#the mania could very well kill or severely injure me
lesbianlepidoptera · 10 months
The closer it gets to December and January the faster I start spiraling if left alone with my thoughts
Maxie might be fronting more than usual soon
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dyns33 · 5 years
Under the moonlight (5/5)
It's time for the young wolf and his human to have a long discussion
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- For several more days, Michael remained unconscious
- And even if the whole pack had never been so present, so loving, supporting (Y / N) and treating her with great respect and care after what she had gone through, no one wanted to answer her questions concerning the young wolf
- There was something weird, everyone seemed to hide something and she did not like it
- Why did they laugh from the beginning saying "his human" ?
- Why Cordelia had accepted her so easily ?
- Why no one had opposed to Michael's plan, while it was clearly stupid ?
- Why did Madison said she was his "ma"? What was "ma" ?
- Every time, they said it was their place to talk about it, she had to see with Mikey
- Even Coco, while she loved to tell all the gossip and secrets of the wolves refused to answer her, with a guilty look
- "It's the rule in these cases. But frankly, if you still do not understand, I do not know what you need."
- Except that she could turn and return the problem, (Y / N) did not understand at all
- She and Michael were friends, she had saved him, so until now he had had some sort of debt to her, which was now paid. In the pack, she was his human, because he was the one who brought her in, but that was all
- There was no courting when it was mandatory for them. Not the slightest sign that he wanted more than friendship with her.
- Did his wolf see her as his master since she'd helped him ? Like a second mom? A mania ?
- (Y / N) found nothing on the subject on the Internet, which was not very surprising
- There was also the explanation of the mate... but she did not want to think about it
- According to wolf customs, nothing was going in that direction, so she did not want, she could not hope, because her heart would not bear to feel rejected again
- Michael did not react well when he learned that he had marked her, while it could not put her in danger with the hunters, who were mere humans
- If they had been mates, he would not have found that terrible, right ? It would have been normal, maybe a bit fast, but normal
- All these questions, and the fear of not seeing Michael getting better, prevented her from sleeping
- But she ended up crumbling all the same, sitting on a chair, her head resting against the injured Alpha's shoulder
- Several wolves entered the room during her sleep, nobody dared to move her, simply laying a blanket on her
- Even if the conditions were a bit dramatic, Madison could not help but take a picture
- "Because it's so fucking cute and I can ask Mike what I want if he wants to have this."
- When she woke up, (Y / N) was no longer in her seat, but lying on Michael, who was hugging her, his nose buried in her hair, smelling her scent
- "Sorry... I have not taken a shower since yesterday." she mumbled.
- "Nonsense, you feel divinely good... You're not hurt ? Are you okay ?"
- How could he be worried about that, when he was the one who was bedridden, who almost died because of a silver bullet, because of her ?
- Despite the certainty that she needed to wash, and the fear of leaning on his wound, even though Miss Mead had said for two days that it was totally healed, (Y / N) clung firmly to him, bursting into tears
- "You're an idiot ! A fucking idiot ! You could have been killed ! It's my fault, I should have listened to you, I should have trusted you, I..."
- "Hush." he said massaging her back. "No, it was me who was wrong. I should have warned you, it was a mistake to not talk to you about the hunters, even if Coco stayed with you to keep you safe. I was a terrible Alpha , a miserable mate, a..."
- "A what ?"
- Michael froze, his cheeks tinting red, while (Y / N) raised her head to fix him, her tears no longer flowing because of the shock. No, he said... no.
- "But you never courted me, never !"
- "You... know about the courtship and the mating ?" he wondered.
- From the beginning, Michael and his wolf had chosen her as a mate, that's why the animal had accepted that she approached it, that's why Cordelia had accepted that she be integrated into the pack, that's why everyone laughed at them
- He had wanted to court her, but after the fiasco that had almost been Coco's courting, she had explained to the pack that it did not work so well with humans, so he had not thought that (Y / N) would understand if he acted like that, and he had tried to find other ways, like come often to see her, to touch her a lot...
- Even his wolf seemed to understand it, offering her cakes and flowers, instead of dead animals and a cave in the forest to raise their pups
- Okay. She had tried to adapt to his wolf customs. He had tried to adapt to the customs of humans.
- "But... Why were you angry for marking me ? I really thought like you were ashamed to have done that with a human so..."
- "Never !" he exclaimed. "I'm absolutely not ashamed of you ! If I was ashamed, it was only of myself, because marking someone, even his mate, without permission... It's bad. Totally disgusting, a bit like if it was... a rape."
- That was why all the wolves were shocked and tried to comfort her, because this event was judged as really difficult to live, even if she could not smell anything
- "You forgive me ?" he asked. "You are not mad at me ?"
- He was so adorable, with that sad little puppy look, whose wet eyes showed how sorry and shameful he was
- If he had had wolf ears at that moment, they would probably have been lowered
- (Y / N) could not help but ruffle his hair, kissing him on the nose
- Like when he came home, this moonlit evening, she was sure to hear him purring
- "So... we are together from the beginning, everyone knows, except me ?"
- "Not exactly. Before the courtship, and other things, we are not officially a couple. The pack knows that I chose you as my mate, that I want you, but you are still free, you can reject me or choose someone else. As you are human, I did not want to rush you with that, I did not want you to think that you had no choice, I wanted to do things well, by taking time, by allowing you to get to know me, to know the pack, the wolves... So if you want me..."
- "You're really an idiot. We're two idiots."
- The whole pack, whose ear was sticking to the door, approved
- They ran off when he revealed that they had made bets on when they were finally going to solve this problem that was not one, by simply confessing their feelings
- Because the wolves had been telling Michael from the beginning that his human loved him and that he had to tell her everything, but he did not believe it, convinced that she only saw him as a friend, a dog that she had saved, because he had read that humans do not attach themselves as fast as wolves, or at least not forever and unconditionally.
- And since he had forbidden Coco and Andrew to talk about this to (Y / N)...
- The situation had lasted all this time, not because he was a wolf and she was human, but because they thought it would be a concern
- So even though she still had a lot to learn, same for him, now they knew that they loved each other anyway and they fell asleep in each other's arms, while the moonlight lit up their bed
Tag : @fallenangel4996
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