#the mental strength it requires to be this lighthearted over cancer
shenanigumi · 6 years
Astrology: Hijikata Toshizo
Part I: Western Zodiac – Signs. All information in brackets is canon.
b. [31 May 1835]
[Sun in Gemini, Moon in Cancer]
Highly sensitive to surroundings, able to empathize with others’ feelings; should be careful not to be influenced by others so readily
Needs family and social affairs to run smoothly in order to feel secure
Core is intellectual, less emotional than expected given their position, seemingly in opposition to personality
Can follow goals with more determination once a solid focal point is attained
[Sun in Gemini]
Quick and agile mind; curious to know answers quickly
Enjoys travel, newness, games involving matching wits
Moods change quickly; new and interesting things bring happiness
Fond of books and reading or of learning by talking with others
Has potential for a broad variety of sexual experiences; sex is recreation more than a personal statement
It is important for their partner to become personally involved in other ways; most fulfilling moments come when deeply in touch with their partner, not only sexually
[Moon in Cancer] – see also: Chizuru
Can be very strong and secure emotionally
Being close to family is important; needs lots of familial affection
Good at giving support and taking care of people in need
Sensitive to others’ feelings, sympathetic; always willing to listen to others’ problems and sorrows
May be involved with people suffering emotional difficulties, thus draining personal strength
Derives satisfaction from helping/comforting troubled friends, but may allow their problems to overwhelm the entire relationship
In a relationship, love’s quality and nature may vary, but it will never die
Aries Rising
A free spirit, self-assertive, likes to do things their own way; will fight for beliefs
Likes competition; cooperation is sometimes a problem due to independence
Lighthearted attitude about own feelings may make it hard to get sympathy when needed
Tends to be rash and impulsive, acting first and thinking later; should try to be more thoughtful about actions
Ambitious, courageous, bold; desires prominence in the world
General course of life filled with many ups and downs; success depends on ability to develop positive inborn qualities and exert control over less favorable characteristics
Lacks prudence; has a certain disregard for others’ feelings/opinions
Inclined to politics and public work; should be successful in any activity requiring pioneering ideas and/or a militant disposition
Ardent attitude toward any project that involves new concepts or original work, especially if given a position of leadership
In new projects, tends to dismiss or destroy older contributions and concepts that might have been useful
Critical, despises dubious acts; creates many excellent friendships but also important enemies
Life rich in passion, ardent love; sexually quick, aggressive, to the point
Tends to take the lead in exploring and developing relationships; main concern is to get to the essence, physical or emotional, of the affair
Physical foreplay not so important; should try not to be impatient
Stands out in a room full of people; should find a partner who is quieter and more reticent to balance out dominant tendencies
Best suited to a partner who will let them take initiative
Mercury in Gemini
Mind is active, restless, fond of change; processes events faster than most others
Must try to be disciplined enough to stay with one train of thought long enough to learn from it
In a relationship, able to express sexual needs/desires verbally; happiest with a partner who can express love mentally as well as physically
Verbal expressiveness enhances courting and lovemaking
Can harness a fuller love life and greater communication through development and experimentation with a variety of techniques
Venus in Taurus
Forms lasting attachments to others, but can be possessive about getting/holding their attention
In a relationship, physical appetite is fairly regular; should find a partner with a consistent style day-to-day
Fond of beauty; surroundings are important to sensuality
Must admire partner, who must be durable and independent; expectations may be too high
Mars in Leo
Has a great deal of pride and enjoys doing things on own initiative
Appeals to sense of fairness bring out their best
May act arrogant and domineering toward others; needs to be a leader and may have difficulty accepting anyone else in that position
Demands that others let them run their own life
Self-confident, courageous, but not especially reckless
Has good understanding of both limitations and strengths; may feel uncomfortable with emotions, weaknesses
In a sexual relationship, makes elaborate preparations in terms of surroundings
Lovemaking style is warm and open, but may tend to go through one or two basic scenarios subconsciously
Generous to a fault with a partner, particularly in supplying tokens of affection
Jupiter in Gemini – see also: Chizuru
Tends to use mind as the only tool to get ahead in the world, neglecting to grow emotionally
Strong danger of emotional insensitivity to others
Able to examine life with logical detachment, to objectively see and understand each possible perspective
In a relationship, should get along best with a partner who encourages creativity in affection and does not inhibit fertile imagination
Saturn in Libra
Needs plenty of time to make decisions; wants to know everything before arriving at a conclusion
May be somewhat reserved in relations with others, but once a commitment is made, will abide by it long-term
Conscious of rules and duty toward friends; takes promises lightly and is unlikely to break them
Strong sense of justice; concerned with everyone having what they deserve, outraged by injustice
May have talent for arbitrating problems, which may be a creative outlet
In a relationship, tends to be balanced and stable in settling difficulties; good foresight, sense of equilibrium, not flustered by temporary turmoil
[Uranus in Pisces (generational)]
Has high ideals, and is loyal to them, but goals are abstract, to be brought about in society rather than the individual
Peers may expect too much of them in fitting their convictions to a cause
Stubbornness will seem externally disadvantageous, but will lead to considerable internal understanding/growth
In a relationship, working with a partner towards a common goal makes the experience richer
Adaptable in modes of expression; may derive pleasure from delicate, emotional sexuality
[Neptune in Aquarius (generational)] – see also: Chizuru
Ideal is societal improvement; interested in ideological questions
May overestimate the world’s readiness for change, experience many disappointments
Social concerns more important than individual needs, self-realization, or self-knowledge; may lack these qualities
[Pluto in Aries (generational)]
(No information available)
All text paraphrased from Robert Hand and Robert Pelletier, as accessed through Astrodienst.
Part II (Houses)
Part III (Aspects)
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zodiacspot · 7 years
Horoscope - March 23 2017
Aries Horoscope
(Mar 21 – Apr 19)
You don't see how you can keep your ideas to yourself for one more day. Whether you're passionate about your work or pent-up frustration is making you crazy, someone is bound to hear about it today. While there's nothing wrong with speaking your mind, a tense configuration between intimidating Pluto and vocal Mercury in your 1st House of Personality transforms typical venting into steamrolling rants. Others could feel attacked by your gusto if you don't consciously rein in your intensity. Although moderating your tone for your audience is wise, remember Ralph Waldo Emerson's words, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
Taurus Horoscope
(Apr 20 – May 20)
You're certainly privy to all the changes happening to everyone else, but you still may not realize how much you have changed. You prefer to stick to the obvious, but you might experience an epiphany today that's been organically developing behind the scenes. Fortunately, the detached Aquarius Moon helps you see what could feel like an internal watershed from a cool-headed perspective. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, "A man has free choice to the extent that he is rational."
Gemini Horoscope
(May 21 – Jun 20)
You're a natural when it comes to chatting about every topic from A to Z, but talking about deep feelings doesn't come as easily. But more goes on behind your lighthearted veneer than you let on, and the pressure may build up so much that it begins to color your language a few shades darker. Your friends are likely to pick up on the fact that something is on your mind today, so choosing an appropriate time and place to express your emotions is ideal over spilling the beans without any warning. Choose proactive over reactive for the best results.
Cancer Horoscope
(Jun 21 – Jul 22)
You feel the words rising in your throat and you're not sure if you can bite your tongue for much longer. Although you know that stress at work is inevitable, things may reach a boiling point where you're unable to keep silent. Defending your position is essential and you should stand your ground with confidence. But if there's something on your mind unrelated to your job, don't take it out on your coworkers. Discussing your thoughts with the right people turns a frustrating conversation into a healing experience.
Leo Horoscope
(Jul 23 – Aug 22)
You're extremely excited about a long-term project, and it's gratifying to see the progress as it takes shape. However, you may get fed up with the lack of recognition today if others aren't noticing the jewel you're polishing so diligently. You might think that an impassioned speech will wake everyone up to the reality of your efforts, but what is zeal to you might sound like a lecture to someone else. If you really want feedback or acknowledgment, all you have to do is ask.
Virgo Horoscope
(Aug 23 – Sep 22)
Your schedule is your best friend today as it gives you a reason to politely decline people's well-meaning inquiries. You don't feel like discussing what's on your mind now, even if you could use an objective ear to help you process your thoughts. However, you may find yourself at a dead end with fewer options if you don't face your feelings from the start. It's better to have an uncomfortable conversation on your own terms than a shouting match when you're at the end of your rope. Timing is everything.
Libra Horoscope
(Sep 23 – Oct 22)
Any good captain worth their salt knows to steer their ship early to avoid last-minute turns that could capsize the vessel. But even the most experienced sailors misjudge distance sometimes, and today you may be closer to a quick change in direction than you think. Inconspicuous cues from a friend or partner might only be the tip of the iceberg, and collision is unavoidable if you realize what's happening too late. Fortunately, the astute Aquarius Moon lends you the impartiality needed to handle any conflict that arises. Erring on the side of kindness inspires others to do the same.
Scorpio Horoscope
(Oct 23 – Nov 21)
You don't want anyone to waste your time today because every moment seems critical to your success. Your obligations may be stressing you out more than you wish, but that just makes you more adamant to fulfill them as quickly as possible. Harnessing your anger for productivity works to your advantage rather than allowing aggravation to stop you in your tracks. Never underestimate the power of persistence.
Sagittarius Horoscope
(Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Your passion takes you to amazing places and you're excited about your creations. You hope your friends are impressed by your deeds and you may even think that luck is on your side as you continue to push the envelope. But you might be annoyed if everyone doesn't agree with your approach to living the good life. You could feel like your integrity is at stake when your actions aren't met with applause and acclaim. However, you must evaluate your own sense of self-esteem for the validation you seek because it could be an internal issue rather than one with your audience.
Capricorn Horoscope
(Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Your ability to conduct yourself with maturity is a strength that blends well with your tendency to not dance around a subject. However, that same calculated approach enables you to evade issues that you prefer not to discuss. But you're forced to confront your changing motivations when transformative Pluto pushes discerning Mercury. Talking about your dilemma could help you evaluate the situation in a clear-headed manner, even if you wish you could figure the answer out by yourself. Nevertheless, it's perfectly acceptable to lean on someone else for a change.
Aquarius Horoscope
(Jan 20 – Feb 18)
You are hoping that no one sees past your poker face because you only want to share your secrets with someone you know will keep them. However, voices carry today when cathartic Pluto influences capricious Mercury in your 3rd House of Communication, and you may end up outing yourself when you thought you had total control. Although you feel chagrin over your slip of the tongue, it's better to have your thoughts out in the open now where everyone can see them more clearly. Psychologist Brene Brown writes, "What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful."
Pisces Horoscope
(Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Doing what's best for your own mental and emotional health must be top priority today. Even though you feel strongly about taking a stand for your beliefs, you won't be an effective leader unless you renew your energy with a well-deserved timeout. Neglecting your needs only results in poorly communicated intentions, especially when intense Pluto and argumentative Mercury add a formidable force behind your words. Thinking before you speak requires extra effort now, indicating your best bet is to retreat to the cozy comfort of your castle before you say something you regret.
Source : Rick Levine
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