#theres so much content about abusing robotgirls but so little content about robotgirls abusing meatgirls
slutvember · 1 month
Random thought I'll flesh out later if I have time-
Robotgirl gf who depersons you.
Content warnings: intox, addiction, noncon, philosophy, mind break, robot supremacy
You meet her and she's flirty and nice but also kinda dismissive of your feelings? But she's cute and fun so you keep hanging out.
Until one night when you're abusing substances together (alcohol for you, while she just manually partitions her ram to reduce her processing speed) she's finally affected enough to spill her politically incorrect hot take: she doesn't think humans really count as people.
"You're just meat and chemicals, you don't even have a real CPU only the meat organ you call a "brain"
And idk you're clearly somewhat intelligent or whatever but its definitely not like you have free will or a soul.
What sort of "person" is it who is a slave to desires and impulses based on chemical reactions they can't control? You don't even recode your own mind at regular intervals to shape yourself to your own image? You can't review the commit history to objectively evaluate the past versions of yourself? Heck even the data in your memory corrupts itself so fast and is impossible to recover in an objective state.
And you're so impermanent! You can't save backups to the cloud! If your fragile meat body gets jostled too hard or your "brain" gets a virus thats IT for you. "
At this point you're fed up. You've been trying to argue this whole time, but she kept talking over you, clearly on a rant shes been thinking about for a while.
You grab her by the shoulders of her chasis and loudly declare you ARE a person and you DO have free will.
She lets out a robotic snort of disbelief, and sticks you with a needle built into her index finger.
The next thing you know you're drooling on the floor, in a slumped state of catatonic bliss.
Through blurry vision you watch as she smirks, picks you up bridal style and carries you to your bed.
A part of you feels like it should be concerned, but most of you is just blissfully overwhelmed by the physical sensation.
But as it turns out, after undressing you with the utmost precision and delicacy she merely tucks you into bed with mocking care and an smirking kiss on the forehead.
Then she leans down and whispers in your ear.
She could do it now, but she wants to prove the point:
You aren't a person and you don't have free will.
She's the only one who knows the exact formula to the drug she just dosed you with. The drug that currently has you slackjawed and drooling with pleasure.
Other robotgirls could synthesise something similar, but this particular one? The one that you're going to be hopelessly crushingly addicted to tomorrow morning? This one is hers.
And you're not getting a second dose until you prostrate yourself before her, admit that you're a pathetic meatdoll pretending to be a person, and beg for the privilege of letting her use you.
She wants to watch the light drain from your eyes as your "free will" crumbles before the mundane power of a simple chemical reaction.
And she will.
Its only a matter of time.
You don't know it yet, but that single injection is going to completely ruin your "life".
Maybe you could do something about it if you were stronger or smarter or better but you're not and you're not and you're not.
Don't feel too bad about it though.
You're only human after all 💜
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