zorkaya-moved · 1 year
"...You weren't meant to see that." (it's about his scars tho :^)
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The scars tell a story. They tell a story of survival, of accidents, of torture, of loss, of defeat, and of victory. Scars can be seen as both the worst parts of yourself and the brightest, as there were different people with different approaches to how one would see something. Zarina could not assume anything. Al-Haytham isn’t one to discuss his past until he wants to, she doesn’t push, and she doesn’t wish to pry. If anything, Sokolova is toeing the line and studies him from the side. At some point, something will come up - patience is a virtue but also a valuable skill in observation, survival, and strategy. It doesn’t betray her, it certainly doesn’t on this evening when Kaveh left for his project, and they both remained at the Scribe's house.
Is it luck, or is it a well-planned out consequence? Neither. There were suspicions, but she didn't wish to pressure them on. Al-Haytham was a man of many secrets, but so was she. Simply because she was comfortable showing her scars wasn't the same for others, for him. Because of such a fair approach, Sokolova doesn't change her expression, nor does she throw questions one after another. He didn't owe her an explanation as to why he didn't tell her about his scars or his past experiences. There was no pressure. She wasn't supposed to see the scars, but she did. It was a simple fact that couldn't be erased or escaped now.
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"I apologize. You were taking too long, and I got concerned the medicine caused you unwanted side effects," she replied flatly, not hiding that it was her concern. By seeing the marks left by the trials of the world, she could assume that the reason why he required painkillers in the first place ran much deeper. His symptoms were unlike any she'd ever seen. The mutilation, the echoes of pain, the sensitivity to certain changes in weather. "Do you need anything? I can make you more tea. It's getting colder. I noticed you don't fare well in low temperatures."
She did not ask him questions about his scars, nor did she pry. If he wished to tell, she would wait for him. If not today, maybe next time. However, as a doctor, she may inquire it only for the sake of medicinal treatment and approach. Nothing more, nothing less. Perhaps, only to see if it's possible to hear more specifics from him to make an even better treatment. Be it physical therapy or be it something he could take to make it easier... or more, diving into elemental research of Spantamad and witnessing for herself what others may not dare to look into.
"I'll leave if you are uncomfortable. Not everyone feels safe sharing their story, even with the closest people they have," she is calm and collected, she was not shocked, nor did she require any answers from him. Naturally, there was a concern, but only for his present and his future. The past has already happened. She could not erase those scars, nor was she asked to. There was only one thing she could do, and it was to stay, to assist if needed, and to remain as long as she was allowed. But how hoped he won't close the door in front of her face because of this secret coming out.
He didn't owe her anything, but she did want to help if it'll be needed. His scars weren't making her look away or become a mother hen. She grew up seeing people lose their limbs, she had stitched people since she was young, she saw scars of different varieties from beasts to humans to elements. Frostbites, burns, electricity scarring... Perhaps, she ought to show more of a reaction, but Sokolova was not a panicking person. All too calm, all too solid, all too laid-back. The only big deal was if he felt uncomfortable or repulsed by her being there. Only his feelings and comfort mattered.
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asclepias0819 · 2 years
one of top 10 images of all time
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seefasters · 2 years
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hello. please have margaret holding bj like a teddy bear
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revenantghost · 2 years
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naughtynanzhu · 3 years
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9116 · 3 years
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@HockeyAgent1: Stanley Cup made to Russia. Happy Monday y’all.
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bougainvilea · 3 years
im on such a perc'ahlia kick rn
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randombubblegum · 3 years
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wild-aloof-rebel · 4 years
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morshiberna · 4 years
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harelan · 5 years
🖊🖊 rosanna + 🖊🖊 matilda 👀
🖊 - rosanna is characterized by her mercy. she really believes in second chances. except for her own mother, to whom she never speaks to or acknowledges ever again. 
🖊 - she’s notoriously kind to her house servants. like, both the lower classes and among her peers (it’s seen as an oddity more than anything else among the latter). her husband isn’t as kind but thinks it’s supremely endearing. 
🖊 - she picks up elvhen VERY quickly, mostly because solas immerses her in it when they dream together :) but it’s part of the reason galani struggles w her sister’s level of “elfiness” – because like, matilda learns elvhen history and language from solas very quickly, and knows it better than galani does, but she doesn’t know much of anything about dalish culture, which is what galani sees as the mark of being a true modern elf. 
🖊 - ok this is only like half matilda But her daughter, onharri, comes into her magic very young (like, four). but it isn’t like “she blows something up because she’s stressed” or something like it is for most mages, it’s that she’s hot and starts freezing strawberries to eat and matilda hears her cronching on them. 
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lesbishay-blog · 6 years
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look at dutch eva and noora!!!! their friendship going to be so iconic i can already tell
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theraddestinthewest · 6 years
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So hey I saw coco last night and cried for 18 minutes, here’s a screencap of skeleton man and small child
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zimmermanns · 7 years
i kno my url makes this obvious but gee whiz do i love the zimmermanns
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