything. hmmmm
edit: I see people reblogging this version of the post without the info, so just a note that there is an answer from the devs: it refers to both thor and also the word centaur (pun using the fact that 1000 in japanese is pronounced “sen”). refer to the reblogs for explanatory screenshots from hakita
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thevalleyoftriumph · 4 days
actually not to keep talking abt a topic hours later but i want to build off of one of my tags on that ultrakill post i rb'd last night [and im ONLY going to expand on one of my points, i will not be bringing up any other arguments in this post]
people love love love to say stuff like "pronouns =/= gender" [correct] and that you dont NEED to have specific pronouns such as he/him or she/her to be gay or lesbian [also correct], and while these two are great points that i agree with, it seems that these peoples support for this only goes as far as they/them users.
the absolute SECOND that a characters gender expression is canonically different from a "classic nonbinary" expression, its suddenly "up in the air" and "for your interpritation." and why is that?
specifically in the case of v1 and v2 from ultrakill; two canonically genderless/genderqueer/agender/nonbinray/what have you characters. v1 is VERY commonly seen as masc, and v2 is very commonly seen as fem.
v1 and v2 are also commonly headcannoned as gay and lesbian, respectively. theyre commonly shipped with characters seen as masc and fem. do you see what connections im beginning to see?
like it or not, by disregarding the canonical gender expression [or lacktherof] for these two, in order to fit them both into simple, binary, gendered boxes to also fit your specific sexuality headcanon - is in fact, an act of erasure! it comes off as INCREDIBLY iffy to fit nonbinary characters into a "masc nonbinary" and "fem nonbinary" binary.
and the fact is, i see people less often use other pronouns than it/its for these two for headcanon purposes or for fun or for projection, and more for SHIPPING purposes. there is a MASSIVE difference between adding onto a characters canonical pronouns for your own enjoyment and preference, and COMPLETELY changing them because you want a certain ship to be more gay, or whatever. an it/its user can be gay! it can also be a lesbian! it using it/its doesnt make it any less gay or any less of a lesbian, and it definitely doesnt make it any less nonbinary/genderqueer!
idk its just like. the machines in ultrakill [and most importantly v1 as the player character] being exclusively referred to as it/its is a major part of them and who they are. it is how they all express their gender CANONICALLY in the game. there are no other refferals no other pronouns, nothing. by disregarding this fact SO quickly, along with often only being for shipping reasons, you are showing that you Do Not Care for what the canon text is trying to tell you about the machines. im sorry but thats how it reads to me.
genuinely people love nonbinary characters until theyre the "wrong kind" of nonbinary, and all of a sudden jump through as many hoops as they physically can to disregard anything to do with that.
end of posts notes because if this post gets rb'd in any way or even breaches containment i know people will say stuff at me;
1] no, hakitas tweet about using "whatever you want" for the machines doesnt count IN THIS POST. nor does the discord. not everyone who plays the game is going to SEE either of those. while you could consider it canon [and i do! trust me! hakitas word is absolutely canon!] that doesnt mean it is ABSOLUTE, or the canon that is being INTENDED to be shown. most people are only going to see the in-game text, which is what is most important to me considering this post.
2] ive seen people making the argument that making nonbinary characters inhuman is like. bad rep or something idk im not doing the argument justice bc i dont remember it. but to that i say yes, i agree! we DO need more human nonbinary rep! boiling down every nonbinary person to be inhuman is Bad and you shouldnt instantly assume everyone whos nonbinary is Not Human! because that is really awful! do not misinterprite my stance here, i know what kind of website this is regarding reading comprehension! however comma that is not the point here. the machines using it/its isnt just from them being "inhuman nonbinary characters," it is a PART of the intended gender expression youre meant to gain from them. besides personally i adore inhuman nonbinary characters bc they kick ass and also im not human either. heart emoji.
3] no i am not saying you CANT listen to hakita and use different pronouns for the machines. at the end of the day hakitas word, regardless of if its in the game or not, is canon. im not your boss i cant tell you what to do. im not a fan of using he/him or she/her for Either v1 or v2 myself, but if it makes you happy, i literally cannot stop you. i hold no power over your decisions. i am once again saying, i am NOT tell you that you CANT do it.
just please. if your kneejerk reaction to being told "do what feels comfortable" about a characters pronouns, is to immediately assign the characters with it/its pronouns arbitrary masc/fem ones instead.. if that is your immediate kneejerk reaction, then PLEASE stop for a moment and consider why you feel that way specifically.
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cara-central · 9 months
Hakita yet again dropping a teaser for ultrakill making me want to get into game design despite the fact that indie game development is essentially a lottery. Not saying hakita doesn't deserve his success, he deserves way more. That's my point. Ultrakill is a game full of love and passion for the art form, and it's rare we get gems so passionate. The last game I've seen with this level of passion from an indie studio was disco Elysium, and even that game had it's authors stripped from it and is now a shell of what it was. Undertale before that which thankfully got all the love it deserves and more! But these cases happen maybe once or twice a year, despite it being statistically improbable that those are the only games with that level of quality and passion.
I remember when i first bought disco and ultrakill, they were on sale and I didn't think much of it. I'm sure this is how a lot of people got into these games, outside of word of mouth. Two games that have literally shifted the way I see art in games and disco especially how it changed my worldview to the point where if I ever get a tattoo it will be a quote from that game.
We always here of AAA success stories. Baldur's Gate 3, Tears of the Kingdom, God of War, all this games deserve that praise yes, but for 2 of those that praise was essentially guaranteed, and for Baldur's Gate it was the third installment of a niche but beloved series.
My point is I wish more people saw artistry in games nowadays instead of looking to live service dopamine drip feed games so that I could feel financially comfortable pursuing the field I love. Even with baldur's gate 3, you see a ton of reviews throwing out the entire game because it has turn based combat.
And lastly, if you haven't played ultrakill or disco, I highly suggest you check them out (disco has been robbed from it's originally developers so don't feel bad if you need to get it from... other sources, like a trans fitgirl)
This kinda turned into a ranty post when I only wanted to talk about ultrakill but meh, my blog my rules. I'll make a post about ultrakill when I can write smth up that I feel good with.
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6-2-aestheticsofhate · 7 months
i have lots of feelings re: fanon interpretations of gabriel but you actually put them into words THANK YOU i know its funny to make him a cry baby sore loser but thats not who he is! the terminal entry calls him CHARISMATIC and he has a noted pattern of beheading political figures LIKE YOU GET IT YOU DO.
Exactly!! He starts the story as a shining beacon to those in heaven and hell and has the power to back it up. He's not thinking he's this powerful angel for no reason, he quite literally WAS one of the most powerful beings in heaven. His self importance was actually earned. He's not being arrogant or blowing his own esteem out of proportion, he quite LITERALLY earned it.
So to be bested by a machine, which even Hakita said would be like an ant beating up someone and winning, is a big deal. Of course he's upset. Of course others thought he must've given up or let himself be beat, he's Gabriel.
After that you see destroyed and desecrated murals of Gabriel. Of people dragging him down from the pedestal they put him on and not just tossing him aside, destroying things in his image.
He's lost everything.
And yet even when Gabriel's at his lowest, his most ""pathetic"" he is still strong enough to behead and kill the entire council.
Even before that, in the level right before it, he is still able to fight V1 and the terminals even say V1 is either an equal or better than him. Maybe im just bad at Ultrakill and took too many tries to beat him but I do think the fact he kept up with V1 for the most part also shows strength. He's not weak and pathetic, V1 was just stronger and it costed him more than you'd think.
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48787 · 1 year
I keep thinking that like V1 is like a non-sentient feral beast that has sudden flashes of genius to solve the occasional puzzle, but it's all just following its programming like a state machine. Like even with the Terminal lore and V2's very clear sentience, I keep thinking V1 just is like different being, like an older bot who doesn't have all the sentience as the other robots which lets it be much more efficient with its murder. This is all wrong, of course, V2 and the other robots are practically feral beasts too and are just as blood thirsty (just not as efficient), the Terminal lore obviously applies directly to V1, yadda yadda. But what inspired this post, and why I think I keep having this weird perception of V1 despite the fact that I know it's wrong, is because I keep forgetting the fact that V1 directly speaks! It only happens once (at least as I'm remembering, this whole post is about me forgetting shit so like who fucking knows), but I keep forgetting the "You're not getting away this time" line. Like with all the lore it never is in your face with how it actually applies to V1 and we never get anything direct about V1's personality (I wanted to brain rot about how this is wrong too and we actually do get a lot of V1 personality through the gameplay and animations n stuff but i am so tired and this post is getting so long), so when I first saw that line it felt a little jarring, especially because it only happens later into the game and doesn't happen again, and my brain just sorta didn't know how to slot it into the game's story.
EXCEPT THAT'S ALSO NOT CORRECT! (Extreme brain rot territory that might just be me looking too much into it but I don't care) It's not, like, a special dialog prompt or anything and V1 does not audibly speak, it's the SAME text box that appears throughout the entire game in tutorials!!!!! This can mean either two things:
One (which is what i currently believe) is that ALL the text is ACTUALLY V1 speaking, at least to itself. Like the "Sentries can be interrupted by shooting them with the revolver, railgun, yadda yadda" is like V1's computers making a little "mental" note of a new enemies weaknesses, perhaps because V1 knows about these enemies beforehand or V1, bein a lil robo dude, did a scan or something about V1's computer knows how to figure that stuff out. Not to mention other game-y things such as the scoreboard and cyber grind are continually proven canon so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary. This makes the sudden dialog less jarring in my mind because it's not sudden!
Two (which i don't like as much but whatever) is that all dialog in the game isn't, like, real. Like the tutorial stuff is just tutorial stuff, has nothing to do with V1, and by extension the "You're not getting away this time" line isn't actually V1 dialog. There's a little bit of evidence to support this one as well (even though I'm gonna refute every single piece in favor of my preferred interpretation). Jakito's lines are also in this dialog box, which would go against it being V1's dialog or internal monolog. However, that could just be because words are being communicated in a way other than speech and V1 is translating this, sorta like some kind of telepathy, not to mention the words were a different color (I THINK?? I THINK IM REMEBERING THAT RIGHT). There's also the "Something wicked this way comes.... Just kidding :)" line, which wouldn't make sense for V1 to say to itself. I'm tempted to write it off as a funny little goof, there's so fucking much I want to write off as a silly little goof, but Hakita said before that all secret levels besides 2-S is canon (I MIGHT BE LYING I JUST SPENT AN HOUR LOOKING FOR THIS QUOTE BUT COULDNT FIND IT, DID I IMAGINE IT??? GOING CRAZY) so I don't know! But that could've been a meme as well!! It could also be similar to the Jakito thing. Maybe it could've also been V1 being like "wouldnt the be funny lol" to itself. whatever. point being the "youre not getting away this time" line could just be non canon and just a silly little line.
I obviously really prefer my first interpretation, stuff that seems like its just game-y stuff keeps being made canon so like it just makes sense that something we'd take for granted like tutorials is also canon.
I can't tell if I am looking too far into all this or if this is just something everyone already knows or noticed i am so tired and potentially at that stage of insanity where you think its all so obvious and everyone is on the same page and then you talk about it and realize everyone actually thinks your crazy but also maybe it is so obvious and im just dumb or maybe this is all stupid i am so tired and have so many feelings about this fucking game. I had so much more i wanted to say but forgot it all because its so late. when looking for references for this stuff i thought i knew like most of the lore but realized i was actually probably wrong because i havent seen a bucnh of hakita quotes about shit. the one quote i was trying to find just stopped existing and i dont know if it ever existed. This post is a mess, i dont even know if any part of this will make sense to another living soul or if there is a single sentence that isn't completely incoherent.
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tutchando74 · 11 months
Alphakill objectives and fun facts (Alphatale &Ultrakill AU)
The objectives of the characters and some little fun facts about them. Probably the last post about this AU.
I don't own Alphatale, Shadikal15 created this amazing story.
I don't own Ultrakill, Hakita created this amazing game.
He doesn't really have an objective, he just wants to cause havoc through hell and even more. He just likes to see other suffer.
The souls of those he kills are trapped inside his personal hell, that is inside his head, thus why some hands can be seen there.
He gets stonger with each person he kills.
He wants to get stronger to bring his creators back. He doesn't know if that is possible, but he doesn't care.
He wants to bring peace to the word by killing those who opose his law.
He's not omnipotent
He wanted to make everyone in the rings of hell happy or, at least, in a better mood.
The swords in his head, were the ones used to kill him and trap his soul.
He is constatly crying because he feels like he failed his people.
The Astral Rock called him beta when they were alive.
Astral Rock
She wanted to have control over all of existence.
Her mind was split into 4, since she was too smart and would find a way to escape if her mind was complete.
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