#the windmills make me think about la noscea a lot and how this place used to be so green and vibrant
impossible-rat-babies · 2 months
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vierapril day 18--favorite zone
"in the long loneliness of the freezing nights following the calamity--when the dead had all been laid to rest--there was always some small company to be had."
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windupnamazu · 4 years
7, 9, 12!!!!
7) Where does your character hail from?
la noscea, babey! if we say that the maps in game are not at all to scale, i like to think her familys farm is nestled somewhere between costa del sol and red rooster steed - a very idealistic mix of eastern la nosceas beach and tropical climate, and the white cliffs and farmland of lower la noscea. i dont know how well that would actually mesh together but my heart tells me thats what it needs to be
in my head it has some major ponyo vibes - a farmhouse on a very lush hill, an orange orchard in a cute little valley down the hill, windmills dotted along the cliff, little paths down to small beach nooks… super picturesque, pre-calamity anyway
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now i have to rewatch ponyo ;w; 
her Adventuring Papers™ would list her as a lominsan!
9) Any favorite areas in the game?
i love… all of la noscea! but i have a mega soft spot for lower la noscea, particularly the area right outside the gate to limsa all the way up to red rooster steed. i love those windmills!! i love farms!!! cliffs!!! the ocean!!!! [flails my arms so hard i smack a mandragora out of the zone]
other notable areas are western thanalan - crescent cove, which is where lunyas mom was born, eastern thanalan - the burning wall, zenith, yanxia, tamamizu, mor dhona - around st coinachs find, absolutely anywhere in lakeland since its 90% purple and you can see the crystal tower from any given point… okay, theres a lot of pretty places in this game im very fond of
12) What job/class would you like to see added to the game?
i honestly dont know very much about other ff games (ive played like, three hours of 10 and thats it!! oops!) but based on speculation from people who have i would like to see geomancer! i really like that they confirmed it exists in ffxiv through the astro quests, but… make them more than reskinned conjurers….pwease. i want to jingle some bells
also i know they said they werent going to do branching classes anymore, but i still wish rogue had a non-ninja option? picking an oc to be a ninja was hard because it doesnt transition very smoothly between aesthetics, i think. maybe im overthinking it.
my expectations for the next expansion are a fourth healer and caster (blu doesnt count!!) and if theyre not gonna give ast its time magic back they better use it on another job >:C
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