#the lords of course are all varying ratios of their own types of megamycete
beastenraged · 1 year
You and Your Mold: Ratios Matter!
The terms of Support, Control, and Memory are defined in this earlier post here. 
Now, to actually use these terms for different parts of the mold as related to actual canon characters!
Support, being structurally focused, is the portion that kicks in to restore the body to its former state. The super healing, so to speak. Or the getting super big monstery part. 
Control is used by individuals with a heavier Memory-leaning megamycete to control other individuals’ megamycete. This includes to my knowledge, only three individuals in canon: Miranda, Eveline, and Rose. And I’m putting a mental question mark by Rose’s ability, due to what I think she’s actually doing in the false memories (more details further on). 
Memory...now, Memory is a little more complicated to place. Mostly because I believe that the vast majority of enemies we face in RE7 and RE8 lacking the concentrations of Memory strands that make them matter. 
Or, as Miranda puts it in the Shadows of Rose DLC on the matter of the memory realm we visit as Rose, “Only those who are attuned to the mutamycete in life retain control of their faculties here in this realm.”
Ethan, Miranda, and Eveline...along with Rose herself, are shown to be the only individuals able to influence the memories found in the mold. In my terminology, it is because they have larger Memory concentrations and thus a finer connection to the communication between the mold clusters themselves. 
Rose’s powers as shown in canon (so far) are focused on disrupting that same communication, even. 
Now Miranda appears to have focused mainly on Support and Control strands when blending up her Cadou, as to control her creations and make them supernaturally durable. Which naturally leaves less space for Memory. The Memory where her beloved shade of her daughter would be stored. Or in other words, the Cadou hosts would never be able to serve as a decent vessel because they lack the Memory needed. 
Miranda, you ruined your ratios! Your plan wasn’t going to work!
What’s going on with everyone else? Here we go:
Ethan does not have a perfect combination between all three, but he definitely has a lot of Memory and enough Support to reconnect lost parts (but not enough to regrow them with some major sacrifice in other directions). 
RE7 individuals such as Mia and the Bakers were heavily seeded by Eveline’s Control spores. Existing as long as they did in Eveline’s vicinity as a mold colony as well also infected them with Support. Naturally, when they died, their bodies became part of the Memory of the oversized mold colony that had over a year to grow. 
In a nice plentiful swampy area at that. Full of life and food! Much better than their native hostile mountain environment. 
(Yes, Eveline is both a biological weapon and invasive species. Make of that what you will.)
The mixture of Ethan’s Memory strands and Mia’s Control, combined perfectly with the Support they both had, to make a bouncing baby moldling: our Rosemary. 
RE8 foes such as Lycans and the Lords are hosts for Control-Support centered parasites, and thus not entirely mold infested. Well, I don’t think the Lords are. The Lycans might be. 
Any questions? Hit me up!
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