#this is actually such a good rec list im holding this very close ty ty ty
hella1975 · 2 years
hi! laika anon here (i really couldve given u at least a little more warning tbh....laika is one of the few songs that has the power to make me cry no matter what mood im in) but music reccs!!- im gonna limit myself to 4 asks here because im REALLY tryna not be overwhelming/annoying.
ok so i def cannot promise anything with the same amount of gut punch that laika has but here are 5 songs that kind of tie into the animal theme-
gus the polar bear from central park (tragically hip): this is very much more rock type sound, but central theme is a captive bear who no longer frightens anyone, i really really love gord downies lyricism i think the man is brilliant tbh (if u vibe a little then "tired as fuck" and "ahead by a century" also hit)
peter the wildboy (ratboys): not about an animal per say but kind of like the way humans strip the beauty from things that are wild(?)
dead dogs (annie dirusso): this one is very much more laying all the cards in front of you. her dog is dead, shes praying and doesnt know why cause she doesnt think its gonna do anything, etc, etc. dirusso has a nice clear tone 2 her voice tho
putting the dog to sleep (the antlers): im not sure how much of this one is literally about putting a dog to sleep vs just metaphor but its pretty um uh its a cool song. yah.
space dog (tori amos): this is the most not fitting to the theme i'd say, its mostly just seemingly nonsense lyrics but i still find tori pretty compelling + yaknow- space dog
laika anon back for p2 of 4: songs about death in general warnings 4 big ouch :| (hope some of these r new 2 u!!)
matthew 25:21 (moutain goats): uhhh wow idk how he makes the like *im mostly talking barely singing not even really rhyming* thing work so well but boy does he ever- if u havnt heard it i dont wanna spoil anything but its so well structured(??) everything fits together so well-
seaweed (mount eerie): from an album about dealing with the loss of his wife it was between this one and real death- but i first heard this song and proceeded to sob for probably an hour.
casimir pulaski day (sufjan): ik fs uve heard this one, sufjan enjoys hurting feelings.
when i met death (right away great captain): less of a personal one, more just incredibly beautiful (imo) i cannot get over how he layers the vocals stg im like vibrating
ok laika anon second to last ask i PROMISE!! these songs are just ones i find powerful/moving imma include potential tws tho because there are some 4 sure
emotional anorexic (svavar knutur): a pretty apt painting of depression and how hard it can be to compare yourself to others, doesnt contain any language explicitly about eds
not an addict + my heart (k's choice): this band is two brothers (lead singer is trans masc) which is cool ASF, sam hadnt come out as trans during the run of most of if not all of k's choice, but you can pick up on the queer elements/themes in the music and its honestly just really beautiful stuff
me and a gun (tori amos): ok big cw here because this song is about tori's sa, its incredibly powerful- just her voice with no other backing music- honestly she is so- i dont really have words for it but i recommend listening to the song if you can
torn again (leonard cohen): cw mention of wrists in a potentially triggering way- i love lenny co- ik hes really not 4 everyone but imo this is him at his best.
nothing but heartache in your social life(gord downie): words words holy shit this man owned words- ide-
bonus picks: sun in my mouth björk, hollow life korn
laika anon LAST ASK WHOOOOO!!!! if u are ever looking to really make urself miserable- two projects i would recommend:
next to normal: you dont even have to watch the musical, pull up the genuis lyrics and read along- or dont tbh its still fuckin' POTENT. family unit made up of a mother, father, sister and an older brother only the mom can see- i have sobbed to this shit on at least 4 occaisons. not to mention the songs have such brilliant layering to them- my holy shit moment is always my psychopharmachologist and me- but i am the one guts the fck out of me
the secret path by gord downie- this is the story of a young boy who was stolen from his family during the (very long) period of time when canada forced its indigenous people into residential schools. downie's voice takes a little getting used to especially as he was pretty deep in the throes of cancer at this point- but god its truly a fucking soul destroying story- and one similar to so many others that have been covered up so effeciently by the canadian government-
laika anon i would like to start by saying that i have been listening to laika on repeat since you told me about it and i quite literally cannot get over it i think about it all the time it's rewritten my brain chemistry i am not okay at all.
thank you so much for these! your taste is exquisite and ive made a note to listen to all of these, but i also made a playlist for the whole laika/two-headed calf vibe and i used a lot of your recs as inspo, so thank you!
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