#there is Nothing in this wig yet bc the stuff that's meant to go on top of it isn't done yet which is why it looks terrible
lazylittledragon · 1 month
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first makeup test for orin!! don't look at the wig i couldn't be bothered to glue it down
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Ryusoulger Raw post #1…
… Will there be a #2? Who knows! Not me!
But I’m rather tired and I got really excited, so here ya go.
Spoilers abound.
In no order, and I apologise for any nonsense that may ensue:
We just go straight into the opening again. How they decide that? Flip a coin?
Recap the previous … Yay, Touwa’s not dead. I’m so shocked. XD
I’m kidding. But I don’t know why we needed Melto to tell us that.
Banba’s doing his arm folding thing again. Oh my god he’s pretty. DX
Kou smile!
Naohisa is back! And I still think I’m spelling that wrong…
Come to think of it… Who the hell did he take that stuff to? Where was he? Are he and the Elder in cahoots?
Actually, that’s… Not impossible.
Already know that it turns out they need a sample to make the antidote, so I presume that’s what he’s telling them.
Oh. Oh, yeah, pretty sure I was right. He looks gorgeous, but Banba is very much in pain right now. I mean, from his point of view, he just got told he destroyed the only way to save his brother. That’s gotta hurt. And he’s probably already blaming himself for letting this happen in the first place…
Ah! My little green gremlin son! DX
I already want to hug Banba, but now I really want to hug him. He looks so upset… All these kids have their own brand of puppy dog eyes, I think.
Poor Kou has spent roughly half of this two parter rushing after Banba whenever Black runs out the door abruptly. XD
Is… Is mushroom crayon man starting his own YouTube channel?
Gods, I really love mook suit actors in Sentai. Can always count on them for comic relief and just going all out in getting dramatically beat up.
Big Brother Mode –– ACTIVATED.
And now, in which, were it not for outside circumstance, Crayon would be dead.
The fact that Kou was like ‘likelihood I find Banba trying to kill something indicates I should transform even before I find him’ is hilarious to me.
I love the fact that Asuna and Ui spend the entire time sitting up and Banba spends it standing. Like, what, we couldn’t let these three lie down, too? I mean, I guess Touwa was the one who was bitten, but… Did no one really think to get Banba a chair?
Then again, would he have sat in it?
Banba is glaring like ‘if I wasn’t in literal agony right now and actually dying, I would so be killing all of you for this humiliation.’ Boy does not like having to be carried. XD
Shocked Kou is really cute and I want to pinch his cheeks. ^^
Banba might be dying of poison, but he still has to be grumpy. It’s his brand.
I hate the ‘poisoned’ Toku makeup, but even it cannot stop Tatsuya from being amazingly beautiful. XD
Hmm… Well, Melto just said something that made Banba think of something. Not sure what though.
Smiley Kou! ^^
Congrats, Melto! You have now been promoted to being directly addressed!
Banba, I’m sure you have something important to say, but… Do you have to almost threateningly lurch over here to say it?
Why are y’all goofing off like this all of a sudden?
Crayon, don’t break the fourth wall, you disturb me.
Okay, given context, what I think Melto says is that Banba told him where he found the Minusaur before.
Context bc the two of them immediately run there.
Crayon says something about ‘otoutou’ but I don’t know if that meant what I thought it meant?
Dude, I know you’re goo, but… Seriously? Don’t put your hand in an untrained animal’s mouth.
You go, boys! ^^
Aaaaand… Melto’s down!
Actually, though, out of all of them, Melto’s the one being most crazy whilst dying of poison… Like he got back up and was fighting untransformed. Yes, Kou let himself get bitten, but let’s give Melto some credit, too.
I really think Banba would have been more inclined to wait and give them more of a chance if it weren’t for Touwa. But Touwa is the most important person to him in the world, and, coupled w/ his other trust issues, he’s scared to rely on, essentially, strangers for this.
But, more importantly, where was he keeping the sword??? In his sleeve?
Same place Akashi kept Zuuban, I suppose.
Yeah, this is a perfect storm of Banba is afraid to trust or have faith in anyone else and the fact that the person he would absolutely sacrifice everything for is at risk.
I really want to know what Banba and Touwa say in this scene… Like, I think I get what Asuna says, she’s saying that she has faith in Kou and Melto, and they should, too, but… I dunno. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s Maybel––wait, no.
But, like… Banba seems like he’s having some sort of dramatic reaction to what Touwa is saying? And whether that’s just floating drama bc they’re all dying of poison and he’s desperate to save his brother or whatnot, or if there’s something big here… I wanna know! DX
Pretty sure he’s saying if they all die there’d be no one to stop the Druidon. But I still think that he’d be more willing (even if only incremently so) to wait it out if it were just him and/or some combination of the others. Touwa being in danger (and him probably blaming himself for part of it) is likely throwing him even more off balance.
So, we all know from the magazine that Banba doesn’t trust anyone but Touwa bc he was betrayed before, and I definitely think this is setting up the path to that being revealed? If that makes sense? Hopefully they do it steadily/don’t wait too long.
Tatsuya still rocking the awful poison makeup like a boss. XD
I feel like you can see the switch flip when Asuna brings up believing/trusting the other two (at least, I presume that’s what she’s saying?). Like, by the end of her speech, Banba almost looks like he’s having war flashbacks or something? Esp when Touwa weighs in… I dunno how to describe it. Maybe after I’ve rested.
Oh, baby… He’s so upset and scared and in pain. Like, no, don’t stab the nice animal lady, but I do get you’re not rational rn…
That took tremendous effort. Like, he’s having to force himself to rely/something sort of like trust others. (I don’t think we can quite call it trust yet)
But he definitely looks like he’s having some sort of trauma reaction to the concept of ‘trust.’
Aaaaaand… Kou is down!
Aaaaaand… Kou has a dumb plan.
Throwing the sword was not necessary. You could have forced it to bite the sword.
Also, nice save, Tyramigo!
Yes, yes, I see the Gold foreshadowing. But how deep does it go?
Melto’s like ‘I was afraid of you before, but not in that outfit, and not while I’m dying of poison.’
But also, WHY.
Banba can’t do anything w/out looking majestic. It’s in his contract. He’s the Knight of Majesty for a reason. XD
I feel like the other four are giving a speech, and then Banba’s just like ‘I’m only here bc I am thoroughly pissed off!’
I love MirNeedle and his honking noise.
He spin!
Double sword attack, while Banba and Asuna each get their own thing.
Also, only Touwa’s gets a cool name. XD
Touwa gets payback. ^^
Ui’s so perky. God love you, sweetie. Acting like you weren’t dying two minutes ago, too. <3
I feel like the sword is about to eat me…
For a balloon thing, that was pretty tame, actually.
Banba says something, and then Touwa, I think, something like, ‘don’t you mean ‘thank you’?’ and then Banba gets awkward and it’s SO CUTE! DX
Smiley Kou again!
Kou is like ‘we’re friends!’ and Banba is like ‘oh no, he’s adorable’ but then immediately switches back to ‘I’m sorry, you must be a level 4 friend to unlock my tragic backstory.’
Like, he literally stares at him for moment, like… I dunno. I’ll have to think more about what I think that moment means. He looks kinda… Shocked?
Then he, like, has to recollect himself to brush him off.
Did he just say that all in one breath?
Touwa’s shrug there tells me he either doesn’t know anything about the betrayal, or doesn’t know how badly it effected his brother. My guess is the former.
Love how the trio are already getting fond of Banba’s standoffishness.
They’re teasing her, but I can’t figure out about what…
Oh, I’m sorry, mr Elder whose wig doesn’t match? Are my sons not included in your cryptic prophesying? Well fine then. I’ll do it myself. XP
And believe me, they don’t want me doing that, so you’d better include my boys in whatever it is.
Well, the sisters are def suspicious, way frillier than I thought they’d be, and there seems to be a mind control plot? Wonder how the brothers are going to react to the apparent situation?
Sigh. Watching Sentai live is so painful. Now I have to wait until next week. DX
That’s all, folks! Digital chocolate torte for anyone who read all that.
Really tired, don’t have much else to say. Even more curious about Banba’s backstory. Pettily annoyed that whatever dramaticness the Elder was musing on at the end apparently doesn’t include my sons. (Petty, I know, but they’re Ryusoulgers, too, shouldn’t they be part of whatever yours prophesying? XP).
So, anyway. Curious about what these sisters are up to next week. Seems like their voices control people, or maybe I’m misinterpreting. Still loving this series.
Very tired.
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shelley + olivia; a fucking primer 
it’s a multi-faceted issue but the first thing has to come first; olivia’s abusive af to both shelley and roman (understatement) and i want it to be made clear that nothing i say hereafter is meant to excuse or condone anything she did. i also want to encourage anyone dissenting or wanting to debate any points to pls be courteous; i’m an abuse survivor and victim blaming in particular makes me really anxious bc of Circumstances(TM). i don’t know y’all’s stories but these are sensitive issues and we’re all in this together, thank you in advance. 
anyway, i think olivia’s outward treatment of shelley might be the easiest place to start. she’s incredibly controlling and manipulative, hiding her away in the attic and putting boundaries in place basically to keep her alone (and vulnerable.) i could list a million examples but i just rewatched that ep where shelley gets the earrings and olivia berates the fuck out of her until she cries :( it’s bad and shelley knows it’s really, really bad, which is part of the reason why she’s so grateful for roman in the first place. 
i have theories about the olivia’s motivations and why she takes the actions that she does, but honestly it’s a lot to unpack and i don’t want to derail too much here ahaha. hoooooooowever, if someone else like perhaps an olivia blog wants to tackle that, by all means go for it ♥ ( @motherolivia this seems like a good place to tag u ;) ) 
how shelley carries herself is a direct effect of how olivia treats her. it definitely also has to do with how she’s perceived by the world and the treatment of her classmates, but how olivia makes her feel only exacerbates it. even within the confines of the godfrey estate, in her own bedroom, she’s still slouched over as if she’s trying to make herself look smaller; she still wears the wig (and still wears the wig to purposely cover the right side of her face.) i can’t remember any point where we see her actually relaxed outside of maybe some interactions with roman (that scene in the car with peter and letha comes to mind) and that’s just. so sad to me ugh ugh. 
honestly one of the hardest things to hear is shelley talking about jenny snubbing her and being like ‘my first assumption, of course, is that it was my own fault.’ i think as hard as it probably is to separate trauma induced from olivia herself and trauma induced from people in school being fuckin horrible to her, olivia’s also complicit af in shelley’s self-image and insecurities bc she’s. y’know. shelley’s mother lmao. 
we see shelley pushing back against olivia during some encounters, but it’s obvious that she’s used to being bullied/manipulated into submission, and olivia is someone she’s come to fear. (honestly, olivia can be such a loose cannon and absolutely terrifying sometimes, i don’t blame anyone for being afraid of her.) it’s easier to just bow her head and let olivia have her way, lest things get miraculously worse.   
the thing is though, despite all of this, it’s be disingenuous to say that all shelley feels towards olivia is blind hatred. this is for a few reasons. i think that she’d hate olivia much more fully and completely if shelley knew of the extent to which olivia abused roman, but that conversation hasn’t happened yet so as of now shelley’s feelings are more complicated than that. 
olivia’s manipulated shelley into making her think that she needs olivia to continue existence especially in the beginning. this is common for gaslighters (ie; ‘you’re nothing without me’), and a very hard train of thought to break out of, especially if the gaslighter is someone you depend on for safety or financially. shelley may or may not be conscious of this but feels that from a logical standpoint, without olivia (or roman at least), she wouldn’t be safe in the grove which keeps her close. as time passes, especially through s2, she comes to realize that she can survive on her own, which makes returning to her harder (and this is where i insert the disclaimer that i’m not even done with 2 yet so bare with me >>)
if shelley is aware of said manipulation and despite all of the awful treatment, it’s hard for her to say that she doesn’t love olivia. love is kind of a complicated feeling on its own, but once you add in all of the godfrey madness that just....makes it so much worse lmao. there’s definitely a bit of obligation involved (ie; i love you because you’re my mother and i should) but it goes deeper than that. 
shelley knows that something like love isn’t easy for her mother in general--she straight up says this to her face in yet another fucking gut-wrenching scene in s2, telling her; “you loved me the best way you could.” i think she was being genuine about that, and i think that she holds less against olivia than maybe she should tbh. see; the first part of that heartbreaking quote; “it must have been hard for you to have me as a daughter. i understand why you kept me hidden away.” 
like ok first of all, ow. 
secondly, i was so grateful for this entire moment because when shelley and olivia are together they’re never acknowledging the elephant in the room and the layers going on within their dynamic. all of this stuff that was just implied for a season and a half finally comes to light, and it’s only when shelley’s about to die that something’s actually said. i think that she means this too; i think she’s more resentful than she lets on, but she gets that their situation and her condition specifically wasn’t ideal, olivia just didn’t know how to love shelley the way that she needed to be loved, and that this really was what was best in olivia’s mind. 
there’s also a part of her (that she’s working hard to keep quiet) that’s grateful for everything olivia has done for her, olivia brought her into this world, saved her, kept her and let her live in the house, even though she was doing it in a sometimes extraordinarily shitty way. as said though, she doesn’t forgive olivia for the years of endured abuse--she tells pryce that she wants olivia to think that she’s dead right before dropping the previously-quoted love bomb on her (the duality of which made it one of my favorite shelley moments i was like yessssssss) and that’s completely fair and valid lmao, i think that you can understand why something’s happening and i think that you can even love someone but that doesn’t mean it’s a good place to be, or that their bad treatment of you is excused. not forgiving her does feel counterintuitive to everything she knows though, so she frequently catches herself especially when thinking about the past. she knows that there are unforgivable things, and she’s working hard to like not feed into guilt that olivia herself essentially planted within her. 
anyway, this is way too long already and i haven’t finished hg yet so i’m just gonna chill ♥ tl;dr, “my love and my hate for you are infinite” was like the most fitting tag for olivia for a reason, okay bless. 
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