#this is about homeland and the weird ways standard social justice frameworks interact with that
taibhsearachd · 2 years
Putting under a cut bc I don’t want this reblogged so widely I have to deal with nonsense. I do actively want discussion from my mutuals and people who follow me, THAT’S WHY I’M POSTING IT, just please don’t reblog. I’ve dealt with so much nonsense lately from posts about much less inflammatory topics... please just don’t. But like....
An ASTONISHING number of times this week I have seen people describe Israel as “occupied indigenous land”. And I just.....
I will not argue the right of Palestinians to live where their families have for generations, and of course I won’t defend what the state of Israel does re: that particular conflict. But WOW, it takes such amazing conceptual contortionism to refer to Palestinians as indigenous to that territory in particular while excluding Jews from indigeneity to that exact place. Unless you want to argue that a people’s indigenous status has an expiration date... in which case I’m going to need you to tell me when that is. How many centuries. How many millennia.
I will argue that there is a conceptual expiration date, when descendants of a people cease to meaningfully exist as a defined group with its own continuous culture, and/or when that land ceases to have a cultural importance to that people. Literally neither of those are applicable in this case. They are the opposite of applicable, they’re laughable to even propose.
I feel like this is the result of attempting to apply the framework of colonialism in the Americas to the GODDAMN LEVANT, WHERE IT MAKES NO SENSE. I’m trying very hard not to assume malicious intent in this framing, because at least in most of the cases I’ve seen this lately, it doesn’t seem like it’s malicious. BUT HOLY SHIT DO YOU REALLY NOT SEE THE IMPLICATIONS INHERENT HERE, BECAUSE WOW, THEY’RE BAD.
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