#there was. a LOT more on gugs so if anybody wants it hit me up
gyooza · 1 year
so, my friend @thing-in-the-yellow-mask and I recently realized that the descriptions of the creatures from the beastiary in part 17 match up almost perfectly with descriptions in the Call of Cthulhu sourcebook H.P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands: Roleplaying Beyond the Veil of Sleep, and after spending a minute hunting down a pdf of it, we found that almost every creature in the show has an entry and description, so boy do I have some interesting things to share with y'all. More under the cut
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"A lamp-eft is a salamander-like creature two or three feet long. It floats in the air, writhing its way along with its flattened tail and four paws, but has no wings. It has two huge globe-like eyes, but no mouth. Lamp-efts normally inhabit the upper air, and only descend to the earth’s surface at night. They feed on ambient magic. Lamp-efts are easily tamed and magicians sometimes use them as a live-in defense against shades. lamp-eft can project a beam of bright colorless light toward a target."
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"Zoogs are small and brown, with a rodent-like body outline. Small tentacles dangle from their snouts, concealing their small sharp teeth. Zoogs live in burrows and tree-trunks in the Enchanted Wood. There are several prominent zoog villages in their domain. Though they live mostly on fungi, zoogs have a taste for either spiritual or physical meat as well, for many dreamers have entered their wood and failed to return."
Boltworm of the Bnazic Desert
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"Closely related to the fireworm is the boltworm. Boltworms are found primarily in the Bnazic Desert, but have been sighted in other desert areas throughout the Dreamlands. During its travels the boltworm builds up an enormous static charge which it can release at prey or attackers either to stun or kill. Once every decade or so, the boltworms release great amounts of this energy during their courtship and fill the skies with sheet lightning."
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"The Gugs are a hairy and gigantic race of beings which once inhabited the surface of the Dreamlands in the area where the Enchanted Wood now stands. Here they reared a circle of colossal stones and made sacrifices to the Other Gods and the crawling chaos, Nyarlathotep. Finally, while trying to summon Yog-Sothoth into the Dreamlands, the Great Ones took notice of their blasphemies and banished them to the Underworld forever. Only a great trap door at the top of the tallest tower in their city, the Tower of Koth, connects their realm with the surface world, but no Gug will dare to open that door for fear of the curse of the Great Ones. Gugs stand approximately 20 feet in height and are covered by a coat of short, coarse hairs. Roughly humanoid in form, their arms split into two separate and fully functional forearms at their elbows; in effect giving them four arms and paw-like hands. It is the gugs’ head which is their most striking feature. Their mouths are filled with great yellow fangs and run vertically from their foreheads to their chins. Their pink eyes, set on either side of their head, bulge outward and are shaded by bony protuberances. Their ears are so small as to be non-existent, but they have a highly developed sense of hearing and they can pick up even the slightest sound. Gugs are also capable of moving almost as silently as nightgaunts. Combined with the fact that they have become accustomed to seeing in absolute darkness, this means that they can strike without warning at any who may blunder around in the dark."
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"Haemophores are small humanoid beings with webbed hands and feet, and curious W-shaped mouths. A haemophore subsists on blood and is attracted to bright and shiny objects. It will suck blood from a victim until the haemophore is so monstrously bloated that it is completely distorted and bulging, incapable of movement. Their name comes from their habit of filling up on blood before migrating. Haemophores move very softly and often carefully investigate potential prey before sucking out blood. Once a haemophore has bitten a target, the creature remains attached on subsequent rounds, sucking blood and draining 1D3 points of the victim’s STR each round until the victim dies. If the victim survives, the STR returns at a rate of one point a day"
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"Buopoths are a little larger than horses, but resemble elephants in general outline. Buopoths are pale mauve, with light green mottling over the backs and sides. The skin is soft and felt-like, and the mouth is at the end of a long trunk-like proboscis. The ears are shaped more like human than elephant ears. Along each side of the back are rows of protuberances. Their eyes are large and liquid. Their calls are soft and melodious trumpetings. Buopoths live in remote forested areas. They are gentle and skittish creatures which would rather flee than fight. If cornered, a buopoth rolls up its proboscis to keep it out of danger and charges, trying to knock down and trample its opponent."
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