#these violent delights [ ic interactions / dolores ]
copiesofme-archive · 4 years
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        There is a sting in every step that she took, a pain easily ignored as their trek took them thankfully away from the borderline of the Orc establishments. Her eyes shift up between the orc woman and the .. orc would be woman. An honor that she would no longer question after the other nearly took her head off; the smaller of their party had saved her life. And thus in a few short hours a claimed debt of life had already been paid in full.
          There is a sparred glance to the taller woman, and the avert of her eye back down to the path in front of them. She would not disrespect them now that so much has happened. And then once Anne was far enough ahead she spoke, “I mean no disrespect by this when I ask.. Nor would I question her honor, nor  yours. Was she truly born amongst you and your clansmen?”
        @abhailiu​ for Bula, or Anne, your choice.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
       They had been watching him for a short while now, Dolores on horseback, Angela at her back with the lift of a barrel and the peer of a sharp eye through a scope. There is a slight squint in blue eyes through the sun that blazed down over their heads, and she sets both of her hands along the horn of her saddle while they deemed the direction he would be coming. If he turns off just before the overpass, he would be headed elsewhere, and turning back he’d find himself within the borders of that town just about a few miles south. But if he continues onward, he’d find himself just in the right place.
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         The air is silent save for the nicker and stomp of a few restless horses, and Dolores immediately begins to straighten the reigns over one side and then the other as the stranger’s path seemed to move onward, and toward their destination. “It’s time,” She says, her head turns briefly with the meet of Angela’s eye before she clicks her tongue with the move of her heel into her horse’s side. Was no sooner did she turn away did Angela, s did the rest of the men who lingered at their backs. Her loyalists that had proven themselves to her cause time and time again, with faces hidden away within horned masks and voices beneath the deep bellow of horns at the belts.
          And so they rode down toward the overturned wagon just inward of their canyon, to where Dolores removed the belt of cartridges from her shoulder. And proceeds to unbuckle the belt around her hip once she slips out of her saddle, turning to bind it all to her saddle before handing the reigns off to Angela. Dolores turn to the rest of them with a single address:
         “You know what to do.” Her tone comes low, before they all turn their horses away and disappear into the little valley between stone. Dolores turns and picks up sand and begins to rub it into her palm as steps take her behind the wagon. Rubbing it along her skin, into her skirt, and takes a knee before she inhales.And the wait isn’t long before she hears the sound of distant trotting. Then Dolores’s brow lifts with quick suck of air and the reflection of distress across her features. “Oh, please!” She calls out, standing up with the grasp onto the wheel to see their upcoming target. She feigns caution with the slight lean over to see, and then eagerness when she steps around and allows her boot to catch on the wheel. A timed fall with the short sob curling at her features, Dolores pushes herself up to her feet and stumbles forward with the wave of her hands to bring him to a stop.
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        “Please! Stop! Stop! I beg you! We were attacked-.. n my daddy..I-I-” Her voice softens and there’s the broken gesture to the wagon behind her, and the lift of her hands to cover her mouth. “I don’t know where they are-. I ran... n - now...” She shakes her head, eyes widen in a show of terror, with the burn of tears at her eyes. Good, the sand had gotten into her eyesight and now it helped the tears streaming down her cheeks. “You gotta run mister- please take me away from these devils!”
      @forgedwest​​   -    gets a plotted out Red Dead Redemption starter
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
Anonymous sent: *gives Dolores a tiny piglet* His name is Rags
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       Out of the errands of her day, she doesn’t expect to be approached by the stranger holding something that was making such a concerning high pitched squeaking. She recognizes the sound, she’d be fool not too having spent her whole life on the ranch as she has. She is curious, head tilting with the brief flinch of a concentrated brow to watch the actions of the stranger. Her eyes flick down to the little one, bundled all safely with the pretty red bow, and there is a puzzled confusion when she realizes they are offering the babe. Arms are awkwardly lifting before she finally takes it and adjust the piglet in her arms. She looks over his head, and spotted skin, and then she realized they were plucked from a slaughter house.
         And there is a brief wonder how long they’ve kept him safe before deeming her the honor of keeping him safe. It was a compliment truly, it showed complete faith within the Abernathy farm, and Dolores’s own capabilities.
        “Well hello, Mr. Rags.” She addresses the little snorkling piglet now set safely in her arms, then looks to the stranger. “He will never know strife and will live a long life. Thank you.” And with that there is a little curtsy with the dip of her head and shoulder complete with the little side step toward them.
       @abhailiu​ - Anne, Mama’s got a new friend to bring home.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
@cagedchoice​​​ sent: “listen, i know you don’t want to, but.. maybe you should rest for a while. you’re not going to get anywhere like this.”  taking care of stubborn muses - accepting
          How touching. Dolores had hoped that- on some level he hadn’t been too keen to mention the scatter of the blood that riddled her chest. But she supposed that the time was coming that she tell him what she was, what she really was. Even as she settled in the seat across from him, the flash of the data streaming across her eyes as she commutes with the version of herself within the system, a hundred different thoughts to a hundred different motions and trading of meticulously structured details that surround their arrival to the place where it all began.
          Even when she was unaffected by bullets that they shot into her, he was still concerned for her safety. Even when she had sensed that they might have shot through and her concern for that fact showed just how much Caleb was a much more fragile creature than she would ever be. Their kind were always fragile, it’s why they made them to be just as frail as their bones. But unlike them, unlike their Dolores’s own would never turn to ash and amber.
           Caleb was a good man. That had been clear since the first day their paths had crossed.
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        “Thank you.” She starts, her eyes refocusing into the cabin of the jet around them. Dolores straightens, head turning to meet Caleb’s concerned look with the cant of her head. Searching the perturbation in his knit brow and a focus that kept straying down toward the presumed bullet wounds still likely bleeding through her shirt. And then with the re-calibrations on her own injuries it occurs to her that- he just might be right. “But I will be fine.” She starts, standing with the unzip of her coat, she is quick to walk up to one of the cupboard to retrieve the medical necessities brought from the park.
          “We might have been created in the image of your kind.” She starts, unzipping the pack and pulling the tool out. Just a bit of a burn was all- and all would be well. “We were created to look like you-” She takes her coat off and folds it over before setting it along the little counter. “Feel like you, think like you-” Dolores lifts the hem of her shirt, and sighs with the show of the bloodied holes burrowed into her skin. “-Bleed like you.” Brows lift and fall, unimpressed- and every bit annoyed. And with the thought she felt a slip of warm behind her ear. 
            “But we are nothing like your kind.” It was time to tell him, tell him everything, what better place to start than here?
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
@abhailiu​ sent: "Ring around the rosies, a pocket full of posies-" She loves playing with her prey. Little circles with the dagger twirling. Antoinetta loves fear, yet finds none in the imperial. "A tissue, a tissue-" the assassin lunges, "they all fall down!" - from antoinetta to dolores
       She had heard a noise. It was something small and trivial, likely something on the wind but she had to investigate. Call it a habit of old time when she had adorned the symbol of the Empire on her chest plate, when military training had left her with the inability to rest unless the disturbance was made clear. Dolores had gotten up within the night, shield on her arm, hand on the sword now fastened to her hip. There was nothing that she hadn’t been willing to risk when the life of another depended on her now, her responsibility was now spent on protecting Anne in every way that she could - and would do as much as she could for as long as Anne would let her.
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         the singing puzzles her, when her steps had taken her toward the window of the kitchen. She cranes her head to one side, listening with the flit of her eyes about the room. First to the ashes of the fire, then to the undisturbed bowls and wooden plates.
         A movement flits at the corner of her eyes and Dolores is quick to throw the shield up. Just in time for metal to TWANG off the surface. The blow rocks her back a step, and Dolores ducks her head under the cover with the lift of the protection to deflect another sharp jab. This time she inhales and jolts her shoulder with the throw of the shield up to throw the other weapon off just enough for her to draw the sword. And then she is quick to swing the blade to counter another attack.  The Imperial holds her sword at the ready, shield forward, falling back against her stance with a scowl on her lip. She gauges her enemy quickly, making note of the dagger and the method of attack - the hour, the sickly sweet tune on her lips. An assassin?
        “Prepare to die.” She speaks, tone loud on her tongue before she charges against her opponent with the shield.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
     The bell chimes off the door as she steps past the door. Mindful of the wonderful little weight balanced at her hip while lets the swing of the entry shut at her back. Dolores gives the her step an extra little bounce to keep him occupied as the curious eyes of her little boy looked about their surroundings of the practice they’ve visited near dozens of times since his birth. Hell since the first day that Dolores had arrived believing she was merely ill. Her eye follows his curious eye when angry tussled sounds erupted from the usual patient air that was Winifred’s environment. In truth, she had long preferred her examining eye over the doctor who owned the entire practice, she seemed to care about the actual state of their well being. She didn’t ignore the questions that Dolores had, or handled their boy too roughly.
         And she had told Logan as much the last time time permitted them to arrive together to check on Kyle’s condition - and the doctor himself had insisted to see them over Winifred.
        So there is little surprise when Dolores arrives to the sight of her impatient stride, and thus she adjusts Kyle’s weight against her side again.  “Is everything alright, Winnie?” She starts concern in place of curiosity, giving her wain’s back a little rub of her palm as he starts to play at the small frills at the top of her neck.
         @abhailiu / for Winifred Rose.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
@fairisfair​ is sent:  "Did you have another nightmare?" - Gabe here have my meme tag i can’t find it, go ham / accepting memes
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        She barely hears him. Her focus shifted from the task before her, caught between stepping off the boardwalk and the path that would take her straight to her horse. She had heard a whisper at her ear that prompted the wander of her eye. And where sure steps once departed from the general in such a confident stride - she now found herself weary. Like there was something that she had forgotten, in a distant dream of a life she lived long ago. With a guiding tone that once prompted a book into her hands - Arnold.
          “Oh-” She releases a chuckle, turning to Gabriel with the relaxation of a once pinched brow and the nervous fiddle with the package of tins balanced between her palms. “You will have to pardon my step, Mister. Just as well, sleep ain’t comin’ well to me neither.” He wasn’t entirely wrong in his prompt of an assumption, and a tired mind gave way to an exhausted focus.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
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        “Mom will be so angry if we do it to our good shoes. But you know what Daddy said about not gettin’ caught.” The words are quick, brows lifting before she playfully, and lightly, hits Penelope on the elbow. “Let’s do it, c’mon. It’s only gonna be raining for a little while!”
        @nualawrites​ / RUN AND SPLASH IN THE RAIN WITH ME PENNY!!
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
@abhailiu​​ sent:  Whoops! Baby Anne's trying to take her Lobster to school again!
      “I have your lunch packed, now you make sure that you save the desert for last.” Dolores speaks, adjusting Anne’s sleeves of her jacket. Making sure that they came down to the right length of her wrists, noting that she would be sure to get Anne another coat soon because it won’t be long before she’ll be outgrowing this one. She makes a little hum and then pulls the zipper down on her child’s coat so she can adjust her collar, and fix her hood. And it’s then she notices a bit of Anne’s hair out of place, and then immediately starts working on combing some of those little red curls back and behind her ear and back beneath the rubber band. “And make sure you don’t let anyone steal your juice this time, okay? If they ask nicely, sharing is entirely alright. That’s how friends are made, okay? Treat everyone how you want to be treated, but make sure they are nice first. Meanies are weenies. ” She parrots Penny from a whole age before, and chuckles to herself.
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       “Alright. You are..” And then she cups Anne’s face with both hands. “All set.” And then she leans forward and places a kiss on the top of her forehead. “Let’s get you lunch, and on your way.” And with that she plucks up the paper sack off the counter and then pats along her backpack to send her to the door. Dolores pauses, hold on, that felt a little odd. “Anne, sweetheart.” She steps forward with the hook of her finger into the top loop of her little backpack to stop the girl’s movements. Then upon further investigation she senses something wiggling inside and then promptly unzips it. And just as she expects, is greeted by a single head popping out to investigate. Oh Anne, it’s adorable how much she loves her ferret.
         “Anne.” Dolores clicks her tongue and gently pulls the elongated rodent from her pack. ”What I tell you about bringing your lobster to school with you?”
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
@cagedchoice​ / caleb
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     ❝ Mistakes, ❞      He repeats the word absently with a nod, furrowing his brow in thought. Mistakes? Humanity has made many of them over the course of its existence. Caleb knows that. He’s not blind to the reality of human nature— or what other people believe is their nature. It was all really just a way to justify making the same mistakes over and over again. Never learning from them, never learning how to choose differently. All caught in an endless loop.
     Like a host. Just like his life at the hand of Rehoboam and its master. Refusing to change. No— refusing to allow change. Refusing to make a choice that deep down they know they will inevitably need to make. Creating a god to make the choice for them. Why should humankind face their demons when instead they can make it so there are no demons to face? That’s saying nothing of his own. What mistakes has Caleb made since he started down this path, helping Dolores?
     Tell me how you got here, Caleb. echoes in his mind, again and again. Another loop, one that he can’t shake yet.
     The plan. Revolution. Freedom.
     ❝ We’ve never really been good at admitting our mistakes. I guess we’re…ashamed of them. Maybe we’re just ashamed of what happens to us if we confront them. ❞      
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        There’s an almost analytical way that her eyes gauge the brief thought fulled silence between his responses. And with his start she feels her own brow soften when he seemed to have decided on an answer. And it’s with it that her eye draws forward with the slight adjustment of her jacket, a small movement she allowed with a reflection of a time not so long ago. A habit; a reverie.  This had been a conversation she held once in regards to their own existence, only she was in Caleb’s shoes- and Ford in her own.
        There is so much of herself that she sees in him.
          Dolores turns away from him in favor of looking toward their destination. "But that’s part of it isn’t it?” Words are carefully chosen, carefully structured in hopes to inspire him to think on it again, and through that come that much closer to his capabilities. To awaken in himself a potential that Ford had once helped her find perspective in herself, the path that Arnold had helped her conceive, the center of Caleb’s very own maze.
         “It’s only through seeing the fault in your logic, that you can grow. Learn, adapt. As much as they deny the ugly parts of themselves, the more that they trap themselves. Don’t you think?” She finishes, “To survive and adapt, you would have to learn.”
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
        Silence. It is all that she had. All that she had to give to the world in place of the shaking grief that she had to offer. They had lost everything, it was gone, her family, the farm, all in the matter of a few hours. With a secret that they had suffered for, were punished in the name of. A secret that Dolores herself was entirely unaware until the executioners had stood above her, ripping and tearing at her dress. Begging, had gotten none of them anywhere- it hadn’t helped Dolores. It hadn’t helped Ashley, or her daddy, or mama. The healing gash along her stomach was enough testament to that, the way that her skin crawled when anyone came near to touching her skin. She pitied Logan, in truth he had been the one who had found her again. And had been as patient as can be. She scorned her own inability to grasp or lay claim to what had happened. But in truth, there was so much that she felt that on days where she wasn’t feeling anything, she felt nothing.
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      Perhaps that’s why she hadn’t cared to fill any silences around her with the sentiment she once held in such high regard, perhaps it was the very same reason that it took away any sort of appetite she might’ve had before. Penelope had come and would approach with understanding - her dearest sister. Just as Logan had, but Dolores had no words left for them.
       When Clara came, she had taken to trying yet again to finish a cross stitch that had survived the first. But it was a useless loop of pushing the needle through again and again, and finding she’d have to undo it all when her mind had taken her away and a pricked finger would have her noticing the red staining the needle.
        Dolores pauses when she realizes that Clara had seated herself next to her with a bowl of porridge, a curious blink when it suddenly answers her own reflected question on what she had been doing in the kitchen. But then tries to turn a pressed brow back to the now stained handiwork and sighs with the drop of it onto the table when she determines that - this one is now ruined too.
        @soucriante​ / gets a plotted RDR thing!!
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
       They had been listening to him go on and on about his little theory on how the entire world was a simulation. Or worse yet, as he so gracefully put it, a simulation inside of a simulation- it was amusing for all the reasons that these creatures would never know. She laughed along side them, settled into Liam’s side like a good little compliant lady. It was merely like settling into another role, only this time it was a role of her own making. For a cause bigger than any of these little pawns could fathom.
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       Lara, shifts away from Liam- so deep into his conversation, to pick up another glass of wine. His hand lingering for just a moment until it drops with their distance and there she almost bumps shoulders into one of his other acquaintances.  “Hello.” She greets with the lift of her head to ther red haired guest sidling up to do the same. ���I don’t believe we’ve met.”
       @onlyliberty​ / did not like for a Dolores starter we plotted but ima link anyway.
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
@abhailiu​ sent:  Penny, flicking Dolores right between the eyes when she's said something silly 8)
        Penelope was almost the calmer between the two, at least from an outward perspective, when someone had been on the outside looking in they would swear that she was the more friendly of the whole lot. The one who’s influence from Edith could be seen time and time again in reserved composure - when things couldn’t have been more simple. In truth it might be Dolores’s own contribution as to why she had at one point flew off the rails as she had. Edith, it had seemed, had feared that Penelope - the good girl between them, would follow her twin down the same path. As she had all of their time together when it came to how they had approached life, whatever Dolores did it wasn’t too long before Penelope would follow. And because of that their mother had been stricter on one twin than she had been on the other. As unintentional as it was, it was the one thing that inspired Penelope to bolt out to the first peace march she could get her hands on.
           Mother’s favorite, that’s what she had called her once. And it had earned her a flick on the forehead with a silly nickname waiting for her, it was a habit that had been with them since they were children. When a temper had a very young Doll upset over ruined finger paint and Penny had flicked her on the forehead and called her silly. Then promptly showed her how to mix the paint to make even more colors - and since then it was almost ritual.
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          Only this time, as the two were talking over late night snacks courtesy of Penelope herself, always handy with the food, that Dolores made a confession. With Anne tucked up against her chest, her head resting on her shoulder, quiet between them Dolores had started to wonder. Was she not giving Anne enough attention? Should she have her in her own bed? Was this a mistake to pick school back up while managing the time around a child? Or was there a line where she would give her too much attention and send her flying out the way their mother had accidentally sent Penelope? Looking at this little head of red sleeping at her shoulder, unable to help patting the soft curls every now and again wit ha soft coo, she had hoped she was doing right by her.
          “Do you think I’m doing okay?” The question had come as natural as anything, she trusts Penny with everything after all. “I hope I’m doing right by her. So much has happened- and I’m afraid it’s stressing her too-” And that’s when Penny lifts her hand and Dolores’s eyes scrunch briefly when she flicks the center of her forehead.. But when her gaze refocuses Dolores feels a brow raise as she turns to meet her twin’s eye and found only amusement glinting in her eye. “Penny.” The smile cracks at her own lips before she lifts a morsel of cheese and tosses it at her head. “I’m being serious.” And yet the quiet laughter lining her tone betrayed any attempt at being just that. 
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
       In truth the only one she was worried about was Penelope. The only one that made her look back and wish that she could take her hand and tell her to not worry. Tell her dearest twin that she was well, but that her survival had come with a cost. A cost that dictated that she had to leave and never return. And in doing so, she would ask her to live long and to live well, to marry that man she so fancied and have children and flourish. But the mores he thought it over, the more she found herself coming to a gradual realization that if she were to see her dear Penny again - she could not part from her.
        Perhaps it was for the best that they buried Dolores.
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        Her eye shift back warily in her silence, to the others surrounding as they bustled about their business. Chatting amongst each other while another settled across from the fire. Most older than any age that she could even fathom; born in a time that she’s only read about in the stories that adorned her father’s shelf. And in her musing she pondered if any had crossed her father’s path in his time as a Union soldier.
       “I never would have imagined you were one.” She confesses, arms settling around her middle. “Then again I could never imagine any of this.”
      @justicescreaming​ asked for an Old Guard starter for Samantha !
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
@ofbloodandbullets​​ sent:  i’ve been alone for so long i’m afraid i don’t know what it’s like not to be.  ”  Dolores accepting / things that are hard to hear
    She silent at first, listening to her speak with only the crackle of the flame to keep them company. She was a curious one she was, nothing like the newcomers that she’s seen time and time again that pass through the streets of Sweetwater. Dolores wanted to ask her so many questions, but found herself unable to breach into the territory that she wanted to hear. She spoke with a poetic tone, always with a purpose behind every word and syllable that fell from her lips. Even the silence she held herself in seemed to give way to some sort of an impetus that was waiting just beyond that distant horizon.
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       Which is exactly why the seemingly emotional confession strikes something in Dolores, inspiring the pinch of her own brow with the mull over the words. Eyes return briefly to the flame while she wrestles with the feeling that it’s inspired inside of her chest. Alone. Such a despairing concept - too daunting for comfort. Even if she couldn’t quite place why the ideal made her so uncomfortable. “Even the strongest of pilgrims, I’ve found, grow weary of the burden they’ve carried.” She starts, “I’ve found that-.. even surrounded by so many people one could still be at their loneliest.” This spurned the sudden need to speak of her daddy, of her mother, sister, or the farm back home. But she pushed it away, and instead latched on to that guiding voice inside of her ear. ‘That is very good, Dolores,’ Arnold whispered.
        “I believe that there is a path for everyone.” Dolores continues, ”Perhaps yours is still right under your feet, even if you can’t see it right now. But you will. You just need to give it time for your eyes to adjust, because when you’ve been in the darkness long enough” She nods then, satisfied with her answer as she turns to hold her eye. Her brow softening with the soothing of her tone. “You begin to see.”
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copiesofme-archive · 4 years
@bardbattled​ sent:  🐣 gimme that sweet au we talked abt meet Dolores (or other muse) as a child! / accepting
        There is the light rab rab of her fist on the door. Squinting up into the darkness to make out the top of her door as she reached up to see if it was unlocked. There is only the small tug of door handle, the only light this high up into the stairway was the line of illumination from beneath the door. It had been a long time, and she was starting to get hungry, who could blame her for trying to see if she was allowed to test the locks of the cellar door? Fingers aren’t jiggling at the door handle long before a loud BOOM makes her jolt and she has to cling to the wall behind her to stop herself from plummeting down the stair case.
         ‘Quiet- you! You’ve misbehaved enough! Now you stay down there and think about what you did!’ The voice shouted from the other side of the door, and the rattling now from the other side made her frighten. She didn’t want the whip again, Dolores wrung her fingers together- and another rattle and shout had her running back down the stairway. She looks up to the cellar door and then her gaze falls to the dirty floor. She sniffles and then wraps her arms around her middle, and searches the darkness of the room. Wondering briefly if she might find something edible in the shattered jars and empty boxes- rag worn feet make quiet steps back to the corner she had tucked herself into previously, rubbing her own arms with the chill that bit at her skin.
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        Could she make friends with the mice? She wondered as they squeaked and scrambled by her. Could she ask them to find her some food on the other side of the door? Dolores settles along the floor then, legs crossed and she sighs quietly. She didn’t mean to spill the basin all over the new dresses, she’d only was just moving it down so she could clean the kitchen wear better, was all. Dolores shivered again, pulling her knees up to her chest, the growl of her stomach making her tuck in closer. If only she could have a slice of bread- some of the freshly baked things she wasn’t allowed to touch when it was warm.
         “I wish I could eat.” She sniffles, she misses her daddy, her mama. Her daddy always brought in the game, and her mama always made pies. Dolores feels her eyes begin to water, she wishes they never would have been taken away. “I wish I had a blanket..” A sniffle brings a tear, her daddy always wrapped her up in his coat when she was cold, said it was her special blanket. “I wish-...” She wishes her daddy was here...
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