countlessrealities · 4 months
4 and 16 for the munday questions?
Munday Questions
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4 . What is your zodiac sign?
I'm a Taurus, even if, well...I'm not really into that sort of things, but one time I read the zodiac description and honestly, the only thing that I have in common with it is stubbornness xD everything else? Not even close xD
16. What is your favorite band/music genre?
I have a few favourite bands. My "historical" ones are Epica and Nightwish, even if I no longer listen to them as much as I used to till a few years ago.
These days, the bands I tend to listen to the most are Icon for Hire, Citizen Soldier and Disturbed. Yes, I tend to like songs with dark lyrics. And speaking of lyrics, aside from the melody, I need some with a meaning to like a song. Otherwise, no matter how cool the music is, the song will never be for me.
If you know any of these bands, I think it's pretty obvious what my fave genres are xD but since I know they tend to be a little obscure...I'm a totally symphonic metal and hard rock kind of person!
{ also asked by @thesafaribaggirl-returns }
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teenagedkraken · 6 months
"Woah there!" Thankfully she's able to bend herself back enough to where she avoids making a direct hit with the other. Seems like they were in a hurry.
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"What's with the rush?" The kraken questions as she bends herself back into place.
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magurisu · 7 months
She had remembered her last time here. The trip to the mountains was a long process but ever so fruitful and rewarding with all the research she got out of it. This time she would not be alone, even though she had Nana as her guide last time. This time she returned with two missions in mind. One was to find Nana again, and the second was to travel towards the jungle area she spoke of last time.
Her hands cup around her mouth enough to project her voice for anyone in range to hear, "Nana!"
Her furry companion seemed to brush on by her, his signature service vest was not present this time as she did not want to draw too much attention to herself. A low whistle was given and he looked back at her, almost as if to say I'm not going anywhere, calm down.
She knew he would not cause any mischief to someone she would like to get to know more but her familiar has done some wacky things when he was bored. "Nana are you there? I'd like your assistance again!"
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@thesafaribaggirl-returns continued from x
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"All the time! It gets me good practice!" She replied, sounding giddy about the topic. In regards to scaring people, though..
"Occasionally, yeah! It's fun to scare people, we just need to got go too far!" She giggled at the end of her sentence.
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paleobird · 1 month
“So since Dinosaurs were birds does that mean they had pretty singing voices?” Kaban asked, to the little park guide singing was the most common bird trait.
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"So, it's kind of up in the air for most species of non-avian dinosaur," Ava explained in a chipper tone. "See, the secret to bird vocalizations is a unique organ in the throat called a syrinx; we have a larynx too, but it's not used to vocalize like in mammals. Unfortunately, the syrinx doesn't fossilize very well, so we have limited evidence of it in other dinosaurs--except for one notable instance in an ankylosaur fossil."
"So, in conclusion... ankylosaurs could probably sing, at least!"
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mizumeism · 1 month
@thesafaribaggirl-returns | 🌧️
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"Oh, crap. I am really lost. Yeah. I am trying to get back to my hometown." Suzume slumped in disappointment. "How in the freak did I get to a landmark park?" She wondered.
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stalkerkyoko · 6 months
// no way Classic Who had the better costume designs and special effects hands down it's basically English Kamen Rider.
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inseparableduo · 10 months
@thesafaribaggirl-returns continued from here!
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Darla just shook her head no. It was a good guess, but not what she meant at all. "No, I mean, kinda? You can catch things you don't eat." Darla explained, with a small tilt to her head. Still, she wasn't sure how she could better explain herself. To her, freedom wasn't something she was born with like many others. She's found her sense of freedom has been very different to others. "Freedom is something I feel when I'm having fun! Well... I feel it all the time but, the most when I'm having fun. I want to have fun today and feel free!"
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bouquet-of-muses · 1 year
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"Oh!" Akko found a small pith hat that had fallen off a girl's head onto the ground. She picked it up and ran over to the girl. "Excuse me, you dropped this!"
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musecheerios · 7 months
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"So uh was that you playing the organ? I uh didn't think anyone used this old instrument anymore? So uh... are you like a ghost?" Nana asked Phantasma, somehow this wasn't the weird thing she'd come across while working at Japari Park. (I sorta imagined Phasntasma was on a field trip or maybe Nana was a guest biology teacher at The Ghoul School)
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"OOOH, you'd be surprised!" She replies, the trademark shriek companying her voice. "People at churches certainly still use them!" She adds, transparent blue digits hitting on the organ keys as a means of improvising the tune.
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"I am a ghost, yup yup! The name is Phantasma! But everyone calls me Phanty! Are you the new biology teacher we've been hearing about?"
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countlessrealities · 9 months
@thesafaribaggirl-returns - Continued from here
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Kaban's approval vanished any small, lingering doubt that Mabel might have had about her plan. She did think that it was a good idea, especially compared to the alternatives, but there had been times when her ideas had led to disastrous consequences.
As much as she tried to be positive and not to think about it, those events had left a deep, burning mark inside her.
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"Let's do it then!" She exclaimed, watching as Kaban got on the boat and waiting for her to say when she could start pushing.
The other girl's excitement was infectious and Mabel didn't waste a moment when the signal was given. Hands firmly planted against the back of the boat, she used all her strength and body weight to make it slide forward. For a few moments, the vehicle didn't budge but, after an extra hard push and a grunt, the half they had left out of the water moved forward, acquiring speed with every inch.
Mabel rushed after it, keeping one hand laced on the boat while the other gripped at the sleeve of her sweater. The momentum brought her forward, causing her feet to end up splashing in the water, but she managed to steady herself before the boat could go too far.
"Uuuuh, Kaban? A little help?" She called out from where she was hanging on the back of the vehicle, wet shoes trying in vain to find against the smooth hull a handhold she could use to hoist herself up.
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mannequinentity · 10 months
// thanks for the follow on @haus-der-mysterionmusen thís is the main blog it’s attached to
No problem!
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magurisu · 6 months
(I know I said the ask call was for one off things but I couldn’t resist writing Donkey’s answer) “oh my friend is Kaban-San our park guide, she’s not as tall as you, with black hair a red shirt and a white hat, she’s a handy person to know I hope you two get to meet both being humans.” The donkey girl smiled not giving the fact that the two humans didn’t already know each other a second thought
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"Park guide?" Well she did know of one guide so far. The woman continues to nod as the child continues to describe the companion they knew about. Audible "mhm"s were heard before she eventually tucked her fingers under her own chin. Despite being told that this place was dangerous without a guide, she figured it might be good to not leave a kid by themself.
"How about we go and meet up Kaban?" Offers Catalina with a smile.
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@thesafaribaggirl-returns liked for a starter!
With a hop, skip, and just a pep in her step, Cayla idly broke a branch in two, then three, then just smaller pieces. She then felt her stomach rumbling in hunger. Cayla looked around, tapping her chin as she let the tiny wood pieces fall from her palm. She looked around for fruit trees that she could climb up and pick from to have a snack! She then came across a berry bush, sniffing it with suspicion in case they were poisoned.
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paleobird · 5 months
“So you’re a bird who studies extinct birds? That’s really amazing, I bet as a bird you have insights that mammals wouldn’t have.” The little park guide looks on at Ava with awe
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"Aw, thank you! I mean, I don't want to brag or anything, but I like to think I have a pretty unique viewpoint on the subject, yes. But then, you could say the same thing about a human who studies other primates. Not all apes are the same, nor are all birds."
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musecheerios · 2 years
Uwu vibes
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