#they've had their chance and they're actively spitting in people's faces
csmeaner · 2 years
Man, Just Take Grems Out to the Back 40
tl;dr Up here since it’s long
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Just get out of Grems. The staff doesn’t give a shit about you and don’t even have it in them to pretend to care like most CS staff do. Densy’s so tight-fisted that you’re unlikely to be able to get much out of her ARPG. It’s unlikely she’ll fix the Cypherus problem and I’m 50/50 on if she’ll ever finish that precious “lore”. She’s a nasty customer and I guarantee she’s talking shit about you if you dared to speak up in those screenshots.
Just leave. I promise you that there’s another funky dragon-looking species out there with an owner who will appreciate you and listen to reasonable criticisms.
Grems: Ruining a Good Thing
Densy’s (AKA MrGremble or Densetsugin for anyone searching) 20K hijinks hurt the species. It was the first big blow that would have been recoverable if Densy had been anyone else but herself since Grems were still quite popular at the time. 
I won’t go too deeply into this. Most of us already know the story, and the rest can find it in a bunch of places. Needless to say neither Densy’s nor Caravan’s story feels complete, and Densy’s is especially egregious since she waited for something like a year before coming out with obviously-curated proof against someone who could no longer defend herself.
Again, this is something Densy could have come out of with only a few scratches. She made a series of terrible mistakes, but people love a redemption arc.
Densy paid 0 attention to her community’s concerns. Remember that very polite document outlining what could be improved in Grems? archive.ph/Qk20n
The latest screenshots from the Grem Discord show the staff as thin-skinned, lazy, and disengaged. You walk on eggshells around them. It’s exhausting and downright abusive to make your community do that all the time. I think only Celestial Seas and Chowlings are worse.
Of course, also, Soyu-k/k-es-tressier, Densy’s long-time friend, was outed for having art with non-con, pedophilia, and incest (which they found “hot” as late as 2020/1). Densy removed Soyu-k from a mod position, but Soyu-k is still allowed to participate in the group.
Which brings up some salient questions: you’ll ban just about anyone who crosses you, but you won’t ban someone who left non-con, pedophilia, and incest out for the world to see until they were called out for it? Just because you go way back? Where, exactly, are you located from a moral standpoint?
Silence is consent and approval in matters such as these. Grems are no longer popular enough to tank this one. Anyone who bothers to read the callout (ie: anyone other than Soyu-k’s bootlickers) won’t accept the “but it was 10 years ago!” excuse, as if this shit has an expiry date.
The group no longer has any good designers on staff. The popufurs that propped it up have gone fishing. Nobody on staff keeps track of current trends or even what makes a good design in an enduring, classical sense.
The group is simps and people with Stockholm Syndrome playing Weekend at Bernie’s. It’ll be awhile before they give up, especially if an ARPG swings ‘round and it’s not too disappointing. I’d give it another two years. Maybe three if the ARPG is amazing. We might see a new Densy cash machine in that time.
Densy has been like this for as long as I’ve known her (Densestugin days, around the “Doggers” and Shadow Cats times). She’s always been a selfish, cliquey, stuck-up crybully and she’s stuck in her highschool mean girl days.
Just get out. Densy doesn’t appreciate you and just wants more of your money.
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