#there aren't really many people from before the whole dungeon fuckery happened
val-of-the-north · 2 years
Hello hello! I saw your designs for Dores and Custodio via Kat's renditions, and I really like the way you've designed them. It suits their occupations and what little we know of them. Dores seems tough as nails while Custodio exudes a high-strung energy. I am interested in how you came up with their designs, if you are open to sharing
Helloooo! Thank you for the compliments on the designs, I am really proud of how they come out all things considered! They were so good even Kat couldn't help but accept them as her headcanons ahahah.
The fun about these designs is that they just kinda came to me in the middle of a Summer day. I got a pencil out and started doodling the rough sketches for their face. And I settled on the first attempt! I was really impressed with how quickly I seemed to grasp their concept at least. Dores gave me this idea of mysterious unhinged person, with their mask being the scalp of a Pthumerian face. I really tried to lean into the angle of someone who really doesn't care about scars or burn marks, and perhaps even enjoys them a little. Custodio I imagined to be slightly kinder-looking compared to Dores or even Willem and Gehrman, but mostly to make him look out of place with all these other important figures. Though looks can be deceiving since this guy accompanied Willem and Dores in the dungeons himself. He must have had a bit of fight in him too. His more high-strung side came from his almost-stuttering and broken speech pattern in the game. Poor guy must have seen a lot of things he most likely wasn't ready for, unlike Willem and even Dores to a lesser extent.
At the time I did not know Dores could have been a woman, but we found out the design could easily be changed into one with just a slight fix to the eyes. I can say that the design was great if you can easily salvage basically most of it! @katyahina has been a big help in finalizing the designs, and it's what I also use as a reference nowadays.
Here's a look!
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And here's a look at the originals for comparison of how much they changed!
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As you can see, the initial ideas were all there, they just got better with time! And now I can't help but love these very obscure and underrated goobers. I think they were good friends despite how different they were. (and how much Dores loved to annoy the heck out of poor gatekeeper Custodio ahah)
Thank you so much for the ask!
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