#then these parts of him are just amplified tenfold when he's given access to a power that renders him untouchable as far as he is concerned
xhatake · 1 year
thinking about how light ya.gami reflects the worst in us which makes me rabies
#ooc.#i am making the blog tho i take forever to make blogs / establish new muses#but thinking abt how even without the death note he is still a self-serving person with the ' its ok if i do it for the greater good' compl#because he would have become a detective for the same reason#as L#because he lieks to win#he likes to do what he defines as ' good ' & be good at it#regardless as the context so long as he's held in that light of supreriority#then these parts of him are just amplified tenfold when he's given access to a power that renders him untouchable as far as he is concerned#i will keep thinking about this#i cannot stop#something that is so important tho is that all of this is in reference to his overexaggerated impression of what he's capable of#he becomes so lost in his power that he thinks he's untouchable which is ultimately his downfall#he could of kept doing what he was doing if he didn't get cocky after l's death#it wouldnt have been easy& i have no doubt that near & mello would have taken him down regardless eventually but if he exercised#the same caution he did in his rise to power he could have at least kept the facade up for longer#i have so many thoughts#tomorrow i am gonna embark on refamiliarizing myself with the series i do not know death note as well as i know naruto i love it but#naruto i watch obsessively#the last time i watched the entirety of death note i was deep in a two day acid trip#& i kept rewatching the episode where l died & crying because it was beautiful aesthetically and just a really good climax for the series#in my humble opinion#i am also obsessed with l but i think i would rip my skull in half if i ever tried to write him#love him dont get me wrong & it would be sooo interesting#but his self importance is in a different perspective that is not as easy for me to dip into
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Ron tells Harry they will get through it together for the baby. If you are able to, could you include a time frame of Harry's pregnancy up until he has the baby at the end? If you want you can edit/make changes to the prompt as long as it's something along those lines. Smut is okay but also feel free to add some cute/sweet moments in the story like Ron kissing Harry's pregnant stomach etc.
Part two of two! You can find the entire thing on Archive!
Their biggest surprise with the pregnancy was what happened the next morning. Harry had slept in later than he meant to, which was another symptom. This meant that the trio was late heading down to breakfast and most of the school was already gathered together in the Great Hall.
As the trio entered, the entire hall went dead silent for a moment before hushed whispers sprang up within all of their friend groups. The Slytherin table were all laughing with each other, some of them even going as far as to point at Harry while they laughed.
The pregnant teenager rushed over to his normal table, his face almost as bright red as his lover’s hair. He sat down and buried his face into his arms like that would allow him to hide from everyone’s stares and whispers. Ron sat down next to him and then Hermone across from the duo. “What’s going on?” she asked, looking around at the huddled groups that were looking at them.
“Apparently there’s a rumor going around school that Harry got knocked up,” Fred replied as if it were the most casual thing in the world.
Both Ron and Harry blanched as they realized that their secret had been spread around the entire school within less than twenty four hours of Harry revealing it to anyone. The rest of the Gryffindors sitting around them seemed to realize that it was true, as up until that point they hadn’t believed the rumor.
“You’re kidding me,” Seamus deadpanned.
“Ron, Mum is so going to kill you,” George snorted, eyes wide with shock.
“I’m going to be sick,” Harry whispered as a chorus of other astonished voices joined the other two. He grabbed his back and rushed out of the room. He found the nearest bathroom and fell to his knees in front of a toilet, vomiting up the bile in his stomach.The door opened a moment later as Ron rushed in behind his lover.
“You okay?” the redhead asked softly, his hand rubbing soothing circles on his lover’s back. Harry just shook his head and kept puking. When he finished, Ron handed him a small piece of toilet paper to wipe his mouth off. “I didn’t know that everyone found out, and I have no idea how they found out,” he explained.
He carefully helped his lover to his feet and then let Harry rinse his mouth out with some of the water from the tap. “I bet that it was Malfoy. He seemed to be on a role when it comes to ruining my life this year,” Harry said hoarsely.
“Who knows. But this way we don’t have to tell anyone, right?” Ron tried, giving him a shaky smile.
“I ws kind of hoping that no one other than you and Hermione would have to know,” Harry muttered, looking at himself in the mirror for a moment.
“Well, everyone will forget soon enough. Can I take you to go and see Madame Pomfrey? Hermione mentioned something about a morning sickness tonic the other night,” Ron threaded their fingers together carefully. Harry nodded and allowed his boyfriend to bring him to the hospital wing.
None of the students in the school seemed to have forgotten that he was pregnant, despite how much Hermione insisted that this would blow over the next time that something big happened. Fred and George had even tried to pull a few of their largest pranks yet just to bring the attention away from their lover. Harry was slowly growing more and more used to the stares and whispers that followed him through the halls and during meals. A few times, he had managed to sneak some food back to the common room so that he could eat in peace with his boyfriend.
The tonics ended up helping immensely, so Harry took one every morning and then again whenever he felt like he was about to be sick. He was able to continue to go to his normal classes, but spent the ones that were now too dangerous for him in the library so that he had access to the texts that the teachers were giving him.
However, the slight peace that he had earned himself through hard work wouldn’t last forever. He managed to go almost three months without too much of an incident. Graduation was just barely out of their reach, just a month away. Hermione made them spend most of their nights studying which helped him keep his mind off of the life growing inside of him.
One day while he was heading back to the library after lunch, he was cornered by Draco Malfoy and his goons. The blond took a couple of careful steps towards Harry while Crabbe and Goyle both lunged toward the other teenager. He had made a move to dodge them and run down the hall, but the bump was causing him issues so instead they caught his arms and pinned him against the wall.
“Potter, Potter, Potter,” Draco tutted, shaking his head as he got closer and closer. “You’re so lucky that Dumbledore picked you as his favorite student at this school or else you would be out on the streets with no one other than that freak baby of yours. I mean, how could anyone stoop so low as to let a Weasley shag them?”
“Let me go,” Harry panicked, trying his best to pull at the arms holding him. Even though his morning sickness had ebbed away thanks to the tonics and him breaching into the second trimester, that didn’t mean he wasn’t having any pregnancy symptoms. He had found that the exhaustion was now amplified tenfold and he could barely stay awake without taking a nap around noon. He had also grown significantly weaker, not that he had been strong in the first place.
“No, I don’t think that we will,” the blond sneered. “I would have thought better of the Great Harry Potter. But no, you’re just some dumb slut that thinks he can get a headstart on becoming someone’s broodmare.”
“What is wrong with you? Just let me go!” Harry desperately tried to pull his arms away from the goons holding him. He had been uncomfortable enough that day with another bout of bloating that would surely end in his robes not being big enough for him again. He was showing quite a bit now, but the robes were the only thing hiding it now.
“Perhaps we should kill the baby just to make sure that you can’t create your own team to try and oppose Voldemort. Is that what you’re doing, Potter? You know that he’ll bet you, so you’re going to create your own army from your womb because everyone knows better than to follow you,” Draco sneered. He gripped his wand in one hand and pointed it at the other student.
“What in Merlin’s name is going on here?” the voice of Minerva McGonagall rang down the hall like a saving grace sent from the heavens themselves.
Crabbe and Goyle dropped him unceremoniously down to the ground. Harry used one of his arms to brace himself as he fell, while the other was still tightly wrapped around his swollen middle.
“Nothing, Professor,” Draco tried, but she had already seen too much.
“I’m going to take four hundred fifty points from Slytherin for this,” she looked between the three students. “One hundred fifty from each of you. Go wait outside of my office while I help undo the damage that you may have done to Mr. Potter. And when I’m done with you, you’ll have a lot more to worry about that facing Snape,” she snarled.
Harry had never seen Draco look as terrified as he did now. They all scampered off down the hall, trying to go as quickly as they could to get away from the threats of the teacher. McGonagall reached down and gently helped Harry up, worry now replacing the anger on her face. “Why didn’t you defend yourself? It would have been understandable given your condition, Mr. Potter.”
“I didn’t have time to get my wand out. I’m not as quick as I used to be,” he flushed slightly. The pregnancy had come with fatigue, especially now that he was rapidly growing the infant inside of him. This fatigue meant that not only was he tired, but his reflexes had slowed significantly.
“I see,” she nodded. She began to walk down the hall at his pace, which was close enough to a waddle now that he was heavily into his fifth month. “I’m going to make a mandate that you must be accompanied when you walk down the halls then. Whether that is a teacher or one of your peers, is up to you.”
“Thank you, professor,” Harry smiled shyly.
“Yes, well, I know what it’s like to have your children hurt. I would never wish that upon anyone, especially someone like you,” she opened the door to the hospital wing when they finally reached it.
Harry turned to ask the teacher what she meant, but thought better of it and closed his mouth. Upon seeing him, Madame Pomfrey nearly had a heart attack as she thought that something awful had happened. She busied over to them and immediately got Harry onto a bed with curtains around him. She checked over him with nearly a hundred spells, making sure that both he and the baby were alright.
The worried Healer ended up keeping him overnight, and let Ron sleep in the same bed as him as long as she had their explicit promise that they wouldn’t do anything other than sleep.
Nothing else happened with his pregnancy until after they had graduated. Both he and Ron were living in the Burrow with the redhead’s parents. Molly hadn’t been happy to know that her first grandbaby would be coming from teenage parents, but that didn’t stop her from being overjoyed at the idea of being a grandmother in the first place.
Harry was currently with his boyfriend in their attic bedroom, which had been redecorated to suit both of their tastes. Ron was still working on saving up enough money to get them their own flat, so that they could raise the abby together. Once their child was old enough, Harry would be able to work as well and they would be able to support their little family. The pregnant wizard was leaning back against the pillows on the bed, one hand resting limp next to him while the other rested on the bare skin of his belly.
Ron was kneeling on the bed in between his lover’s open legs, pressing small kisses to his belly. Both of his hands were resting on either side of the mound, holding the stomach. In between each of the kisses, he murmured little promises to their unborn baby.
They both stilled as a little bit of motion echoed past the muscle and skin of the bump, reaching all the way to Ron’s right hand. “Wa-was that?” the redhead asked, looking up with wide eyes.
“Yeah. They kicked!” Harry grinned widely.
“That’s-that’s amazing! I haven’t been able to feel them for almost a month when you could, this is so amazing!” Ron beamed brightly. He leaned down next to the bump and pressed his forehead to the area just underneath where Harry’s hand was resting. “Hi baby, I’m your daddy. I know that you’ve been favoring your Papa for quite some time, but I’m happy you finally reached out to let me feel you too. I love you so much and I can’t wait for you to get here so that I can meet you.”
“Ron,” Harry said, his voice warbling slightly with the tears clinging to his lashes.
“Love, I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he laughed worriedly. Ron moved one of his hands quickly to the back of his lover’s head and brought their foreheads together. Harry moved his hand down a little bit so that it was resting on top of the place where their baby had kicked. Ron placed his free hand over his lover’s and smiled as they got another little movement from their child. “I love you both so much.”
“I love you. I’m so glad that you decided to stay with me,” he grinned as wide as he could, until his cheeks ached.
Harry went into labor when he was a week premature. The baby was fully developed to the point where they could still bring them home, of course, but it was a little scary. He had been uncomfortable all day when the contractions started. He had barely been in active labor for a couple hours by the time that his water broke all over the kitchen tile.
Mrs. Weasley had been prepared for the labor, however. She was able to get him comfortable with his boyfriend in another one of the now spare bedrooms as she got the midwife to the burrow. They had some difficulty finding one that would be willing to deliver Harry’s baby, and even more finding one that was trusted and safe on top of that. The woman that they had found was stout and kind, almost an exact duplicate of Mrs. Weasley if she had been about fifty years older.
Harry labored for five hours actively after his water had broken. Ron stayed with him the entire time, helping him walk around and rock to help with the pressure. He stayed throughout the entire birthing process, even when Harry held his hand so tight that he broke two of his fingers. He kept kissing Harry’s forehead and praising him as he pushed, even as his boyfriend swore at him and the whole world for putting him in this much pain.
Their baby was born just as the sun began to creep into the windows on a hot summer’s day. Harry was allowed to have them lay on his chest the moment that they slipped into the world for too little time, in his opinion, before Mrs. Weasley whisked them away to be cleaned. Harry was cleaned up and moved to their bedroom before they both saw their child again.
“She’s a girl, just as healthy and strong as the both of you,” Mrs. Weasley chuckled when she walked into the bedroom with a screaming bundle in her arms.
The baby settled down immediately after being placed into her mother’s arms. Harry was immediately entranced by her face just as he had been when she was first born. The bath had made her a bit more red, and less the slimy blue color that she had been. Her head was still elongated and she barely had any hair, but none of that mattered to the new parents.
“She’s beautiful, Harry. Look at what we made,” Ron murmured. He moved his hand down to touch the downy locks on her head.
“I know,” Harry whispered. He sat up just enough to remove his shirt and then brought her to his nipple. She latched on and began to suckle eagerly for her first meal.
“What should we name her?” Ron asked softly.
“I think…” Harry trailed off as he thought. He desperately wanted to name his baby after one of his parents, but giving her something so large to live up to her when she had barely been alive for an hour seemed cruel. Instead, he would name her something close to what his mother had been named. “Poppy. My grandmother named both of her daughters after flowers.”
“Poppy is perfect for her, Harry,” Ron brought their lips together in a quick kiss. Their daughter was cuddled close to them, and for just a minute they could pretend like the war around them never happened and they hadn’t had her so young. For just a moment, they could pretend like they were a normal family.
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