#this hearache is going to kill me
dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Okay, I know this may sound bad but
I find them condescending; I dont like how they are all up in her business in the worst way but make it seem like love...its manipulating.
I know their history makes them over-protecrive but they take it too far and then cover it with words of care and love and then Petal just lets it go. Like the P.I thing? She could have let her mom know that she didnt appreciate how she disregarded her feelings and instruction to throw the folder away (which caused a break up and hearache) - it was completely the moms fault. But she was still expected to go home, to eat with them, to go to things with them (with obligation and NOT willingness - that's not family love).
Mina, I feel, speaks for itself... She just doesnt seem to know when enough is enough. She is emotionally a child and cant seem to understand that her words have consequences (which I would love to see Petal show her what they are, just once). Sometimes you have to give loved ones space so they can heal a bit before running your mouth and causing more damage. (Kinda getting angry here lol).
They hurt her, stomp on her but she still has to do what they want and SHE DOES! (For the most part) but at least they apologize....OH WAIT! THEY DON'T
Sorry about the long rant but I couldnt take it anymore... I cringe every time I see their names or mentions. Ugh.
On a positive note: I love you and I love your writing; I know that it is a part of life to not like some one, even fictional. I am actually loving the story. I hope you can forgive me for my rant...trying to find words to end this on but am so awkward.
I do love you and the story, I hope I didnt cross a line here.......
Oh my goodness, honey you don’t need to apologize at all! I find the way we look at  characters and  situations/dynamics from different viewpoints very interesting, so it’s quite lovely, you can love some characters, you can hate some characters! ❤❤
This is in no way like an apology or “but this and this” kind of reply btw, I’m just going to explain the way I see the characters and of course we’re all free to disagree, that’s the best thing about fiction!❤ It makes us think and see things differently❤ If you see them in a different way or if you have another approach, please let me know! ❤
So in my mind, when it comes to their family -even if they tend not to talk about it- the dad’s arrest was a huge trauma for each of them, and they all had different reactions to it. Trauma unfortunately changes people, and what they went through -Petal was too young yes, but the mom wasn’t and Mina was a teenager, which means her personality still wasn’t exactly...fixed in a way- basically shifted not only the power dynamics, but the understanding of each other.
So their mother, when the dad was arrested was obviously very shaken, and the way that whole incident resonated on her personality was that....the first thing she felt was possibly guilt, and guilt can alter our whole personality. I’m not a mother obviously, but based on my interactions with my own mother and people who have children, it’s my understanding that the worst feeling in the world for them is not being able to protect their child. So, the way it goes in Petal’s mother’s mind is that their father clearly scarred Petal, that’s for sure  but the thing is, she had no idea what was happening and that put Petal in such a danger. Spencer keeps saying that his “profile” doesn’t fit into a killer that would harm his family, but the way her mother sees it, he could’ve killed Petal or Mina, and she wouldn’t even realize what was wrong until it was too late. This is the man who’s the father of her children, the man she put her trust in to protect her children and in doing so, she put them in danger. So in her mind, it goes like 1) survival 2) psychological wellbeing. Of course it’s important, but she feels like she can fix her mental state if Petal “survives” first, so that’s the first priority. That’s why the P.I is a huge part of their lives, and that’s why she’s so... the way she is 😂 
Which bring us to Mina, whose teenager years were shaped by the trauma of her father. As multiple people stated in the story, Mina is her mother’s daughter, like a small copy with small traces of her father, and she grew up witnessing how devastating that whole thing was to her mother. Seeing something like that also shifted her view on “protectiveness”, and also, Mina is the oldest daughter right? I think there are certain traits that are very visible in oldest daughters, because she feels like she needs to protect everyone and she somehow feels almost...responsible? She was ready to cover up actual murder for her family, and while she was growing up, as it is very common with a lot of parents, her parents raised her with “You’re Petal’s big sister, you need to protect her”. That’s a huge burden to put on a child or a teenager, and she can’t help but feel guilty that she somehow “failed” Petal by letting her father traumatize her like that.
And lastly we have Petal, whose whole understanding of “family” is....twisted at best. That whole thing with her father happened when she was very young, so she grew up thinking that the people in her family are the only people who she could trust, especially after what happened. She was close with her father, and when they arrested him and found out what he did, it basically pulled the rug from under her, so she clung to the nearest people, which were her family.
I mean is it healthy? God no, it is very unhealthy and very dysfunctional. But the thing is, I feel like a fictional work should be free to show the good and the bad at the same time, we can’t cower away from it if we want to...awaken something in our audience, at least in my opinion😁
That being said, my education also taught me that like 99.9 percent of the time, the reader can analyse the characters much better than the writer, so if you disagree with me, that’s absolutely alright! ❤❤❤ I  love exchanging ideas with you! Thank you so much for this, this is a very different viewpoint I will keep in mind ❤❤❤ 
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lesbian-nautica · 7 years
Your opinions on the newest issue? How do you feel about the sequel lost light in general?
Under a cut because BOY THIS GOT LONG AND SALTY
Alright so. Y’all remember that 2 hour video on why Sherlock is terrible? If you haven’t, go watch it, it’s great, but it brings up a very important point: Moffat is not a bad writer when he’s writing short things, or one-offs, or in tandem with another writer, it’s when he’s given full control over everything that he starts being suck-ass at his job.
In order to really understand what exactly is wrong with Lost Light, let’s take a moment to look back at mtmte. MTMTE was basically the renaissance of Transformers comics, as it brought in a whole new slew of people who otherwise wouldn’t be reading comics about robots. MTMTE had the perfect mix of plot and character, never (well occasionally but sparingly) sacrificing one for the other. You can see characters mature, see them grow, see things affect them, see them occasionally lose a nose because Milne drew an issue, etc. We all love MTMTE because even with its faults…..its many faults……it’s a good comic. It’s a great comic.
Which brings me back to the Moffat comparison. I’m not saying JRO is a bad writer-yes I am, but like, I’ll give him a break for one minute, okay-he was given creative control around the last quarter of MTMTE, and told to bring it to a close or whatever (where did Milne even vanish too. Where is he. Find him). You start to get a real suspension of disbelief, but at first, we were all okay with it, because at first read, it looks like Megatron was being handled well-and he was! I’ll admit, even I fell for it, that charming idea that even Megatron isn’t immune to the charm of living life on the Lost Light, that he too changes with it. The end of MTMTE was a little bit of bullshit, a genuinely well-written moment, severe hearache for soundad, and then…..the last issue is just catching up with Fort Max and Red Alert and Prowl. It’s actually a better place to cut off mtmte than the end of that last bullshit arc, because the end of that issue is the final reminder of the tone that MTMTE had-that tone of life as a thing worth living, even if it’s small, that tone of people learning to get over the past and move toward the future, the world ahead being both bleak and yet intriguing, stuff like that. It’s not surprise why Prowl shows up, I’d pay to have a whole series on Fort Max and Prowl dealing with their shit.
And that was the end. We all went through withdrawals, we NEEDED those gay robots flying around through space, how would we live without them?? Not to worry!! JRO is writing a sequel!!! YAY!!!!
LL1 actually had me sold on how it was gonna go down, because LL1 still feels (at least to me) like mtmte. I didn’t mind the art so much (background characters still look like they all need saving oh god) but the first issue was good. There were even LESBIANS in it!!! Lost Light gave me in thirty seconds what Transformers hadn’t given me in thirty years, some LESBIANS!! So we all looked at the lesbians and grinned, and got a good chuckle out of Blueberry Rodimus, and out of Brainstorm, and out of Nightbeat, and we all felt sad for Rung, and so on, and so on. We got obsessed with the little moments of mtmte that lost light was still giving us, especially during those first issues.
I’d like to say and then lost light four happened and we all realized this was bad, but no, we were all trapped and willing to stretch our bullshit tolerance to spare the fact that Lost Light was doing…so much wrong. It sacrificed characters for plot (i’m not even talking in the literal sense yet but we’ll get to that), it had too many plots happening at once, and then the plots had to just STOP because there was too much happening, none of it could hit emotionally because there was just too much trying to make itself investing.
And then lost light five happened and half of us realized what was happening, the other half hit up my inbox bragging about how they were right for guessing the Lug thing since I had been so hopeful and avid against that bullshit but who cares I guess you being right is better than the fact Lug fucking DIED, okay.
And then lost light six happened and we FINALLY all fucking realized the big problems with Lost light, and started to be like “wait no, no stop, wait, not this, stop it JRO” but it was too damn late, JRO was alone at the controls of a train he either didn’t know how to smoothly drive or fully intended to ram into a wall.
And then, Lost Light seven became JRO slamming that train right into a wall. Because Lost light seven, for all its cute moments and lesbian interactions, for all its fun little dialogue bits and promise to keep to one plot and just move that one forward, for all this and all that, it ends as an absolute train wreck. Not only did it LITERALLY BURY A GAY, it also destroyed a character most relatable to the reader-the character who had been out of the loop, so he could ask questions to simple things that new readers wouldn’t know, the one someone absolutely new to the franchise could easily relate to, and also the ship’s damn adorable mascot. It doesn’t matter now, if Rodimus gets his ship back, because……look at his squad. All their character was buried with Tailgate, who was buried FOR NO FUCKING REASON.
So here’s my real beef with JRO, flat out. He thinks that just because he brings gay characters back means he can kill them without us criticizing because hey, he brought them back!! Nevermind the fact he killed them, they’re back tho!!! Nevermind the fact he lets Megatron go free without ever facing justice for what he’s done, don’t worry about it, fucking GETAWAY am I right??? Literally sacrifices one gay relationship before he’ll stop making tragic lesbian relationship? Psssha, no, his characterization of Cyclonus in Lost Light is PERFECTLY THE SAME AS MTMTE, how dare you point out that Cyclonus would’ve told Tailgate the truth much sooner, how dare you point out that Tailgate has been turned into an asshole for no other reason than JRO needed him to be one so he could kill him, because JRO apparently can’t write a comic without killing all the gay ones while also letting fucking MEGATRON get away scott free.
TLDR? I think JRO has been given more than he can chew, so he’s spitting it out onto the floor and calling it art.
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