#the mercury news is also pissing me off but i think that's just bc i'm about to start very real beef with the sharks beat reporter lol
moregraceful · 2 months
just looked up zack gelof hm compelling lol
god i hope so bad this link works, it works on my laptop come thru tumblr: please check out one of the greatest minds of our generation @pindergarten and her zack gelof posts. he is SO compelling!!!
also ik you were looking for a team to love and the oakland a's are hella compelling and having AMAZING narratives, and m's blog is the only thing that brings me joy on this wretched soggy planet...but you WILL suffer through the heat death of universe being a fan of a) bay area sports, b) being a fan of the a's specifically. not bc the a's are in strugglesville (tho they are), but because you will have to see a million ignorant posts per season by people who Don't Get It and are either making a cheap joke at the expensive of a grieving fanbase, or who have never known real sports pain so they'll never get right in their hearts. (the a's hockey equivalent: the yotes. deeply underrated and mocked through the league but if you pull back one layer of peat moss, you see a thriving ecosystem of prospects and young players.) however you are a habs fan so perhaps you are primed for this experience.
also, unrelated to zack gelof: i can't really recommend being a fan of my san francisco giants either (the a's brothers across the bay) bc while the a's suffer untold levels of mismanagement, the giants are just. on fire. constantly. clown franchise run by clowns. also less compelling narratives imho except for the venezuelans who are maybe in love and raising a beautiful baby boy prospect together. but again you are a habs fan so maybe you understand this feeling too 😭 actually that might be the giants hockey equivalent: the habs. used to be amazing, now struggling to get back to "good" after several catastrophic org and manager decisions and losing our team dads.
personally i have decided to be a fan of the orioles this year as my east coast side piece bc their young players are cooking some INSANE narratives, also you really gotta cheer for a team that was so bad for years and is coming out of it with new ownership and a bright future. and i went to school in baltimore and their ballpark camden yards whips ass
anyway none of that was related zack gelof. please look at m's blog for zack gelof posts. it is an amazing blog. also read spit it out on three it's so good
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so... a while ago I saw post suggesting alternatives to like sapphic for people of different orientations (there was like mercurian for bi because of some famous person with Mercury as their last name) etc and it got lots of backlash because sapphic and achellian include bi/pan people etc.... but someone suggested artemisian for ace and I feel like using the it as a self id because I just don't like Enbian (I'm nb) or diamoric (I think that is the another word for Enbian) (1/2)
do you think it would be okay to use as a self id?? I'm kinda questing aro (but I know I'm ace) so it seems even more fitting to use artemisian for myself??? (I was thinking of making a silly little pride flag for myself!)... but I'm kinda scared of the backlash (though I don't post about my identity much and only tag personal posts etc...) do you think I should do it? (artemisian anon 2/2) Thank you in advanced for the input!!!
Yes I think that sounds great! Honestly, the biggest reason I personally got pissed off about the “new” aspec flags was to do with the “theft” bullshit they keep insisting we’re doing to delegitimize us and make us seem like terrible & unoriginal ppl. That they were saying we “stole purple” just adds to their constant insistence that we’re always stealing things (the fog is stopping me from thinking of examples but a quick search you will find ppl pointing it out and you will find examples). 
BUT, the good news is that the two bloggers that made the flag have since apologized for their mistake about saying we stole purple, and have admitted that we clearly haven’t done that. So I have officially forgiven them and I hope they can forgive me (I’ve apologized for my mistakes yesterday too). But if not, that’s okay too.
SO, the long and the short of it is that there’s no harm at all in making your own personal pride flag, that’s awesome and I would love to see it when it’s done (if you do make one, that is!). Honestly, go for it if you want to!
Also, about Artemis, that sounds nice too and you’re not the only one drawing that connection. You might want to connect with my friend and fellow aspec @searchingforartemis bc they’re quite passionate about artemis too! 
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