#the one I went with is a gamquick anxf thing that wrote itself in my head at 4 am while I drove to work
scarletwix · 2 years
1, 13, and 14 for the yet another writing ask
What if we pretended I didn't lose this ask game after spending several days trying to pull my head out of Longfic land for the last question ^.^;
Answers for this ask game, if anyone else wants to send me stuff :)
anyway check me out, finishing this at nearly midnight instead of sleeping before a big conference I'm helping host tomorrow because I'm an adult, but I'm an adult who makes the *best* decisions (/s)
Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely?
Oh dang, this one's rough. I just went back through my AO3 to find some ideas and,,, how did I used to write so much? Mo what happened to me circa 2017? Oh wait that's when TLRH started taking over my frontal cortex and also I moved to Idaho for Uni
My answer would probably have to be "The Price of Perfection" or,,, and I can't believe I'm saying this "Wish you were Here" I slapped WYWH up there unbeta'd and even though it did motivate me to keep going on the rest of TLRH, part of me still wishes I had waited. though tbh I only really regret it because of how much I want to do it better this time. And PoP is nearly finished (like 2 chapters left) and I definitely know I could do the concept more justice if I wanted to. but that's just. so much.
13. Rate your worldbuilding skills from 1 to 10.
Oooof Okay. maybe a 6/10? I've been learning a lot lately and practicing to try and broaden my horizons. Jim is excellent at worldbuilding and has been helping me learn what to do, so I'm bumping my score up from what I would have said it was a while back to a flashy barely passing grade.
14. Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that.
It was moments like this that Remy could see the family resemblance.
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