#this was awile ago anyways
Honestly the amount of time is incorrect, I've had my moments but I don't count those.
Anyways I forgot I wrote that, made me proper crackle.
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philosophilia · 8 months
hii giovanni anon from awile ago, you asked me to send another thing so maybe his belt or wrist bracer things?
also this editing thing is very fun to watch unfold
Giovanni anon hiii!!! Glad to see you back! Also thank you, it makes me really happy to hear people liking this
I decided to replace Percy's belt with Giovanni's from his Banzai uniform (the belt only existed anyway so something would hold the sword)
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Also you might realise that Molly is now smiling
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Both on tumblr and discord @cameforexactlyonereason has been telling me to finally make Molly smile. I am currently held at gun point by them. Please send help. My location is-
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i-am-thornqueen · 5 months
Yes hello sorry to bother but i am going FERAL in the middle of my workday because i got an email for the latest chapter update and i CANNOT ESCAPE WORK to go CURL up in my BED and read/suffer through whatever you have in store and i just think that is so unfair of life but it also reminded me of another feral ask i sent some time ago that maybe tumblr ate that basically boiled down to me losing it at the thought of baby post-humans and wondering if that was a possibility in the lore of your AU. Cause like THE IMAGE of a baby werecats kneading or a baby werewolfs howling or chasing their tails or eachother just lived in my soul for months i had to know. Anyway if thats just something you dont wanna answer please ignore this ask! Have a wonderful day! Im so excited to read the new chapter tonight!!!!
This the opposite of a bother, @tenshiyuna! It's been months to possibly a year since anyone dropped anything into my inbox, so imagine my delight when I saw your message. ^_^ Though, from the sounds of things on your end, I may have to apologize for leaving you to go feral at work. At the very least, please don't bite anyone!
As for that ask you mentioned, I actually think I do remember it - you're one of the few who ever send asks regarding the larger lore of the AWIL/TMOP world, so I remember being excited to answer a question.
With regard to the possibility of baby post-humans in the AU, that would be a rare thing, especially in the werebeast community. In all technicalities, being a werebeast is a non-hereditary "curse" (a curse in truth centuries ago, but the context has changes in modern times), so a person can be a werebeast but not pass it on to offspring. No baby were-kittens or were-puppies, I'm afraid. ^_^; John and Adrien are outliers in the community, both of them being so young when they were changed; most people transition in their twenties and thirties. If either Adrien or John had children in the future, the kids would be human or other depending on what the mother was. If anyone wanted a baby werebeast, the baby would have to be bitten and cursed, just like an adult, and then the adult would probably go to jail for biting a baby and changing its species. -_-
I hope that is able to quench your thirst for knowledge, even if I don't believe that is the answer you were hoping for. ^_^; Perhaps the new chapter will offer you more? So long as you stay sane until the end of your shift. Good luck!
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fereality-indy · 6 years
Gravity Heroes Chapter 71
Chapter 71
Wednesday December 5th, 2012
Delphi’s Temple
Bunker, Gravity Falls
‘Delphi's Files
Things have been really sour in the Bunker and elsewhere for the last few days. I wasn't in the room but over the monitors I saw Mr. Pines, Stan, collapse after he was brought in to see James' grandmother.
He did seem to warm up rather quickly to the fact that James was his grandson, perhaps even more so than James himself. The poor guy. To find out the person pretending to be your grandmother actually was your grandmother, only to have her die on you shortly afterwards.
Mr Ford, being the sceptic he is, ran a DNA test on the three of them and confirmed it last night. He seems to be taking their rapidly expanding family in stride. He has been splitting his time between helping his brother and caring for our other injury from the fight. Nate and Lee have been coming to help him with the Manotaur, but they've been teleported back to Nate's each night since his neighbors never saw them leave.
The Pines twins and their father have taken it upon themselves to help Stan any way they are able. They've already called the hospital and the Valentino's to inform them that they had a guest pass away in her sleep. Mabel's magic was able to 'dress up' the body enough to seal the wounds. There may be a brief investigation but come on it's Blubbs and Durland. Yesterday they got Stan up and had him helping Soos around the gift shop. Preparing for the Christmas traveling season was what Soos had told him they were doing. It was all Soos and the twins could do to get him to mark up stuff for the Christmas sale. The only real bright spot has been that school has been closed since the blizzard Saturday night/Sunday Morning.
Tony, Francis, Pacifica, and Candy have been spending time in my Temple helping me continue to research not only into Pacifica's problem but also searching for everything they could find on James and his grandmother. So far all we have been able to find is that she was the only family he had left, until now at least, and even then he didn’t even know she was related to him.
Tab, Asta, and Jette are searching for everything they can find on other current 'enhanced' as we have taken to calling them. So far there have been reported instances across the country. There is a group of college age kids in Oklahoma that seem to be treating their abilities as if they were just another reason to create a fraternity. Some guy is traveling the south using some sort of color based abilities. In Indiana there is a comic book company that is creating their own team of enhanced. And in a town named Danville there is a small group gathering around an armored hero calling himself the Beak. And finally operating out of a Colorado town called Middleton is a lady and her husband that has been running a hero website since the early two-thousands, they're the ones that handled that Lil Diablo incident nearly a decade ago. And they’re doing it without powers. I've apparently have been in touch with their tech expert before, he's a follower of my blog according to Asta. They're a group we may want to reach out to for some tips as we go. There seems to be more popping up everyday, but these are the major players showing up in the US. As for international instsances I’ve heard vague rumors of a pair opperating out of Paris, but only out of some middleschooler’s fan blog, and also rumors of a state run school in Japan. But these are just rumors.’
Tambry scooted back away from her computer and stretched her arms up behind her head. As she lowered her arms she felt a pair of hands gently grab her shoulders. Looking back as the hands began to massage her shoulders she saw that it was Tony.
“I’ll give you five minutes to stop that,” she said as she leaned into the massage.
“Heh. You need to take a break. You’ve been at this computer for a couple of days.”, he said as he worked out a knot near her neck.
‘I agree with Master Anthony, mi’lady.’ Tab’s word balloon read.     
‘Yeah, toots. Let us take over for awile,’ Asta printed as her bloodhound icon came into view. ‘Jette, Tab, and I can handle this in for awhile. Go have some fun.’
“Yeah, yeah. I guess I can take some time for myself. What do you have in mind?
20 Minutes Later
Outside Of The Mystery Shack
“That’s it!”, Dipper called after being hit in the face with the third snowball in as many such minutes. He hopped up and launched several snowballs towards the small fort his sister and the others had hastely constructed on one side of the Mystery Shack after Tony had dragged Tambry out of her lair and  the snowball fight was proposed.   
“Take that,” Tony added as he, Wendy, and Tambry hopped up and joined Dipper in storming the snowfort.
Wendy stopped about halfway there with a confused look on her face. Noticing it Dipper too stopped and asked,  “Wendy, you ok? What’s wrong?”
“This is too easy, they should have started barraging us with snowballs as soon as we popped up from cover.” Wendy said as Tony & Tambry cleared the edge of the fort.
“There’s no one here,” Tambry called out as she turned back towards her friends, “Watch out!”
Suddenly a barrage of snowballs rained down from the roof of the Shack as Mabel, Pacifica, Candy, Francis, and Grenda began their attack. “Onward Aoshima! Victory is ours!”
“How did you…”, Dipper sputered as he fended off the snowy onslaught. Suddenly he came to a realization, “Hey we said no powers!”
“Whoa guys, do you hear that?”, Wendy called out trying to stop the barrage.
“No mercy,”Candy called out as she pulled a shovel off of the roof and began pushing snow off of it in the direction of the groups former snow fort.
“I hear it too,” Tambry started to say before she was grabbed and pulled out of the path of the falling snow by a smiling Tony.
“Oh, you guys are just trying to get out of the…” Mabel started before she too perked up as she heard the sound coming down the driveway. “Ok, now I hear it too.”
As they all turned towards the drive they saw a large logging truck with a giant snowplow attached to the front of it. As the ones on the roof decended it was close enough there was no mistaking the driver’s bushy red beard.
“Dad,” Wendy called out as her dad climbed down out of the cab of the truck and rushed over to embrace his daughter.
“Baby girl, are you ok?”, Dan asked after he released the hug.
“Oh com’on dad.”, Wendy said as slugged her dad in the shoulder. “Like I told you on the phone, I’m fine. I had just rushed over here as soon as I figured out how bad the weather was gonna be. Remember Dipper and Mabel are from California. They’ve never even seen fresh snow let alone having it be this bad. So I had to be here for them.”
Scruffing her hair as he did, Dan said “That’s my girl, watching out for your friends.”
Turning towards the rest of the group and in his booming voice asked, “And how are you guys?”
“Doing good mister Corduroy sir!” Dipper replied quickly.
“Good, good. And Dipper you can drop the sir, call me Dan.” Dan said with a smile that really did not go unnoticed by the rest of the crew. “I take it you’ve been keeping my girl out of trouble.”
“I try sir, I mean Mister Corduroy, but usually we end up keeping each other out of trouble.”, Dipper said as he shuffled his feet in the snow, “And she’s already been sharing some of her survival knowledge with us today. We now know what to do if say the power went out and we had to rely on the fireplace and wood burning stove for heat. Even the basics of what to do if we got lost out in the woods in this weather.”
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I started teaching her and her brothers the basics back when she was just a lil sapling.”, As he finished up the sentance he looked over the rest of the gathered group, “Why Tambry, Miss Northwest, uhm Grendel and Candace wasn’t it? It’s good to see you three also. How did you three make it all the way out here?”
“Oh, well we were having a sleepover.” Mabel piped up quickly as she realized the need for a cover story. “When the snow started falling we decided to extend it.”
“Ah to be young again, having a sleepover was always fun while I was growing up.” Dan said as he lightly chucked Mabel in the shoulder. “Tambry, I don’t think I can remember the last time I saw you without your phone out.”
“Oh, yeah. Well I have people,”Tambry said as she squeezed Tony’s hand, “who’ve convenced me that there is more to life than the digital world.”
Dan chuckled at that before his face turned serious. He looked back at Wendy and asked, “Your boss is still Soos, right? Is he here?”
“He’s inside helping Stan take inventory,” Wendy replied nonchalantly before she got a better look at her dad’s face. “Why?”
“Well on the way here I was asked to deliver his mail and newspaper. “ Dan said as he walked back towards the truck.
“Ok, I’ll take them to him dad.”
“That’s ok, I’ll take it to him. it was entrusted to me anyways.” Dan said as he pulled the newpaper out of Wendy’s reach.  
This caught Dipper’s attention as Dan seemed to actively pull the paper away but was not really doing much to keep the mail clear.
“Really dad, it’s part of my job description to get the mail. Soos is still terrified the mailman is a werewolf,” Wendy said as she attempted to grab the paper again.
“I keep telling you to tell him that Mr. Myers just has a glandular problem. He’s not a werewolf.” Dan said as he moved the arm with the paper up away from Wendy.
Dipper walked over and snagged the mail out of Dan’s hand while he was distracted by Wendy. As he looked over the envelopes he saw they were almost all resort ads for after Soos & Melody’s wedding. “There’s nothing but ads here, so what’s in the paper you don’t want us to see Mr. Corduroy?”
“What? Oh Nothing.” Dan replied as he turned towards Dipper and realized he had lost the mail. Absentmindedly he dropped the other arm allowing Wendy to grab the paper.
She unrolled the paper as she backed away from her dad. Looking at the headline her face suddenly dropped. “We need to get this into Soos immediately.”
She broke into a run and rushed inside the Shack with Dipper and the rest of the gang in hot pursuit. Soos was in the gift shop with Stan arranging knick knacks. “Soos, you need to see this. Whoever has taken over the paper has found your dad and it’s not good.”
Soos looked over quickly at Stan and poked him before sighing in relief, “You had me worried for a moment, I thought that maybe I had been imagining Mr Pines here.”
“No Soos, your birth father.” Wendy said as she handed him the newspaper.
“Local propreitor is the son of notorious death row inmate,” Soos read the headline aloud as he scaned the paper, “According to this reporter’s research Jesús ‘Soos’ Ramirez, AKA Mister Mystery II of the Mystery Shack is the son of the Nebraska Bomber, Earl A. Wellman. Wellman is known for his string of letterbombs he delivered in the spring of 1994. He is due to be executed next January after eighteen years on deathrow.”
“Soos,” Mabel said as she placed a comforting hand on his arm.
“Heh. Well at least I know he had a good reason for never coming to visit,” Soos said as Stan and most of the gang came around and made him the center of a group hug. “Besides, he quit being family to me years ago, this is my family now.”
“Aw Soos,” Mabel cooed as she squeezed him harder, “You gonna be okay?”
“Of course Hambone,” Soos replied, “I just need to worry about now and the future. Maybe I can even spin this to help the Shack.”
“What we need to do is go talk to whoever is running the paper now,” Wendy said after the hug broke up.
“Yeah, this is the second article to come out seemingly attacking one of us.” Dipper added as he looked around at the group.
“That might be a little hard,” Dan commented from over by the door, “The paper’s office buned to the ground Monday night. They’re saying it was an electrical fire.”
“No one was hurt were they?” Francis asked as he joined the convesation.
“Not that I know, but I’ve heard that Tad isn’t planning on reopening the paper.”, Dan said with a shrug.
“Wait, Tad?”, most of the group exclaimed.
“Yeah, he took over the paper after Bodacious T joined the TV news crew. I thought everyone knew that,” Dan said as he rubbed his chin.
“Why in the world would Tad be attacking us?” Pacifica asked as she looked confusingly at the rest of the group.
“I dunno,” Grenda chimed in, “He’s always been nice to me whenever I see him in town.”
Meanwhile Somewhere In Town
“Well sir. After I recieved your news, I carried out the destruction of the newspaper. I burned it down and i the process destroyed all of the physical copies of the records you had borrowed reguarding your former collection of friends.” Tad said into his phone as he was toasting a slice of bread. “I still don’t get why we are destroyed all of their police records. Oh yeah, I forgot you were mentioned in the files. So in destoying their records, we cleared yours. What about digitial records, oh those were destroyed earlier. Good to hear sir.”
He sat down and buttered his toast as he listened to the other side of the conversation. Ater swallowing the bite he took he replied, “So you’ve made us some new allies during your trip to Portland. Good. The new heroes seem to have defeated the Witch and her subordinates, we can use all the allies we can get. No sir, I’m not implying that you are weak. Just the strength in numbers is always advantagous.”   
Chapter 71 is over. Tambry gives us a quick lil update to what has happened for last couple of days after the big fight. And then she is dragged out of her self imposed workzone in order to get some sun and have some fun. The group’s snowball fight is interupted by the arrival of Wendy’s dad and some bad news he’s brought with him. next chapter more aftermath and finally the twins first Christmas in Gravity Falls.
Well all I’m sorry this took so long to come out, my laptop has all but died and so for a long while I was writing only on my phone. This was not fun as I have said in the past I have giant fingers on a small onscreen qwerty pad. I have so many mistakes and cramped thumbs that I practically gave up. Recently on of my roommates has allowed me to borrow his tablet and keyboard and so I was able to get this chapter out. I am wtrying to get my own tablet/keyboard combo and to that effect I have opened a Ko-Fi account under my fereality name if anyone would like to donate to the cause.
The names of our heroes:
Shifter/Dipper – Shapeshifter, highly intelligent.
Will O'/Wendy – Spectral powers, naturally athletic.
Glamur/Mabel – latest in a line of mystics, intelligent but more artistically inclined.
Freerunner/Tony – Peak physical condition, muscles & skin density increased, intelligent.
Flux/Francis – Self transmutation, highly intelligent (biological studies).
Charger/Pacifica – Battle armor, rich, secret sci fi fan.
Vaccine/Nate – toxin/antitoxin production, immunity to poisons, viruses, and toxins.
Brainbuster/Grenda – Natural muscle
Yami/James – Shadow and darkness manipulation, major otaku
Delphi/Tambry – Team hacker and communications expert, Techno-Shaman.
Schematic/Candy – Gadget creator, highly intelligent, trivia queen (I know I need to include this third one some :-) ).
Desperado/Wildbill – Team combat trainer
Also remember to check out my other Gravity Falls works:
Gravity Heroes: Sidetracks - A series on one shots & drabbels that are stories that are in the Gravity Heroes-verse but aren't necessarily required to read the main story-line. It's essentially my take on the classic Marvel Comics Presents. Chapter Seven follows Wild bill after he returns to Piedmont and delves into a few of his past lives that were re-awoken by Polden' Solntse.  
Welcome To The Gravity Falls Region - My take on the Pokemon AU. Follow the adventures of the potential Pokemon Master Dipper Pines and his sister Mabel, Pokemon Coordinator extraordinaire, while they travel through the Gravity Falls Region.
Gravity Falls Valor Force Rangers - In summer of 2016 an ancient force has arrived in Gravity Falls intent on finding weakened layers of reality that are prevalent in the area and exploiting them. Realizing fear is one of the ways to find the weak points, he and his evil henchman have begun corrupting both creatures and objects in order to terrorizing the populace. Taking a cue from a friend he met while stuck on the other side of the portal, Ford recruits five 'teens with attitudes' to combat this threat.
The Curse - thanks to a misunderstanding Wendy is targeted by a fairy curse. This is a short story following what happens afterwords.
Wrasslin Wendy - After Wendy’s brothers learn that Dipper’s Godfather is a former pro wrestler and beg him to introduce them. A few years later Wendy and her brothers are now working for Global Championship Wrasslin. that’s where our story begins. (This is my Writer’sBlock Breaker story for when I need to break through my Writer’s Block)
I also would feel honored if any of my works inspire any art. If the do I would love to see them. Thanks again to all who have read this far. I have received art now from Deviou5, Siryleleen, & Polydactyly Zodiac. These will be posted soon in my Deviant Art account as fan art and credited to them. Thanks again you three. I'm happy to see different interpretations of the characters from the GH AU. Let me know by PM if you do and I'll send out a list of the full descriptions to you. The art is now up at fereality.deviantart.Com/ just remove the spaces. A new pic of Yami is now up.
Again I'd like to give a shout out to dusk4224, EZB, SuperGroverAway, ddp456, & A Pleasant Dream. It was their stories that made me want to get back into writing and to want to start with Gravity Falls. Please check out their stories if you haven't already.
Please review. I'm always open to constructive and helpful criticism, though if you're gonna troll please move on.
Sorry I’m not on the net while I’m writing this chapter so I don’t have access to my reviews in order to respond.
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