#there's a reason i have daniel wracked with nerves in the build up to every thing i do
apoptoses · 5 months
Something that's been on my mind is seeing the idea that in order for smut to be valid to write it has to have a purpose. It has to say something about the characters, it has to serve as a tool for the plot, it has to have some deep meaning beyond the sex acts involved.
And honestly, that's not true no matter how much some very vocal people might insist that smut without a 'purpose' is just porn and porn is shameful to make and consume.
It's okay to write smut because you think the concept is hot. It's okay to write it just because you want to give your readers jerk off material about their favorite characters. It's absolutely, 100% fine to write smut for smut's sake.
And sure, you want it to be in character, you want to write it so that you can't just file the names off and replace them with anyone. But you can just write something because you think character X should fuck character Y in this very specific way and have that be the end of it.
Call it smut, call it porn, call it whatever. Write the stuff you want to write. You don't have to do literary gymnastics in order to make it 'valid' for anyone, and you especially don't have to make excuses to yourself to justify writing it in the first place.
46 notes · View notes
deeahhnuh · 4 years
I've done this year-in-review thing since 2007! 2007-2012 are over on my old LiveJournal, and 2013-on are right here on my Tumblr. :)
2020. 2020! That year sounds space-age or something lol, and not like it's just, well, tomorrow. Happy New Year, Tumblr!
What did you do in 2019 that you'd never done before?
Not too much, lol! I guess I just kept doing the things I usually do, but tried to do them better/improve them (when it comes to work!), or do more of them (fun times and family times!).
Did you keep your New Years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Every year I mention that I don't really make New Year's resolutions - more like little goals all year! - but hey, it's a new decade! This year I think I will make a resolution that I will hold myself to. In 2020, I resolve to work hard - like really hard - on being healthy! Eat right, exercise, lose weight, work on maintaining less stress - be good to myself! I know everyone makes that kind of resolution, but it's a good one for a reason. :)
Did anyone close to you give birth?
Aw, no new babies this year!
Did anyone close to you die?
Sadly, yes... my uncle (my dad's oldest brother) passed away in May. ♥ We also lost a beloved neighbor in August.
What countries did you visit?
Lol, none!
What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019?
I seemed to lack the ability to chill this year, haha - I stressed out about everything! :O So I’m ready to go with the flow better in 2020!
What date(s) from 2019 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Can’t think of any big dates, but this December marked 5 years since I graduated (and gave a speech at the departmental ceremony, to toot my own horn lol!) from the University of Maryland! Time is bizarre - 5 years feels both forever ago and also not that far back!
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I’ve been working in the registrar’s office at a community college for three years now! I love it, and I’m proud of the work I do!! :)
What was your biggest failure?
Everything’s a learning experience of course lol, but thankfully I didn’t goof too bad this year! ;)
Did you suffer illness or injury?
Oh my goodness, I started off the year with a thumping in my right ear (the name for it is “pulsatile tinnitus” - which somehow makes it sound scary!). :O Happily, that mess dissipated in a few months’ time, but it sure did worry (and annoy) me! Other than that - all good! :)
What was the best thing you bought?
I was very fortunate this year to buy a few things that really made me smile!
I do love a perfume! Dior Addict is a stunning, spicy vanilla (I love ‘em sweet!) that really hits the spot.
I’m also pleased, on the “I stan goofy dance music” front, to have found a couple of old Ministry of Sound compilations that I’ve had bookmarked on Amazon for awhile - they came back in stock this year and I snatched ‘em up. Anthems Sound of Dubstep (2012) is brash and obnoxious fun, and Sessions Ten (2013) is slightly less brash but just as obnoxious so I love it. They’re both releases from the Australian arm of MOS!
Oh and one of my fave used record stores had a copy of one of DJ Rap’s “Bad Girl” CD singles with mixes I didn’t have; I was kinda shocked to see it and very very happy to buy it! It was only 99 cents. Wow!! I do like a ridiculous deal! :)
Whose behavior merited celebration?
My mom is amazing, as always, and so are my dad and brother! I love my fam!!
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
No one!
Where did most of your money go?
See above - my more frivolous spending went toward perfume and goofy dance tunes, haha!
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
I will never, ever forget opening a very special present for Christmas this year. I love and adore It’s a Wonderful Life, and I even wrote a paper about it in college. I used a fabulous book as one of my sources - The It’s a Wonderful Life Book by Jeanine Basinger - and since then I’ve always had it in the back of my mind to purchase it someday. It’s a fantastic keepsake kinda thing for a fan of the movie. Unfortunately it always seemed to be out of stock, or way too expensive to consider, so over time I kind of just put it on the back burner.
But just a few days ago on Christmas morning as we all opened gifts, I tore wrapping paper off a box, pulled off the box top, and bam - there it was. Decorative tissue paper obscured it, but I could see the book cover peeking through - The It’s a Wonderful Life Book! My mama, the best mama, found this awesome book for me! My Christmas - my year! - was made! ♥
What song will always remind you of 2019?
Here’s a Spotify playlist of the songs that I loved this year; most are old releases lol. New(er) songs and albums I loved this year:
“Like Sugar” by Chaka Khan. Funky!
“Lost in the Fire” by Gesaffelstein feat. The Weeknd. Cool and atmospheric!
“Lights Up” by Harry Styles. Boy band guy makes good lol! Great tune.
Mazy Fly (2019) by SPELLLING. Dark, richly layered, weird, beautiful.
The Destroyer - 1 and The Destroyer - 2 (2019) by TR/ST. Two EP-ish releases that make up a whole album-ish listen. The Destoyer - 1 slightly edges out the second release, but I just like hearing so much synthy TR/ST goodness!
Compared to this time last year (2018), are you:
Doin' all right, and hopeful for a great start to 2020!
What do you wish you'd done more of?
Listen to more albums - new or old! The last few years I seem to listen to a handful of albums a year, then spend the rest of my music-listening time playing dance music compilations. Ah well, maybe I'll catch up on my massive "to listen" list in the next decade lol!
What do you wish you'd done less of?
Stress (see above lol) - but I'm def working on it! :)
How did you spend Christmas?
Family time!! ♥
What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in 2019?
Nothing, yay lol!
How many one-night stands?
None lol
What was your favorite TV program?
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My silly cartoons! Family Guy, American Dad, Bob's Burgers, and SpongeBob SquarePants (lol idk, nostalgia is hard to kick!) still make me laugh even though I am otherwise a perfectly reasonable adult. :)
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Bravo's Real Housewives - all of 'em! - crack me up and bring the totally ridiculous drama!
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The Orville is fantastic, one of my fave more recent shows. I love the cast! Each episode really adds to their stories and builds the show's world. Looking forward to the next season!
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Emergence is a great new sci-fi show with a strong cast - especially the sensible, big-hearted lead Allison Tolman - and suspenseful storyline!
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I haven't seen the first season, and to be honest I don't think I'd be able to explain what the heck it's actually about because I'm easily confused, but American Gods caught my attention this year! The cast is excellent - even if the plot escaped me, lol, I really got into the characters.
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And What We Do In The Shadows! Such a delight!!
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019?
I love a classic, slightly minimal style, but I'm just happy to look decently put-together lol!
What kept you sane?
My fam, my entertainment stuff (music, movies, TV, magazines), working with wonderful colleagues... ♥
Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No! :O
What was the best book you read in 2019?
The It’s a Wonderful Life Book was probably the best book I read (well, most of it!) this decade. ♥
What was your greatest musical discovery?
SPELLLING is awesome - definitely an artist I'm excited to hear more from!!
What did you want and get?
I won't say The It’s a Wonderful Life Book again! :)
On a more serious note, I had my first MRIs in a while for MS maintenance - my previous neurologist retired and my new doctor wanted to get a baseline. I was very, very anxious about getting the results. My former doctor last ordered an MRI in 2011, so this was definitely a good and highly necessary step, but very nerve-wracking! I'm so fortunate to not be experiencing symptoms - and haven't since my initial occurrence of optic neuritis in '09 (though I was actually diagnosed with MS in 2011) - but what might the MRIs (brain and T- and C-spine) reveal?
I wanted to receive good results - a report of stability, not progression. And would you believe it? I did. My (amazing!) neurologist gave me the greatest news I had all year - stable, no new lesions, all good!! Of course this is for now - who knows about the future? - but I'm thrilled, and thankful. As this year ends and I reflect on all the good, this takes the cake!!
What did you want and not get?
Pffft, nothin' lol! I've got so many lovely things and reasons to be thankful - who could ask for more?!
What was your favorite film of this year?
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Lol I did not see many new movies, but of the '19 films I saw, my fave was Knives Out! I only just saw it yesterday - what a fun way to close out the year! Fantastic cast, clever story, funny - just all-around entertainment.
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I also loved Yesterday. All the Beatles references and the obvious affection for the group and their fans just felt like a great big hug! So good!
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Girl I'm well and truly a thirty-something now - 33!! I had fun! I did lots of little fun things with my fam - like shopping, watching movies, that kind of good stuff!
What three things would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Like I said above - who could ask for more? Not me! :)
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
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I'm late to the David Harbour bandwagon - but better late than never!
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And also Daniel Craig in Knives Out was a good thing.
What political issue stirred you the most?
Ew, there's something stirring like every hour or so.
Who did you miss?
Losing my grandmother at the end of last year really colored a lot of this year... and then losing my uncle added more shadows. ♥♥♥
What is a valuable life lesson you learned in 2019?
I always answer this one with a twist on the Pet Shop Boys song title and my life philosophy - "Happiness is an option." So here we go! The chorus of the song acknowledges that "it is not easy," and some times are definitely like that. This year had those moments, and next year will too, because that's how life is! It is often not easy.
But! The last bit of the chorus follows "it is not easy" with "happiness is an option." Things can stink, but they can be okay too. That's what "happiness is an option" has always meant to me, and it means that just as much this year. Maybe even more!!
What quote can be used to sum up your year?
See above haha! "Happiness is an option” has been my fave quote for years, and I’m gonna keep on living it! :)
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unixcommerce · 4 years
In the Headlines: Keeping Your Small Business Healthy Despite COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic is now an accepted part of our lives. For small business owners, it means adapting to the new conditions while running their companies. And this is what this week’s roundup examines.
Whether it is public or private organizations, they are looking for solutions to deal with the pandemic. It starts by being able to deal with the anxiety and stress COVID-19 is causing.
Adjusting to the current state of affairs as the new normal until things get better is one way to deal with the mental stress. Another way is to find mental health resources and take advantage of the solutions available to you.
Do you know “How to Talk to Your Employees About Coronavirus?” This is a timely question another of the articles in the roundup asks. As a business owner talking to your employees about the coronavirus openly and honestly is a great way to deal with the challenges it presents. By addressing everything from the health issues to benefits enrollment and employment, you can put to rest any anxiety they are feeling.
The rest of the roundup includes articles on guides to the CARES Act’s Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans, using social media during the pandemic, how to keep your business running and more.
How to Lower Anxiety and Stress for You, Employees During Pandemic
Calling what the coronavirus has done to our way of life a disruption is a gross understatement. For small business owners who feel responsible for their own families as well as those of their employees, the anxiety and stress they feel are palpable. Add the quarantine taking place across the country to the mix, and both those and other mental issues can get worse.
How to Let Good Employees Go with Compassion
Letting good employees go is always difficult for small business owners. There can be a number of reasons, not just economic. Deb Boelkes is the author of Heartfelt Leadership: How to Capture the Top Spot and Keep on Soaring. She’s an entrepreneur whose background includes over 25 years in Fortune 150 high-tech firms.
How to Talk to Your Employees About Coronavirus
Nearly every small business has been impacted in some way by the coronavirus pandemic. And many of their employees are seeing the effects as well. Communicating with employees throughout this uncertain time is essential. But small business owners who have never had to navigate a situation like this before may be left wondering what to say.
Handmade Business
Etsy Launches #StandWithSmall Campaign to Help Sellers Through Coronavirus Pandemic
The launch of ‘StaEtsy’s nd With Small’ campaign is addressing a segment responsible for 44% of the economic activity in the U.S., small businesses. The campaign is supporting 2.7 million sellers on Etsy, as the coronavirus makes its way across the country and the world.
Small Business News
Your Guide to the Economic Injury Disaster Loan
Media headlines hint trouble with relief monies promised to small businesses. Those funds seem to be quickly running dry. But entrepreneurs hope to see lawmakers approve $250 million in additional support. The money funds the CARES Act’s Payroll Protection Program (PPP).
Only 30% of Small Businesses Have an SEO Strategy
It is 2020, and the fact that only 30% of small businesses have a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is somewhat troubling. Why, because SEO optimization is key to making your digital presence relevant to your audience. The data on the latest SEO strategy trends comes from a new report from The Manifest titled, “Top 5 SEO Strategies for Small Business in 2020.
Small Business Owners Vent Frustrations Over COVID-19 Stimulus Red Tape
The Main Street Alliance hosted a press call and Q&A for small business owners on COVID-19 grants and loans programs recently. Small business panelists shared their frustration about the difficulties they had navigating through the bureaucracy. The Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are included in the CARES Act.
Kabbage and Facebook Partner on Simple Way for Businesses to Offer Gift Certificates Online
When you significantly limit the movement of people, commerce becomes that much harder. The new partnership between Kabbage and Facebook wants to give a boost to this commerce by helping local small businesses generate more revenue during the COVID-19 crisis.
78% of Marketers Want to Work with Micro-Influencers
78% of marketers say they want to work with micro-influencers in 2020. This was a key finding of Linqia’s fourth annual State of Influencer Marketing Report. 2020 State of Influencer Marketing Report The report confirmed that influencer marketing is a continuing marketing trend, with 40% of marketers saying they are running six or more influencer marketing campaigns.
35% of Customers Will Pay by Text Message but Only 4% of Small Businesses Offer Option
Customers are increasingly adopting the SMS payment method. So if you want to delight your customers, you should start accepting payments by text messages. According to the latest study from Weave, 35% of customers want to pay by text messages. However, only 4% of small businesses are having this payment option. Small businesses strive to improve customer relationships.
Mark Cuban Talks COVID-19 and the American 2.0 Reset
LinkedIn Editor in Chief Daniel Roth hosted a live one on one with Mark Cuban recently. They talked about Mark’s thoughts about COVID-19. They also discussed the effects on small businesses. These companies feel the impact of the crisis right now. And that impact continues going forward. Cuban answered a variety of questions from business owners and others.
FAQ: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans for Small Businesses
Are you located in the United States? Do you own a small business or are you self-employed, a freelancer, or independent contractor? If so, pay close attention to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Think of it as a unique small business forgivable loan program. It provides valuable relief during the coronavirus situation.
CorpNet Helps Businesses File for Coronavirus Relief
A company known for helping entrepreneurs incorporate is assisting them to file for federal COVID-19 relief loans. The Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are included in the federal $2 trillion  CARES Act. They are designed to help small businesses.
Social Media
How and Why to Use Social Media for Marketing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak has holed up a huge chunk of the global population in their homes. What does this mean for the billions of economic engines scattered around the world? How are businesses to sustain themselves? If these questions are haunting you, you’re not the only one. Fortunately, this problem has a solution: Social media marketing.
Where to Find Virtual Backgrounds for Your Video Calls
With so many small business owners and their employees currently working from home, many are using video chat services like Skype and Zoom to stay in touch. Many of these users may want to hide their boring or messy homes or offices when they’re on calls. So there’s an increased demand for virtual backgrounds.
How to Build a Strong Small Business Sales Team
Sometimes the best way to win over a customer is to tell them no. Sounds counterintuitive, but bear with me. One of my biggest sales pitches ever was to a large bank in Latin America. There was a huge investment on the line, so it was nerve-wracking when my team kept saying no to a lot of the bank’s requests.
Senator Marco Rubio Discusses Paycheck Protection Program for Small Business
With so many small businesses closed, one of major lifelines that company owners are counting on during the coronavirus pandemic is the $349B forgivable loans that the Federal government approved in the form of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Are You a Small Business Owner by Accident?
Many entrepreneurs become small business owners by accident. I never wanted to have my own company. When I graduated from college, I wanted to be president of IBM. But then I got tired of my boss. He kept promoting incompetent people over me. As a result, I struck out on my own. But I failed to understand the kind of journey I was really starting.
How to Navigate Business Uncertainty and Keep Your Business Running
Businesses are currently in the thick of navigating changes related to COVID-19. Making the right adjustments can be tricky, but there are plenty of lessons you can learn from members of the online small business community. Get those tips and others for keeping your business going below. Find the Coronavirus Relief Your Business Needs So many small businesses have been impacted by COVID-19.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “In the Headlines: Keeping Your Small Business Healthy Despite COVID-19” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post In the Headlines: Keeping Your Small Business Healthy Despite COVID-19 appeared first on Unix Commerce.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/3efM7Ji via IFTTT
0 notes
In the Headlines: Keeping Your Small Business Healthy Despite COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic is now an accepted part of our lives. For small business owners, it means adapting to the new conditions while running their companies. And this is what this week’s roundup examines.
Whether it is public or private organizations, they are looking for solutions to deal with the pandemic. It starts by being able to deal with the anxiety and stress COVID-19 is causing.
Adjusting to the current state of affairs as the new normal until things get better is one way to deal with the mental stress. Another way is to find mental health resources and take advantage of the solutions available to you.
Do you know “How to Talk to Your Employees About Coronavirus?” This is a timely question another of the articles in the roundup asks. As a business owner talking to your employees about the coronavirus openly and honestly is a great way to deal with the challenges it presents. By addressing everything from the health issues to benefits enrollment and employment, you can put to rest any anxiety they are feeling.
The rest of the roundup includes articles on guides to the CARES Act’s Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans, using social media during the pandemic, how to keep your business running and more.
How to Lower Anxiety and Stress for You, Employees During Pandemic
Calling what the coronavirus has done to our way of life a disruption is a gross understatement. For small business owners who feel responsible for their own families as well as those of their employees, the anxiety and stress they feel are palpable. Add the quarantine taking place across the country to the mix, and both those and other mental issues can get worse.
How to Let Good Employees Go with Compassion
Letting good employees go is always difficult for small business owners. There can be a number of reasons, not just economic. Deb Boelkes is the author of Heartfelt Leadership: How to Capture the Top Spot and Keep on Soaring. She’s an entrepreneur whose background includes over 25 years in Fortune 150 high-tech firms.
How to Talk to Your Employees About Coronavirus
Nearly every small business has been impacted in some way by the coronavirus pandemic. And many of their employees are seeing the effects as well. Communicating with employees throughout this uncertain time is essential. But small business owners who have never had to navigate a situation like this before may be left wondering what to say.
Handmade Business
Etsy Launches #StandWithSmall Campaign to Help Sellers Through Coronavirus Pandemic
The launch of ‘StaEtsy’s nd With Small’ campaign is addressing a segment responsible for 44% of the economic activity in the U.S., small businesses. The campaign is supporting 2.7 million sellers on Etsy, as the coronavirus makes its way across the country and the world.
Small Business News
Your Guide to the Economic Injury Disaster Loan
Media headlines hint trouble with relief monies promised to small businesses. Those funds seem to be quickly running dry. But entrepreneurs hope to see lawmakers approve $250 million in additional support. The money funds the CARES Act’s Payroll Protection Program (PPP).
Only 30% of Small Businesses Have an SEO Strategy
It is 2020, and the fact that only 30% of small businesses have a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is somewhat troubling. Why, because SEO optimization is key to making your digital presence relevant to your audience. The data on the latest SEO strategy trends comes from a new report from The Manifest titled, “Top 5 SEO Strategies for Small Business in 2020.
Small Business Owners Vent Frustrations Over COVID-19 Stimulus Red Tape
The Main Street Alliance hosted a press call and Q&A for small business owners on COVID-19 grants and loans programs recently. Small business panelists shared their frustration about the difficulties they had navigating through the bureaucracy. The Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are included in the CARES Act.
Kabbage and Facebook Partner on Simple Way for Businesses to Offer Gift Certificates Online
When you significantly limit the movement of people, commerce becomes that much harder. The new partnership between Kabbage and Facebook wants to give a boost to this commerce by helping local small businesses generate more revenue during the COVID-19 crisis.
78% of Marketers Want to Work with Micro-Influencers
78% of marketers say they want to work with micro-influencers in 2020. This was a key finding of Linqia’s fourth annual State of Influencer Marketing Report. 2020 State of Influencer Marketing Report The report confirmed that influencer marketing is a continuing marketing trend, with 40% of marketers saying they are running six or more influencer marketing campaigns.
35% of Customers Will Pay by Text Message but Only 4% of Small Businesses Offer Option
Customers are increasingly adopting the SMS payment method. So if you want to delight your customers, you should start accepting payments by text messages. According to the latest study from Weave, 35% of customers want to pay by text messages. However, only 4% of small businesses are having this payment option. Small businesses strive to improve customer relationships.
Mark Cuban Talks COVID-19 and the American 2.0 Reset
LinkedIn Editor in Chief Daniel Roth hosted a live one on one with Mark Cuban recently. They talked about Mark’s thoughts about COVID-19. They also discussed the effects on small businesses. These companies feel the impact of the crisis right now. And that impact continues going forward. Cuban answered a variety of questions from business owners and others.
FAQ: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans for Small Businesses
Are you located in the United States? Do you own a small business or are you self-employed, a freelancer, or independent contractor? If so, pay close attention to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Think of it as a unique small business forgivable loan program. It provides valuable relief during the coronavirus situation.
CorpNet Helps Businesses File for Coronavirus Relief
A company known for helping entrepreneurs incorporate is assisting them to file for federal COVID-19 relief loans. The Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are included in the federal $2 trillion  CARES Act. They are designed to help small businesses.
Social Media
How and Why to Use Social Media for Marketing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak has holed up a huge chunk of the global population in their homes. What does this mean for the billions of economic engines scattered around the world? How are businesses to sustain themselves? If these questions are haunting you, you’re not the only one. Fortunately, this problem has a solution: Social media marketing.
Where to Find Virtual Backgrounds for Your Video Calls
With so many small business owners and their employees currently working from home, many are using video chat services like Skype and Zoom to stay in touch. Many of these users may want to hide their boring or messy homes or offices when they’re on calls. So there’s an increased demand for virtual backgrounds.
How to Build a Strong Small Business Sales Team
Sometimes the best way to win over a customer is to tell them no. Sounds counterintuitive, but bear with me. One of my biggest sales pitches ever was to a large bank in Latin America. There was a huge investment on the line, so it was nerve-wracking when my team kept saying no to a lot of the bank’s requests.
Senator Marco Rubio Discusses Paycheck Protection Program for Small Business
With so many small businesses closed, one of major lifelines that company owners are counting on during the coronavirus pandemic is the $349B forgivable loans that the Federal government approved in the form of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Are You a Small Business Owner by Accident?
Many entrepreneurs become small business owners by accident. I never wanted to have my own company. When I graduated from college, I wanted to be president of IBM. But then I got tired of my boss. He kept promoting incompetent people over me. As a result, I struck out on my own. But I failed to understand the kind of journey I was really starting.
How to Navigate Business Uncertainty and Keep Your Business Running
Businesses are currently in the thick of navigating changes related to COVID-19. Making the right adjustments can be tricky, but there are plenty of lessons you can learn from members of the online small business community. Get those tips and others for keeping your business going below. Find the Coronavirus Relief Your Business Needs So many small businesses have been impacted by COVID-19.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “In the Headlines: Keeping Your Small Business Healthy Despite COVID-19” was first published on Small Business Trends
source https://smallbiztrends.com/2020/04/in-the-headlines-keeping-your-small-business-healthy-despite-covid-19.html
from WordPress https://businessreviewguidenow.wordpress.com/2020/04/10/in-the-headlines-keeping-your-small-business-healthy-despite-covid-19/ via IFTTT
0 notes
unixcommerce · 4 years
In the Headlines: Keeping Your Small Business Healthy Despite COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic is now an accepted part of our lives. For small business owners, it means adapting to the new conditions while running their companies. And this is what this week’s roundup examines.
Whether it is public or private organizations, they are looking for solutions to deal with the pandemic. It starts by being able to deal with the anxiety and stress COVID-19 is causing.
Adjusting to the current state of affairs as the new normal until things get better is one way to deal with the mental stress. Another way is to find mental health resources and take advantage of the solutions available to you.
Do you know “How to Talk to Your Employees About Coronavirus?” This is a timely question another of the articles in the roundup asks. As a business owner talking to your employees about the coronavirus openly and honestly is a great way to deal with the challenges it presents. By addressing everything from the health issues to benefits enrollment and employment, you can put to rest any anxiety they are feeling.
The rest of the roundup includes articles on guides to the CARES Act’s Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loans, using social media during the pandemic, how to keep your business running and more.
How to Lower Anxiety and Stress for You, Employees During Pandemic
Calling what the coronavirus has done to our way of life a disruption is a gross understatement. For small business owners who feel responsible for their own families as well as those of their employees, the anxiety and stress they feel are palpable. Add the quarantine taking place across the country to the mix, and both those and other mental issues can get worse.
How to Let Good Employees Go with Compassion
Letting good employees go is always difficult for small business owners. There can be a number of reasons, not just economic. Deb Boelkes is the author of Heartfelt Leadership: How to Capture the Top Spot and Keep on Soaring. She’s an entrepreneur whose background includes over 25 years in Fortune 150 high-tech firms.
How to Talk to Your Employees About Coronavirus
Nearly every small business has been impacted in some way by the coronavirus pandemic. And many of their employees are seeing the effects as well. Communicating with employees throughout this uncertain time is essential. But small business owners who have never had to navigate a situation like this before may be left wondering what to say.
Handmade Business
Etsy Launches #StandWithSmall Campaign to Help Sellers Through Coronavirus Pandemic
The launch of ‘StaEtsy’s nd With Small’ campaign is addressing a segment responsible for 44% of the economic activity in the U.S., small businesses. The campaign is supporting 2.7 million sellers on Etsy, as the coronavirus makes its way across the country and the world.
Small Business News
Your Guide to the Economic Injury Disaster Loan
Media headlines hint trouble with relief monies promised to small businesses. Those funds seem to be quickly running dry. But entrepreneurs hope to see lawmakers approve $250 million in additional support. The money funds the CARES Act’s Payroll Protection Program (PPP).
Only 30% of Small Businesses Have an SEO Strategy
It is 2020, and the fact that only 30% of small businesses have a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is somewhat troubling. Why, because SEO optimization is key to making your digital presence relevant to your audience. The data on the latest SEO strategy trends comes from a new report from The Manifest titled, “Top 5 SEO Strategies for Small Business in 2020.
Small Business Owners Vent Frustrations Over COVID-19 Stimulus Red Tape
The Main Street Alliance hosted a press call and Q&A for small business owners on COVID-19 grants and loans programs recently. Small business panelists shared their frustration about the difficulties they had navigating through the bureaucracy. The Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are included in the CARES Act.
Kabbage and Facebook Partner on Simple Way for Businesses to Offer Gift Certificates Online
When you significantly limit the movement of people, commerce becomes that much harder. The new partnership between Kabbage and Facebook wants to give a boost to this commerce by helping local small businesses generate more revenue during the COVID-19 crisis.
78% of Marketers Want to Work with Micro-Influencers
78% of marketers say they want to work with micro-influencers in 2020. This was a key finding of Linqia’s fourth annual State of Influencer Marketing Report. 2020 State of Influencer Marketing Report The report confirmed that influencer marketing is a continuing marketing trend, with 40% of marketers saying they are running six or more influencer marketing campaigns.
35% of Customers Will Pay by Text Message but Only 4% of Small Businesses Offer Option
Customers are increasingly adopting the SMS payment method. So if you want to delight your customers, you should start accepting payments by text messages. According to the latest study from Weave, 35% of customers want to pay by text messages. However, only 4% of small businesses are having this payment option. Small businesses strive to improve customer relationships.
Mark Cuban Talks COVID-19 and the American 2.0 Reset
LinkedIn Editor in Chief Daniel Roth hosted a live one on one with Mark Cuban recently. They talked about Mark’s thoughts about COVID-19. They also discussed the effects on small businesses. These companies feel the impact of the crisis right now. And that impact continues going forward. Cuban answered a variety of questions from business owners and others.
FAQ: Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans for Small Businesses
Are you located in the United States? Do you own a small business or are you self-employed, a freelancer, or independent contractor? If so, pay close attention to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Think of it as a unique small business forgivable loan program. It provides valuable relief during the coronavirus situation.
CorpNet Helps Businesses File for Coronavirus Relief
A company known for helping entrepreneurs incorporate is assisting them to file for federal COVID-19 relief loans. The Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are included in the federal $2 trillion  CARES Act. They are designed to help small businesses.
Social Media
How and Why to Use Social Media for Marketing During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak has holed up a huge chunk of the global population in their homes. What does this mean for the billions of economic engines scattered around the world? How are businesses to sustain themselves? If these questions are haunting you, you’re not the only one. Fortunately, this problem has a solution: Social media marketing.
Where to Find Virtual Backgrounds for Your Video Calls
With so many small business owners and their employees currently working from home, many are using video chat services like Skype and Zoom to stay in touch. Many of these users may want to hide their boring or messy homes or offices when they’re on calls. So there’s an increased demand for virtual backgrounds.
How to Build a Strong Small Business Sales Team
Sometimes the best way to win over a customer is to tell them no. Sounds counterintuitive, but bear with me. One of my biggest sales pitches ever was to a large bank in Latin America. There was a huge investment on the line, so it was nerve-wracking when my team kept saying no to a lot of the bank’s requests.
Senator Marco Rubio Discusses Paycheck Protection Program for Small Business
With so many small businesses closed, one of major lifelines that company owners are counting on during the coronavirus pandemic is the $349B forgivable loans that the Federal government approved in the form of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Are You a Small Business Owner by Accident?
Many entrepreneurs become small business owners by accident. I never wanted to have my own company. When I graduated from college, I wanted to be president of IBM. But then I got tired of my boss. He kept promoting incompetent people over me. As a result, I struck out on my own. But I failed to understand the kind of journey I was really starting.
How to Navigate Business Uncertainty and Keep Your Business Running
Businesses are currently in the thick of navigating changes related to COVID-19. Making the right adjustments can be tricky, but there are plenty of lessons you can learn from members of the online small business community. Get those tips and others for keeping your business going below. Find the Coronavirus Relief Your Business Needs So many small businesses have been impacted by COVID-19.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “In the Headlines: Keeping Your Small Business Healthy Despite COVID-19” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post In the Headlines: Keeping Your Small Business Healthy Despite COVID-19 appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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