m00n-pr1sm · 2 years
Throwback to when I ranted to my friend about Lena and Raiden ei parallels, stupid cross fandoms rants are my thing (I haven’t even dropped the banger that is the idsmile supercorp rant) anyways yeah this is really banking on Lena’s s5 arc but so are like 80% of my thoughts on her
Firstly starting off with the typology parallels before moving on into the narrative, broader parallels.
So they’re both Intjs, with an 1 fix in their tritype (and also melancholic dominant and RLOXI) which plays a lot into how they behave and the thought processes behind their actions
But that’s meaningless bs to most people so narratively they both have done extremely similar things
1. ei following the death of her sister makoto decided to implement her idea of eternity, basically an unmoving stasis and locked herself in the plane of euthymia (completely withdrawing from the world to meditate for like 500 years lol), and began to lock down inazuma and enact the vision hunt decree to maintain her own idea of eternity (really she just became a tyrannical ruler), and ofc I’m going to be referencing Lena’s s5 arc with non nocere (obligatory s5 spoilers), following the reveal that is Kara is supergirl (brought upon the death of lex) , it could be viewed as a metaphorical death of Kara Danvers bc following that big fallout in s5e07, Lena never again refers to her as Kara, only supergirl
But the main point is her idea of non nocere to fix and reprogram humanity using q waves (ironically she also institutes a blank slate with the sole goal to enact their goal (basically Raiden shogun, hope parallels too ig)), while non nocere is presented more heavily under the guise of “for the greater good”, it’s still a deluded goal which Lena does terrible things to achieve (stealing myriad, kidnapping, a lot of deception, etc).
Tldr: ni-se, te-fi axis, deluded goal that would’ve have never worked out in the end but they both do terrible things to try and achieve it before realizing that it would never work
2. I can probably think of more but it’s been months since I did ei’s 2nd story quest 😓, just generally kinda similar based on virtues of typology
Oh and a big part of their growth is them moving forward from a huge loss in their life, Lena with her biological mother and her entire arc in s6 is basically to become her own person free from both the luthor name and her mom
Ei is with makoto and basically to move past her idea of a stasis eternity and with that a new future for inazuma is in bloom
Also they’re both in love with a certain lighter haired best friend
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