#they kiss and they also have (redacted) tumblr will remove me from the tag again if i say it
uo6ep · 10 months
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spiritxiii · 7 years
Get to Know Me 2017
For anyone that cares (plus I’ve got the free time). Was tagged by @pandykae , so Here We Go!~
Most Recent:
1) Drink: Water
2) Phone Call: Brother
3) Text Message: “Rad~”
4) Song: LIFE WILL CHANGE Cover by RichaadEB
5) Time I Cried?: When two of my dogs died a week apart from each other...
Have You:
6) Dated Someone Twice: Every girlfriend I’ve had, as we get together, broke up, but got back together, but break up again.
7) Kissed Someone and Regretted It: Not really.
8) Been Cheated On: Luckily no (as far as I was aware).
9) Lost Someone Special: yeah... no comment. Not family thankfully, but still. And not by death, they moved away.
10) Been Depressed: That’s the thing, I’m always depressed - just most days they’re courteous to not to stomp me into the ground (personifying my depression helps a lot).
11) Gotten Drunk: Only had sips of alcohol. WANTED to throw up, but didn’t. All the ones I’ve had have not been that great (just turned 21 this year by the by).
12-14) Three Favorite Colors: Amethyst Purple, Scarlet Red, and Gray.
In The Last Year:
15) Made New Friends: Yes, two new college pals~ GEEKS UNITE!~
16) Fallen Out of Love: Had nobody to love the last year.
17) Laughed Until You Cried: TWICE
18) Found Out Someone was Talking About You: Well gee this post sure does sound like that! But in person, nope.
19) Met Someone Who Changed You: To an extent, my college pal Emery. He’s got different set of political and social view, so its good to converse with someone with such a different point of view and find common ground.
20) Found Out Who Your Friends Are: No sinking friendships, so nope~
21) Kissed Someone on Your Facebook List: I mean they’re either Family, In Relationships, or Far Away, so no.
22) How Many of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know In Real Life: All. NEXT!
23) Do You Have Pets: 3 doge. All gurls. Much cute~ Oldest to Youngest: Pilani, Princess, and Harley.
24) Do You Want to Change Your Name: Well, I don’t know another Calvin in person, so not at all! I is unique!~
25) What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: Tried Alcohol with my family. blugh.
26) What Time Did You Wake Up: Twice today, 4:30am and 2pm. Naps are nice in Summer~
27) What were you doing at Midnight Last Night: Watching YouTube Videos and playing Shadowverse on Steam.
28) Name Something You Can’t Wait For: SPLATOON 2/SPLA2N!~
29) When Was the Last Time You Saw Your Mom: *Looks to the left* Just now.
30) What is One Thing You Wish You Could Change In Your Life: SAVING. MONEY.
31) What Are You Listening To Right Now: *Headache med & Lowes commercials in the background, this sentence being typed out at this very moment*
32) Have You Ever Talked to Someone Named Tom: No? Weird.
33) Something That is Getting On Your Nerves: Modern U.S. Political Circumstances. Otherwise nothing really irritates me to the point of rage. Irritation sure, but not violence.
34) Most Visited Website: Not counting the Google - YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Tumblr, and CRUNCHYROLL!~
Info About Me:
35) Mole(s): I have black dots on my arms, but otherwise no large bumps.
36) Mark(s): Not a mark, but I have a lump & scar from that one time I split my head open on the corner of a coffee table when I was 5 - Behind and slightly above my right ear. I thought it was a pimple for the longest time (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THE IMMOVABLE).
37) Childhood Dream: I always wanted to be a teacher. Getting there~
38) Hair Color: Really Dark “Mistakable for Black” Brown.
39) Long or Short Hair: Getting Mid Range, but short. Prefer my bangs be just long enough to cover my THICK, LUSCIOUS BROWS!
40) Do You Have a Crush On Someone: Who Doesn’t? At this time, not really.
41) What do You Like About Yourself: My ability to be fit and yet still somehow have a pillow belly drum. Also my unstoppable FACIAL HAIR!~
42) Piercings: Nadda.
43) Blood Type: Honestly, no idea.
44) Nickname: Cal? Spirit (not often), Dante (FFXIV character name).
45) Relationship Status: S i n g l e a n d P r o u d ! ~
46) Zodiac: GEMINI!~ (And I do Have a Twin Brother)
47) Pronouns: Him/He/His/San
48) Favorite Show: MY HERO ACADEMIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLUS ULTRA!!!~
49) Tattoos: No Plans, not against but that’s money to be spent elsewhere.
50) Right or Left Handed: Left, but well coordinated.
51) Surgery: When I was 8 or so [REDACTED].
52) Hair Dyed: Nah.
53) Sport: Racquetball and Archery. Used to play Soccer many moons ago.
54) Vacation: NEXT WEEK TO HAWAII!~
55) Pair of Trainers: Do Sun and Moon count?
56) Eating: HaRdLy! Only had a bowl of rice today.
57) Drinking: Ice cold water~
59) I’m About To: BREAK! Nah, watch more videos.
60) Waiting For: SPLATOON SPLATOON SPLATOON!~ Hawaii too!~
61) Want: See the above. Also Kobayashi Season 2 pls~
62) Get Married: Gotta find someone first, geez!
63) Career: Hopefully teaching. Otherwise writing in some fashion, OTHERWISE hire me please.
Which is Better:
64) Hugs or Kisses: Hugs are easier, so kisses when they do happen~
65) Lips or Eyes: Eyes draw me in more.
66) Shorter or Taller: I’m game for either, honestly a taller gal would be fantastic~
67) Older or Younger: Its a number, but I prefer slightly older gals.
68) Nice Arms or Nice Stomach?: As long as I could rest my head on them I’m good.
69) Sensitive or Loud?: Why not Both? I know I am!
70) Hook Up or Relationship: Much prefer a relationship.
 71) Troublemaker or Hesitant: Hesitance implies thinking, so that. A lil trouble making ain’t bad so long as its in good fun~
Have I Ever:
72) Kissed a Stranger: Why?
73) Drank Hard Liquor: Took sips, not my thing.
74) Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: Does breaking them count? Otherwise their either on my face or on a counter I was at moments ago.
75) Turned Someone Down: Never had the opportunity if that’s what I think it means. In common day practice all the time, time is precious.
76) Sex on the First Date: If they offer, sure. Doubt it though.
77) Broken Someone’s Heart: At least 3.
78) Been Heart Broken: Once by relationship, twice when dogs died, and again when a grandmother figure of mine passed recently...
79) Been Arrested: Gotta Catch Me First. But nah, I’M A GOOD BOI!
80) Cried When Someone Died: Almost did, but I had to be strong for the rest of my family.
81) Fallen for a Friend: I mean all relationships should start as friends, so of course.
Do You Believe In:
82) Yourself: 9 Times Outta 10!~
83) Miracles: All the time.
84) Love at First Sight: Felt it once. Best relationship I had.
85) Santa Claus: Trade Secrets aren’t to be talked about in public forums!
86) Kiss On the First Date: In two relationships I had that turned out rocky.
87) Current Best Friend Name: Kaleb. Been Friends since before we were born. Kinda hard to not be friends with someone who you’ve bunked with since conception.
88) Eye Color: Dark “Almost Black” Brown.
89) Favorite Movie: shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit... If I had one movie to watch till the end of my days... Lilo & Stitch.
90) Hobby: Card Games. Occasional Bow shooting. List making.
91) Favorite Book: If comic strips count, Calvin & Hobbes. Novels, A Series of Unfortunate Events. A singular, standalone book: The Odyssey & The Iliad.
92) Did You Have Fun with this List?: Yeah, though I’ve done similar before.
Anyone out there reading this, feel free to do so as well.
Um... tagging.
@belakitu @spazzythewolfie , and everyone else got tagged by Pandy (TRAITOR!~ nah, es good - Thanks for tagging me!~)
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peridot-tears · 7 years
get to know me tag
Got tagged by @mikasas-titties. Oh hai~
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: it was for work

3. Text message: buddy i met while travelling :D

4. Song you listened to: hamilton. specifically hurricane. rn

5. Time you cried: hysterical screaming followed by some tears last night. dw it was actually a good thing :D

6. Dated someone twice: never been on one bby

7. Kissed someone and regretted it: lolnah
8. Been cheated on: no

9. Lost someone special: yeh

10. Been depressed: mmhm
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: my one hangover told me to never get drunk again. i disobeyed
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: communist red, black is the new black, gold that i’ll never see (i’m trying to be funny pls clap laugh)

15. Made new friends: uhhhhhh. oh shit, yes
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: that’s not a thing i do

18. Found out someone was talking about you: HAHAHAHAHAHA yes

19. Met someone who changed you: ofc
20. Found out who your friends are: tbh that happens every other month so

21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: lolnah

22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: save like three i for some reason haven’t removed
24. Do you want to change your name: no

25. What did you do for your last Birthday: drunch and arcade in the city with my college bbies
26. What time did you wake up: noon, hence me pulling an all-nighter

27. What were you doing at midnight last night: screaming at my friend back at home while she took a break from work to sit in a car to hear how much i love her
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to go outside and go biking :~)

29. When was the last time you saw your mom: last month
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: that my friends stop having to grind so hard for a living. and join me in my adventures across the goddamn globe

31. What are you listening right now: hamilton
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes. his name is also pardeep

33. Something that is getting on your nerves: overeducated self-righteous liberals (totally not partisan btw just a little annoyed with one part of intersectionality pls do not sue) with their heads up their asses
34. Most visited website: google

35. Mole/s: too quick a count, b

36. Mark/s: stretch marks and scars si

37. Childhood dream: kung fu master *^*
38. Hair color: black

39. Long or short hair: long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: i am having an affair with Zhang Yixing’s digital cheekbones
41. What do you like about yourself: i occasionally do things like recklessly run up mountains at high altitudes, choke, and die. tru story
42. Piercings: earrings
43. Blood type: B

44. Nickname: PT
45. Relationship status: single b
46. Zodiac: virgo
47. Pronouns: she/ her 

48. Favorite TV Show: parks and rec but also pls someone watch beiping wu zhanshi with me
49. Tattoos: might get one, but they’re expensive

50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: dental only
52. Hair dyed in different color: actually tinted it blue for vague effect. it worked so well you still can’t see it
53. Sport: biking, kickboxing/ sanda, taolu, badminton, hiking, long-distance running (but i HATE running)

55. Vacation: i want to bike across asia one day. tru story
56. Pair of trainers: uh. um. puma? i think? idk. i just wear them

57. Eating: nothing, but i’ve been living off a lot of kimchi
58. Drinking: my spit :P
59. I’m about to: work out. it is midnight

61. Waiting for: my roommate to get out of the shower so i can use the bathroom
62. Want: to get better at the language i’m studying rn. which is my native language. BUT I CAN’T READ UGUUUUU

63. Get married: nah

64. Career: lots and lots of kung fu and current job redacted

65. Hugs or kisses: hugs. my asian ass doesn’t comprehend kisses

66. Lips or eyes: eyes

67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older 

70. Nice arms or nice stomach: wai not bothhhh

71. Sensitive or loud: both. why are these two opposites here doe
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship, but let’s be real. both are mehhhh
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: someone needs to go on adventures on me but also make sure my troublemaking ass doesn’t get me killed, SO

74. Kissed a Stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: lol who do you think i am

76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: YES. THEY WERE EXPENSIVE

77. Turned someone down: OH BOI SIT DOWN I GOT STORIES yes
78. Sex on the first date: PFFFFTTTBBTFFFFF HAHAHAHAHA

79. Broken someone’s heart: yeah. not proud of it, but i WASSSSS awful
80. Had your heart broken: ofc lol

81. Been arrested: no

82. Cried when someone died: i had to force it actually
83. Fallen for a friend: sorta kinda

84. Yourself: ofc
85. Miracles: yah but sometimes

86. Love at first sight: even less sometimes
87. Santa Claus: my inner child says yes but my me says no
88. Kiss on the first date: uhhhh, not for me no

90. Current best friend name: they are secret shhhh just know that most of them don’t use tumblr and i love them

91. Eye color: black
NOW, TAG 20 PEOPLE: tag yo’selves
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