puedodormirconmiconejo · 10 months
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Solo Exhibition at Overstolzenhaus, Bibliothek der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln 
who controls knowledge, meaning, controls subjectivity? you are not bigger, you are a walking cosmos you are a start and a perfect synchronicity of whatever-happened
nevertheless your agency to agree or disagree direct us all into a common wavelength not about polarity but slowly choreographing ourselves into nonsense through sensing I wish to expand and make your focus as wide awake as it is possible to be and i promise theres nothing perverse about that not in a form in which we land into the dance without the critique and it doesn’t matter what comes into documents the recollection of knowledge that is in sync with the land but without the discourse of difference and objectification/subjection I too want to learn all about your mushrooms and seeds your “bad” seeds and pests and how to contain them I too know we have a bright bright bright heart that is like an oven How a powerful merchants house was chosen to be a library for an institution of somehow promising discovery? a place with enough space to build a hidden garden as part of its layout treat your soul like the hidden garden it is 
Underwater reefy bliss sing this song with me Dive softly into the revolution 
Love Is Stronger Than Pride was a conglomeration of site-specific art installations at the Overstolzen- haus/LIBRARY OF THE KUNSTHOCHSCHULE FÜR MEDIEN KÖLN. “I have to listen to SADE at least once a month. It’s like a moon thing, like a cycle. It’s not that complicat- ed, but you gonna need a bulletproof soul. I said no matter, no matter the color, you’re still my brother. Everyone wants to be together, why can’t we live together? Don’t let them stay home and listen to the blues. I literally think I was conceived with her music on‘ 
A series of dangerous devices, crafted for a queering demonstration of space and time, with overflow- ing and debatable support. 
Specifications: Naturally Dyed Upcycled Organic Fabrics, Embroidery
Found Items for Totemic Proposes , Recycled Clay , Contact Microphones , Water 
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