#the nazis don't fish for white able-bodied people...have you seen the average nazi? lol
deadpanwalking · 6 months
#“you are not immune to propaganda” problem is some of you have absolutely no fucking immune system
thank you! i'm so sick of being nice about this particular thing. this webbed site is so invested in telling people it's okay if they fall for a little blood libel as a treat
I feel like I'm going insane. That post was well-intentioned and I hope it reaches people who need to see it, but the fact that OP and their friends hung out with fascists for hours before they began to suspect something was off is absolutely fucking wild to me—the dogwhistles wouldn't have even registered if they hadn't walked past a literal synagogue, and they only picked up on those because they recognized the rhetoric as things the Klansmen in their family would say. OP is in their 30s, btw—that level of credulity in an adult is objectively horrifying! If I truly believed every gentile leftist were that susceptible, I'd fucking kill myself.
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