#this literally felt like a brain dump of all the RA stuff that’s been roadblocked in my brain yk
rangertessadarling · 2 years
random headcanons i came up with in english class:
Will can curse in like a million different languages
Gilan hates lemon flavored anything but sucks it up and chokes down everything that Jenny makes because he loves her
Will cannot sleep without a little light on and Alyss can’t sleep unless it’s pitch dark so they compromise and have it on one night, and off the next.
Crowley is a surprisingly good dancer
Will cooks a lot as a coping mechanism
Baron Arald tries to have dinner with his five ward kids as often as possible
He also has a picture/portrait thing of them in his office because THEY ARE HIS CHILDREN
Halt is allergic to bees
George owns a popular gossip column in Wensley but no one knows it’s him
Will gets poison ivy a lot
Horace used to be insecure about his big physique, but eventually came to be at peace with it because his friends were so encouraging of him
Cassandra has 2 cats
Alyss has an aunt that she’s never met and never really wants to meet, because she initially refused to take Alyss in after her mother died. (I actually have a whole fic about this that I’m too nervous to post)
Alyss has a fertility problem that gives her a VERY low chance of getting pregnant, and an even lower chance of carrying it to full term
She did get pregnant twice but lost both before she even hit 2nd trimester
Only Halt and Pauline were told about the miscarriages
Will and Alyss’s wedding bands were custom made with laurel branches intertwining with oak leaves circling the whole thing
Horace has a bear tattoo on his chest
Halt secretly drinks milk in his coffee occasionally but NO ONE knows except Pauline
Will has an obsession with fruit
Jenny has been trying to hire Will to sing at her restaurant but Will always says it’s not “good for his image” Jenny thinks that’s stupid
Will hates cheese
Halt actually loves Ebony way more than he lets on and when Will’s not home he’ll go to the cabin just to play with her
Will and Alyss have each other’s initials tattooed somewhere
Cassandra and Maddie are very open about their ✨womanly✨ things so Horace is very knowledgeable about it and is super comfortable discussing it with them
Will likes doing Alyss’s hair and is actually really good at it
Gilan’s eaten bugs
Crowley loves kids and actually really wanted some of his own at one point
Will and Gilan pooled their money to buy Crowley a “World’s best boss uncle.” mug and Crowley nearly cried
ok i did not expect this to get so long but surprisingly i still have more.
i haven’t really posted ra content in a while cuz my brain has been refusing to cooperate lately, and i’ve been very very stressed.
but here ya go anyways
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