#these colours weird me out hahaha but i guess it's era appropriate
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SPARKSTEMBER DAY 15: Interior Design
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inkykeiji · 3 years
clariiiii i watched true romance too!!! it was great like ughhh i just LOVE christian slater he’ll forever be my 90’s celeb crush. i noticed that the film had major tarantino vibes(esp in the character’s lines n the plot) and later found out he was actually the scriptwriter for this film so that was fun hehe but the cinematography and the 90’s mood r what rlly captivated me ahh i love love love the vibes from 8-90’s vintage films. overall it was great nd fresh, felt like watching a tarantino-style romance film (which turned out to be actually true but anyways) and that’s rare!!! great plot and dynamics too!
as a film enthusiast/major/filmmaker i have tons of stuff i wanna chat w/ you about eeek <33 but i kinda feel guilty cuz this is not a film blog yanno idk i cant explain it but i feel guilty?!?! but can i ask u if that’s okay? 🥺 do u have any other film recs(cuz both movies u recommended were amaazing)? do u have a fav genre? what’s ur fav film? do u have a fav director? ahhh im sorry i’m like spamming u wif questions i’m such a nerd BAHAHA -🐰
omg i’m so happy i love it so much!!!!!!!! yeah he’s a dreamboat sigh pls i just killed myself typing that ahahahaha but no he’s so attractive AND U KNOW WHO HE REMINDS ME OF, ACTUALLY???? or more appropriately, who reminds me of him??? idk if you watched ratched—i got about halfway through so far but haven’t really picked it back up (ryan murphy n i have a complicated relationship) but oh my god finn wittrock’s character in ratched just reminds me of christian so much (in looks, not actions/personality ofc hahahaha)!!
aaaaah thank you so much for coming back to share ur thoughts with me i’m so happyyyy 🥺🥺 YES he is!! true romance is my favourite movie written by quentin, but reservoir dogs + the hateful eight are my favourite films directed by him <33 okayokayokay LET’S GET INTO FILM STUFF UNDER THE CUT EEEEE!!!
FIRST OF ALL alabama is like, one of my favourite characters ever like i cannot decide if i want to marry her or if i want to BE her. same with clarence—i just love their relationship so much like, it’s obv a lil unhealthy but gosh like you said THE DYNAMICS!!! and the colour palatte for that film is just ahhhhh so so so good, it inspired my current colour palette actually!! i was gonna do that teal blue n bright cherry red but i didn’t like the way the gradients were turning out :(( so i went with blue n purple instead ehehe
YES BUNNY BB YES YOU CAN ASK ME AS MANY FILM QUESTIONS AS YOU WANT!!!!!! we can chat about film any time, don’t feel guilty at all!! film and writing are tied as my two favourite things ever hahaha so any film questions/discussions are allowed on my blog <33
aaaaaah i have a thousand recs ehehe pls i’ll give you a never-ending list if u don’t give me something more specific/narrow it down a lil!! like what’re you looking for first? do you want american films or italian films or french films etc etc etc? is there a particular genre, era or film movement you’re interested in? waaahhhh look u got me getting all excited n stuff eeee i love love love recommending new films to people 🥺🥺 i love watching them with people too—idk if this is gonna sound weird but like, i love introducing my friends/family to new films that i’ve seen but they haven’t and just watching their reactions n stuff, it’s such a special thing to share with them and it’s almost like i get to experience it for the first time again ehehe.
oof you really have unlocked a MONSTER okay okay
do you have a fav genre?
yes!! i love love love horror films ahahaha but i’m also really into dramas/slice of life type stuff.
what’s your fav film?
fantastic mr fox - anderson
the godfather (part 1 + part 2) - coppola
goodfellas (duh) - scorsese
the royal tenenbaums - anderson
the rules of the game (french) - renoir
breathless (french) - godard
the hateful eight - tarantino
reservoir dogs - tarantino
her - jonze
the thing - carpenter
get out - peele
literally ANYTHING from fellini ahahaha but my absolute fave is la dolce vita (italian)
videodrome - cronenberg
true romance - scott
night of the living dead - romero
lost highway - lynch
the silence of the lambs - demme
a clockwork orange - kubrick
the shining - kubrick
kiki’s delivery service (japanese or english) - miyazaki
dunkirk - nolan
once upon a time in hollywood - tarantino (omg my boyfriend and i have decided if i were a tarantino character i’d literally be rick dalton lmaoooo)
no country for old men - coen brothers
burning (korean) - chang-dong
rebecca - hitchcock
rear window - hitchcock
halloween - carpenter
fargo - coen brothers
the empire strikes back <3333333 - kershner
back to the future - zemeckis
the dark knight - nolan
citizen kane!!!!!!!!! - my bby welles <3
midsommar - aster
the lighthouse - eggers
little women - gerwig
the man without a past (finnish) - kaurismaki
good god that’s a loooong list lmao i’m so sorry bunny but i’d say those are my absolute FAVOURITES. i know i’m missing a few for sure but aaaaah yes
do you have a fav director?
i have a few!! for ‘contemporary’ directors, i love quentin tarantino, wes anderson, david lynch, greta gerwig, and ari aster!! for like uhhh i guess ‘all time’ directors (who have passed away) my faves are stanley kubrick, alfred hitchcock and federico fellini!!!
SORRY THIS IS HUGE ahaha but no please don’t apologize i literally love talking about this kinda stuff!!! tell me all of your favourite directors and films too pls!!!!!!!
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