#dores bloodborne
fantomette22 · 1 year
Graveguard Dores
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I really like Dores. Such an obscure and intriguing character from the lore of Bloodborne.
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val-of-the-north · 2 years
Hello hello! I saw your designs for Dores and Custodio via Kat's renditions, and I really like the way you've designed them. It suits their occupations and what little we know of them. Dores seems tough as nails while Custodio exudes a high-strung energy. I am interested in how you came up with their designs, if you are open to sharing
Helloooo! Thank you for the compliments on the designs, I am really proud of how they come out all things considered! They were so good even Kat couldn't help but accept them as her headcanons ahahah.
The fun about these designs is that they just kinda came to me in the middle of a Summer day. I got a pencil out and started doodling the rough sketches for their face. And I settled on the first attempt! I was really impressed with how quickly I seemed to grasp their concept at least. Dores gave me this idea of mysterious unhinged person, with their mask being the scalp of a Pthumerian face. I really tried to lean into the angle of someone who really doesn't care about scars or burn marks, and perhaps even enjoys them a little. Custodio I imagined to be slightly kinder-looking compared to Dores or even Willem and Gehrman, but mostly to make him look out of place with all these other important figures. Though looks can be deceiving since this guy accompanied Willem and Dores in the dungeons himself. He must have had a bit of fight in him too. His more high-strung side came from his almost-stuttering and broken speech pattern in the game. Poor guy must have seen a lot of things he most likely wasn't ready for, unlike Willem and even Dores to a lesser extent.
At the time I did not know Dores could have been a woman, but we found out the design could easily be changed into one with just a slight fix to the eyes. I can say that the design was great if you can easily salvage basically most of it! @katyahina has been a big help in finalizing the designs, and it's what I also use as a reference nowadays.
Here's a look!
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And here's a look at the originals for comparison of how much they changed!
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As you can see, the initial ideas were all there, they just got better with time! And now I can't help but love these very obscure and underrated goobers. I think they were good friends despite how different they were. (and how much Dores loved to annoy the heck out of poor gatekeeper Custodio ahah)
Thank you so much for the ask!
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katyahina · 9 months
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Bloodborne beach episode!.... the NORMAL beach episode, and not how it went... the last time -_- *glares at monster hunters from Byrgenwerth*
In case if Tumblr ruins the quality, I shared full res on Devi: ( x ).
I've started this WIP back in summer 2021, but I've abandoned it since then, and only this summer decided to actually finish it.. Some errors since that time carried on as a result, and arguably I draw a bit better humans now... But the only true way to learn to draw large 'crowd' pieces like this is to simply draw more of them, hahah; Sizing of characters within perspective is yet to be improved, of course, not to mention that some characters are not drawn quite accurately to my heights headcanons for them but I will be real, it was fun to draw! And I just... really wanted to draw something happy and colorful for a long while, since BB's grim atmosphere striped me out of this fix. At least now there is ER for my bright colors needs lol
(Important: there are no OCs on this piece! The girl under Willem's chair is Rom, guy chased by the seaqulls is Bloody Crow, there is Byrgenwerth gatekeeper being buried in sand by Dores the Byrgenwerth graveguard (canon characters only mentiond in the item most of the players never found), Choirling is Yurie, girl next to Maria is of course Adeline, and the guy with the kite is Caryll!)
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scarycuboid · 7 months
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a byrgenwerth funny i did while i work on a drawing!!! Im not ashamed to say Logarious's placing was biased. I hate that guy :P Carryl's placement would be similar to Logarious but instead everyone would care about what she says APOLOGIZES IF IT ISNT THAT ACCURATE it's hard to make stuff with characters we barely know stuff about but I saw this template and inmediately thought of Byrgenwerth Yeah thats enough text for a silly meme...XD
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skleech · 5 months
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some Dores sketches because i missed drawing her
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katyspersonal · 2 years
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It be like this sometimes...
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bersergner-blog · 5 months
Practice 1_5.2 - Inspiration
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As mentioned before I was really drawn to the architecture of victorian London. But also the severe disparity between rich and poor and how it was reflected in the environments was very appealing. I wanted to go even further and create little shanty towns in response to the increased strain that the appearance of night time monsters put on the city.
ACADEMIC-ACCELERATOR. [Online] Available at: https://academic-accelerator.com/encyclopedia/shanty-town PINTEREST. [Online] Available at: https://no.pinterest.com/pin/354728908133297820/ https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/157977899404485400/ ALAMY. [Online] Available at https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/london-19th-century-alley.html?sortBy=relevant https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-over-london-by-rail-from-gustave-dore-and-blanchard-jerrold-london-57308832.html?imageid=C3F61572-CF23-4D92-B799-8BF2F00ED20D&p=75935&pn=1&searchId=a58d331aafeb32e33a74f54bedb0188e&searchtype=0 https://c7.alamy.com/comp/D96J00/over-london-by-rail-from-gustave-dore-and-blanchard-jerrold-london-D96J00.jpg https://www.alamy.com/back-street-or-alley-in-whitechapel-london-uk-britain-british-europe-united-kingdom-great-britain-european-image240555857.html?imageid=41211157-3578-4F35-8562-6007780AEBC2&p=546931&pn=1&searchId=a58d331aafeb32e33a74f54bedb0188e&searc ARTBLART (2015). [Online] Available at: https://artblart.com/2015/10/04/exhibition-victorian-london-in-photographs-1839-to-1901-at-the-london-metropolitan-archives/ UNOFFICIALBRITAIN (2015). [Online] Available at: http://www.unofficialbritain.com/lost-london-a-victorian-street-for-friggers-and-radicals/ RIBAPIX. [Online] Available at: https://www.ribapix.com/an-alleyway-between-victorian-terrace-housing-battersea-london_riba38478 HISTORYEXTRA (2020). [Online] Available at: https://www.historyextra.com/period/victorian/david-olusoga-how-britain-grand-houses-descended-into-slums/
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What inspired me the most for the look were the games Nightmare Creatures & Bloodborne. Both extremely atmospheric, tense Horror-Action games where you can go from hunter to hunted in an instant. I also looked at WWI Armour, European Knights, Victorian Fashion, the film Brotherhood of the Wolf (which I'm pretty sure Bloodborne took a lot of it's Hunter outfit inspiration from) Castlevania and The Witcher characters as well as the main character from the game Strength of the Sword as I've always had an infatuation with it's minimalist but still very stylish 3D models and high octane combat. I also looked at the new and old Hellboy movies for creature design ideas.
TRUSTEDREVIEWS (2014). [Online] Available at: https://www.trustedreviews.com/news/fresh-bloodborne-screenshots-and-info-released-2921846 POLYGON (2014). [Online] Available at: https://www.polygon.com/2014/6/10/5798758/bloodborne-screenshots#0 https://www.polygon.com/2015/11/30/9819308/bloodborne-the-old-hunters-dlc GOODPLUGSK. [Online] Available at: https://goodplugsk.live/product_details/10241687.html SLANTMAGAZINE (2001). [Online] Available at: https://www.slantmagazine.com/film/brotherhood-of-the-wolf/ MEDIUM (2021). [Online] Available at: https://erikwmark.medium.com/brotherhood-of-the-wolf-2001-34980e00a1ec PCMAG (2015). [Online] Available at: https://uk.pcmag.com/migrated-48579-gaming/40662/bloodborne-for-playstation-4-review GOCOLLECT (2015). [Online] Available at: https://blog.gocollect.com/deconnick-and-rios-announce-pretty-deadly-second-story-arc/ SNAPSHOTGAMES (2018). [Online] Available at: https://forums.snapshotgames.com/t/a-history-on-the-development-of-modern-armour/1546 PINTEREST. [Online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/1033435445720857331/ REDDIT (2022). [Online] Available at: https://www.reddit.com/r/castlevania/comments/zudf7j/whos_your_favorite_nonbelmont_protagonist/
PINTEREST. [Online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/547680004658463639/ GAMINGRESPAWN (2021). [Online] Available at: https://gamingrespawn.com/featured/55307/retro-respawn-nightmare-creatures/ DEVIANTART. [Online] Available at: https://www.deviantart.com/rikimaruazuma/gallery/33153320/nightmare-creatures-ii GAMEFAQS (2020). [Online] Available at: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/198200-nightmare-creatures-ii/reviews/171003 IMDB. [Online] Available at: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0271085/ FANDOM. [Online] Available at: https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Behemoth_(Hellboy) REDDIT (2019) [Online] Available at: https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/fpxa0k/the_monsters_from_hell_scenesdesign_from_hellboy/
KNIGHTSTEMPLAR. [Online] Available at: https://knightstemplar.co/decoding-diverse-medieval-helmet-types/ EBAY. [Online] Available at: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265416891488 HISTORICROYALPALACES. [Online] Available at: https://www.historicroyalpalaces.com/medieval-armour-great-helm.html MEDIEVALBRITAIN. [Online] Available at: https://medievalbritain.com/type/medieval-life/weapons/medieval-helmet/ ARTSTATION (2022). [Online] Available at: https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/LBvn/6-lowpoly-european-medieval-helmets-pack STEAMGRIDDB. [Online] Available at: https://www.steamgriddb.com/game/9793 STEAMPOWERED. [Online] Available at: https://store.steampowered.com/app/419130/Strength_of_the_Sword_ULTIMATE/ THEVICTORIANEMPORIUM (2018). [Online] Available at: https://www.thevictorianemporium.com/publications/history/article/what-is-victorian-fashion WIKIPEDIA. [Online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victorian_fashion PINTEREST. [Online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/61080138678739378/ VINTAGEDANCER. [Online] Available at: https://vintagedancer.com/victorian/victorian-fashion-hisory/
BELLATORY (2023). [Online] Available at: https://bellatory.com/fashion-industry/Fashion-History-Victorian-Costume-and-Design-Trends-1837-1900-With-Pictures MIRROR (2022). [Online] Available at: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/student-20-who-dresses-victorian-27130417 WITCHERHOUR (2023). [Online] Available at: https://witcherhour.com/who-is-letho/ GIANTBOMB. [Online] Available at: https://www.giantbomb.com/kingslayer/3005-18750/ VICTORIANWEB (2014). [Online] Available at: https://victorianweb.org/history/navy/index.html WIKIMEDIA. [Online] Available at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Royal_Navy_%281907%29_%2814589644659%29.jpg QUORA. [Online] Available at: https://www.quora.com/Were-enlisted-soldiers-allowed-to-wear-their-uniforms-out-of-the-barracks-in-the-Victorian-era-Would-you-pass-a-lone-uniformed-soldier-on-the-street-as-you-walked-by MILITARYHERITAGE. [Online] Available at: https://militaryheritage.com/vic_sold.htm WARHISTORYONLINE (2016). [Online] Available at: https://www.warhistoryonline.com/featured/9-ways-victorian-british-army-made-life-better-soldiers.html VENACAVADESIGN. [Online] Available at: https://www.venacavadesign.co.uk/product.php/417/0/victorian_era_army_frock_coat VICTORIANVOICES. [Online] Available at: https://www.victorianvoices.net/topics/military/index.shtml PINTEREST. [Online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/378654281155761773/ MOLOEGENEALOGY (2019). [Online] Available at: https://molegenealogy.blogspot.com/2019/12/christmas-in-british-army-victorian.html PAULMEEKINS. [Online] Available at: https://www.paulmeekins.co.uk/product/47640/RH956-VICTORIAN-ERA-ARMY-PATROL-JACKET QUORA (2020). [Online] Available at: https://www.quora.com/What-sort-of-arrangements-were-made-for-a-married-British-soldier-in-say-the-Victorian-era
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fadinglake · 1 year
im high and rambling and listening to aegon of astora so heres some bloodborne brainvomit
think possibly poison could be related to ashen blood bc of the connecting antidote; some beast patients + the blood-starved beast emit poison. the only waking-world poison swamp we know of is the one in the forbidden woods.
aegon guessed the settlements there could be an excavation site of some type - i want to think more about this but i do think it could've very well been connected to the start of the ashen blood plague, maybe even the cause.
i think actually that the large span of the forbidden woods is on top of some of the labyrinth tombs, which is why there are giant ass gravestones everywhere.
some guesses:
the forbidden grave that the shadows guard is where the pthumerian dungeons are, hence why yharnam's guards block it. this obviously connects to Byrgenwerth etc*
the hintertombs are beneath the poison swamp, there are huge graves down there and obviously the poison too
this doesnt really take the loran or isz chalices into consideration but this is really just the start of an idea (see again: stoned)
*the "etc" here being the context of byrgenwerth finding the dungeons especially when viewed with Charred Thermos' medical metaphor theories considering dores' garb set etc.
an afterthought: i wonder if theres evidence of the woods being closed prior to old yharnam being closed. maybe the fact that they're both guarded, but one is by someone living and the other is someone long dead? not sure
edit for additional afterthoughts:
-potentially that's what connects that area to the nightmare lands, and the snakes are a natural feature of that area that are then amplified in strange ways like turning into parasites & infesting peoples heads. (see: madaras whistle)
- amygdala statues around the area
- high number of runes in area could hint at a lot of people hearing the inhuman mutterings of the great ones
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blood-darkened-moon · 8 months
Do you think Byrgenwerth operated more like a cult, despite being a university?
To answer this question, we must first define what a cult is. Apparently, there are many definitions, and the word’s meaning has changed throughout history, and not all of them contain depreciating aspects. It’s also an umbrella term for a whole bunch of movements, making a clear definition difficult. According to one of the more general ones, a cult involves the worship of a deity regulated by fixed rites, exaggerated veneration of a person, or exaggerated care of an object.
There are three criteria a cult usually has to fulfill to be recognized as such: 
A cult object. This can be an actual object, a place, a person, or a real or abstract entity. The cult’s goal is to increase the power of the cult object and its followers.
More or less ritualistic acts that differ from daily routines.
People who execute these ritualistic acts. 
Now let’s see for Byrgenwerth:
The Great Ones or the power of the Great Ones would fit as a cult object for Byrgenwerth.
Byrgenwerth performed rituals to receive the power of the Great Ones. The proof here is Rom, who once was a woman before she was transformed into a kin.
The known members who were involved in the shadier aspects of Byrgenwerth, the inner circle, so to say, are Willem, Laurence, Micolash, Dores, the unnamed gatekeeper, Rom, Caryll, Maria, and Gehrman. We can assume that they are the ones who would participate in the performed rituals, or respectively, the remaining ones (Willem, Dores, the gatekeeper, Rom, Caryll(???)) if the rituals started after Laurence left. As for the other students, I think at least after Laurence left, they were involved as well.
Byrgenwerth fulfills all of the listed criteria. I think it had some cult-like tendencies that intensified after Laurence’s departure. And undoubtedly, there were shady things going on: the Fishing Hamlet incident, the snake parasites in the woods surrounding it, and the general secretiveness (you need a password to enter the area to begin with). I’m still hesitant to call Byrgenwerth a real cult because the world of Bloodborne isn’t our world.
Worshipping the Great Ones is common practice in Bloodborne, and it can be traced back to the origin of the Pthumerians. It’s not Byrgenwerth-exclusive. Do they still count as cult objects if many other people worship them? While there is an overlap between these two things, the big religions in our world aren’t called cults either. Based on my research, the difference between a religion and a cult is somewhat vague, and most criteria to distinguish between them seem to be a question of interpretation. I also read that a religion can be seen as an old cult, while a cult is a newer movement, and cults have only a limited number of followers.
In addition, the performed rituals seem to follow scientific principles, which makes sense since Byrgenwerth is still a university. You can find these insectoid enemies (Mi-Go Zombies) roaming the area around Byrgenwerth. They were probably former students. I assume they were transformed during one of those rituals, but they are still rather humanoid in appearance. Rom is different. She resembles the Great Ones much more. All the Great Ones we know of are much larger than humans, and so is Rom. Rom also developed Pthumerian features. Her facial skin is pale, she has white “hair” (if you call the flowers on her back and the tails hair), and she has a similar expression to the Pthumerians with these staring black eyes and the open mouth. Rom seems to be more advanced than the Mi-Go Zombies are.
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I think Rom, indeed, received the Eldritch truth, but in her state, she is unable to communicate. (Micolash is referring to her receiving eyes.) That’s speculation, but I think the Mi-Go Zombies resulted from earlier experiments and can be considered failures. Then, the rituals were adapted, and Rom’s transformation was (almost) successful. She’s probably the result of the last ritual since there aren’t any similar beings at Byrgenwerth. Willem probably ran out of resources and students afterward and couldn’t continue. Even if there are still some students alive, there aren’t many. Except for him and the Choir, Byrgenwerth is empty when you visit it. What I am saying is that the line between science and worship is blurred in this case. The rituals seem to be rather questionable experiments than direct worship of the Great Ones. So, are rituals still true rituals if they are part of a scientific experiment?
I would at least say Byrgenwerth was probably organized in a more cult-like way than your average university, especially after Laurence left. However, I can’t give you a clear answer to your question without more knowledge about the daily routine at Byrgenwerth compared to similar facilities in the world of Bloodborne.
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bellringermal · 5 years
as an aside from all the drama, I’ve been watching Brooklyn Nine Nine lately and Holt in the “Monty Hall” skit is how I imagine Dores to be (and Santiago is Gehrman — “Those are our /DADS/!”)
OMG I love it.
I’m dying XD
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drapyart · 6 years
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Inktober, day 26
“Both remained loyal, even in madness."
Dores and Edmund, aka the gay dads :3 
They are my fav characters in @bellringerkat ´s Bloodborne fic after Gehrman and Maria
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fantomette22 · 3 months
Little comic about the discovery of the augurs 🐌
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After a long day in the depths of the pthumerians’ tombs, the guardians of Byrgenwerth were finally heading back to the surface.
On the way back something caught their eyes and made them stop. In a small corner covered in mold and inbetween old candles, they saw what look liked crystalline pearls against the wall. More disturbing was in front of it, the mummified remains a a huge invertebrate.
They got closer. The gatekeeper and the groundskeeper exchange looks while the graveguard went to take the dead gastropod.
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They couldn't believe it! Phantasm! The signs of the great ones! They finally found them!
Liam : We absolutely need to bring them back to Master Willem! He will be ecstatic!
Gehrman : I know! But we need to be sure there's no risk to bring them to the surface like this. It could be disastrous!
Dores : Maybe we can just take the mummified slug for now. Leave the rest here and go tell Master Willem. Then we'll go back to got them.
Liam : But... we can't just leave them here like this! If something were to happened while we're gone... the provost we'll never forgive us...
Gehrman : Hm... oh I might have an idea!
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They took delicately the slimy eggs and put them in a urn. There it should be safe for now. No Dores don't lick them just to see! They left a lantern not too far from it and head back.
At their returned, they show the Provost the remains of what could indeed be an augur from what he told them. They explain they might have found eggs as well. The Provost couldn't believe it. He rush them to show him. They needed to get them back into their care!
After retrieving them the scholars tried to take care of them as much as possible. They could only pray for the day they would hatch, wishing live still remains in those little pearls.
After no prior signs of life, one egg finally move. The provost panicked took it in his hand and witness a miracle.
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After all this time, they finally encounter a phantasm. An augur was born.
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I know in lore it probably didn’t got that way. It seems to be the Healing Church who found them while looking for Isz 🤔 but well i had this idea in my head since a while and i’m happy to have finally done it!
Willem : Crying of joy
Laurence : Yes that's really an augur.
Rom : *fangirling and is very excited soon she will have dozens to take care off!*
Micolash : wow very cool!
Caryll : Omg are they speaking to me?!
Everyone else : ok cool slugs I guess
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val-of-the-north · 2 years
After thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that Bloodborne’s cannibal_woman_with_big_blade™ should be DORES.
Dores is a female name (backed by the Japanese text) and she was a weird woodland/swampland dweller that wears rags and a scary mask. I can definetly see her going insane and cannibalistic but still remaining loyal to Willem and co. God that’s such a cool idea.
We freaking saved Bloodborne, now it also got a feral maneater! ... I mean, one more at least.
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katyahina · 2 years
All Byrgenwerth scholars!
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So, I just felt like doodling something silly to relax a bit ago, but got carried away and doodled the rest of the Byrgenwerth in this new chibi style I discovered. Look how cute <:3
I gathered literally everyone I could think of, I just really wanted to put my designs + ideas SOMEwhere so they could stop bothering me... Because I have a very rare illness - instead of a brain there is just Byrgenwerth in my skull fdshdsh
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Of course there is a bunch more I can tell about these characters, I was trying to make it short + focus only on the facts relevant to that period of time in the story!
UPDATE: Changed the cast by splitting former character of Caryll into two characters! More detail about the change in this post: ( x )
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nightmaredaisy · 7 years
Character meme: Gherman, secret
When he was a child he used to hide his favorite toys, a few wooden dolls in lace dresses that his uncle gave him, in a box under the floorboards and only take them out after dark to swap and tidy the dresses and play pretend, because he was afraid of what his dad would say if he found out he was wasting time playing make believe like a girl. When he grew up and left home to work for Willem, he started doing the same with the romantic novels he took a liking to while learning how to read, as Dores considered them “frivolous nonsense” and would much rather have him read history books. Only Edmund knew of these little passions of his and sometimes sneakily passed him some small change to go buy a new book or pretty fabric for his projects.
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skleech · 2 months
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more Dores n Yurie bcs they are friends in my mind
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