#theyve always boycotted her shit as well as all the other characters of colors
floralovebot · 2 years
No, if people just don’t buy clawdeen Mattel is going to assume she’s underperforming BECAUSE she’s black. Without like, a corresponding social media movement boycotting clawdeen will send the wrong message
And certain complaints about clawdeen are rubbing me the wrong way. Her hair still isn’t textured Right but in a lot of the dolls we’ve seen it’s as curly or curlier than it’s ever been, which goes a long way towards characterizing her as a black woman. Colorism aside, her two new actresses are a big step up from a white woman putting on a blaccent like it was before
Clawdeen should have darker skin and her hair shouldn’t be a pink/purple so light it’s almost blonde. But i think just randomly boycotting her will make things worse we need specifics
It wouldn't be randomly boycotting though? Like I get your concern but people are already starting to draw attention to this.
My post was specifically saying that people making posts about the whitewashing while also turning around and buying the whitewashed dolls is counterproductive and doesn't help. It sends the message that the company can continue doing it because it won't lose them money, regardless of people being upset. Fans can make all the posts they want but if Mattel doesn't lose money over it they're less likely to actually fix it. Which is exactly what happened throughout all of gen1, especially with the movies. People would occasionally call it out but they would still buy the dolls and give Mattel money. Because they never lost money, they never felt like they had to address or fix it.
With the recent resurgence, more eyes are on them now and people in the fandom have the ability to actually make a change. People need to make noise and boycott the whitewashed dolls. Which is what I said in the post??? Mattel knows that Clawdeen is a popular character, they're not going to assume it's because she's black. She's always been popular, and she's only going to get more popular with her being a more prominent main character than she was before (exactly what happened with the scaris movie). They're a company. They pay attention to social media (even when it seems like they aren't due to them not addressing anything). They're going to see people talking about the whitewashing.
As long as fans continue to talk about it and draw up attention, which is what we're trying to do!, they're going to see and be aware of how this could affect their overall profit. I'm not just saying this out of my ass yknow? I watched this exact same thing happen for years with Winx Club. I know what happens when fans talk about racism but continue to financially support the company. I don't think it'll get as bad as it did with Winx, but them whitewashing Clawdeen like this (arguably the worst it's ever been), is proof that they think they can get away with it and it won't affect how much money they make. That's why people boycott! Boycotts always come from a message. When fans who have supported the franchise for years suddenly stop, it's not because they randomly decided to not support the black girl, it's because something changed in how much they feel comfortable supporting her merch and the company will need to investigate it.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they already knew about these concerns, before people even started to talk about it.
And listen, I'm not trying to scare people into not supporting Clawdeen specifically. This is about sending a message to Mattel to let them know that fans won't support or stand for racism. My post was specifically a message for fans as well to say "hey, making an anti-racism post and then funding that racism doesn't work". Again, I've watched this happen for years with Winx Club (well over a decade). If you want a closer comparison, compare Monster High to Barbie! There's a shit ton more eyes on Barbie and everything they do is scrutinized to the max. And as we've seen, there's been fewer instances of them fucking up because they know what'll happen when they do. Don't be afraid to boycott them! It's worked in the past and as long as people are clear about why they're doing it, it can work again.
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