#this wasn't the best but I needed some way to wrap this up hhhhh
Day 10 of the Advent Calendar: D&D
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Anyways here’s something that if I can finish in one session I’ll cry. (Special thanks to The Adventure Zone because I’m pretty much going to be using the first arc of their story to model this after.)
Adventure is Out There! (AKA How quickly will the DM lose his mind trying to get his friends to play Dungeons & Dragons)
It started out as Kaede wanting everyone to be able to get along and needing some sort of team building exercise. She wasn’t sure how to get everyone on board, but Rantaro stepped up to the plate, suggesting they go on a little adventure outside of the walls of the dome they were stuck in. He quickly explained that he had been a DM before for his sisters, and that he wouldn’t mind it much if they wanted to play. To Kaede, Dungeons and Dragons was something that she had always wanted to try out, but never really got the chance.
After scheduling different times for different parts of the campaign, Rantaro had retreated to his room, probably to scribble out some notes to get the sessions up off the ground. He prepared scenarios for three groups, but he was only ready to take on the first group. After sitting down and making everyone’s characters, Kaede was happy to be a high elf bard! She waited patiently as Himiko, Kaito, and Tsumugi made their characters.
“Shouldn’t we introduce our characters so that we uh... know what we’re working with?” Tsumugi asked, looking at Rantaro, who had set up his area. He nodded, looking at his notes for just a moment.
“Yeah, it’ll make your scenario that I’ve given you probably a bit easier. Himiko, wanna start off?” Himiko looked around before picking up her character sheet, treating it as if it would break if she moved it too quickly.
“My character is a great and powerful human mage. Yumi had traveled across so many lands in search of her master who had left after a certain incident disgraced him. She doesn’t want to take crap from anyone else though.” She smiled as she finished talking, and Kaede smiled, murmuring a compliment about how interesting Himiko’s character was.
“My turn, I guess!” Kaito said, holding his paper out for everyone to see. “I’m Kaito, the star-touched half-elf! I spent my time trying to reach out to the stars because I knew it was where I belonged, but my god Chislev told me I needed to find a suitable partner to go up to space with! It was then that I decided to traverse the world, looking for someone like me!” He laughed, showing everyone the picture he did of his character. Tsumugi was going to ask why Kaito didn’t come up with a name like Himiko, but decided against it.
Tsumugi looked at her paper and sighed, shaking her head. “My character is a lot more plain, a regular dwarven monk named Chalala. She’s out here trying to make a name for herself and her people by any means necessary.” She smiled nervously at Rantaro as if looking for approval. He nodded, commenting about how plain characters are easier to shape than extremely developed characters from the get-go. After Kaede talked about Chun for a little bit, everyone decided how they met, and the adventure started.
“Everything was fine in the tavern you found yourselves in that night- a little bit of noise from some locals who were practically falling off the stools, but it was a charming place. Chalala, a cousin of yours had invited you and your party here to speak about something she kept calling ‘The last job you’ll ever need to take.’ Set on finding out what could possibly come from such a job, you were told to head to Nimoor in search of abandoned mines that your family had once created and found a plethora of magic in there. When you got there and there was no sight of your cousin, Chalala, you knew something was amiss.”
“You find yourself in a cave where the ground seems to give slightly under your feet. The stalactites give off a decent glow, letting Yumi the human mage see just enough to be able to comfortable continue forward. Can everyone make a perception check actually?”
Nervously, everyone rolled their D20. Kaito rolled a nat-20 and cheered, earning a soft chuckle from Rantaro.
“Kaito, you can hear this squelching sound coming from the distance, and it seems like the sound is getting closer. The noise seems to be coming from above you and when you look up, you see two black, gelatinous blobs dancing on the ceiling of the cave. What do you do?” Rantaro looked up expectantly, watching Kaito stop for a moment to think.
“I should probably warn my friends about that,” Kaito mumbled.
“Yeah, you probably should!” Rantaro laughed, and Kaito shouted to the other players. Everyone got ready to face off against the monsters, and the sound of dice hitting the table echoed in the room as everyone rolled initiative. 
The fight went relatively quick due to everyone using their spell slots, not thinking that they wouldn’t replenish after the fight. When Rantaro mentioned this, Himiko’s eyes widened as she looked back down at her paper.
“But... how am I supposed to fight without magic?” She whined.
“I guess you’ll have to figure it out. Maybe you can just tell people their moms look like a deformed cheeto; that’ll hurt them emotionally,” Tsumugi responded absentmindedly, ignoring the slight glare sent her way after saying that. “Oh, that’s right- can I loot the body?” With a moment of hesitation, Rantaro agreed to it.
“As you’re inspecting the remains of this blob, you find what had been at the core of it that seemed to have given it power. A small, dwarven figure you recognize as your cousin who makes boots had been swallowed by it, and it seems as though it hadn’t even been recent. In his hand is a vial of what looks like blood mixed with ink. Do you take it?” 
“Nooooo! How am I supposed to get shoes for my feet that are both trendy and functional?!” Tsumugi cried out, making everyone laugh. Seeing her get into character made everyone feel a little less tense after the mistake of forgetting spell slots. She agrees to taking it, and Rantaro smirks a bit, flipping through his notes.
“As you take it out of your hand, the blood inside seems to heat up and try to escape the bottle. Slowly but surely, it seeps out, climbing up your arm into a pattern you have never seen before. It hardens after settling into position, letting you realize something insanely important: this is a map of the cave, and the floor beneath you is marked with something that appears to have a staff and webs as a symbol. As you’re watching this, Chun hears the sound of a pulley coming from the opposite side of a glowing lake. Upon further inspection, it leads down, though you can’t see where it leads to. Chalala, do you tell them about your blood map?”
“... No, I don’t. And I don’t think I’ll have any intentions of telling them about it. But I will say we should go down there and find out what’s there.” Tsumugi looks up, receiving a shocked look from Kaede over not sharing the info. After everyone agreed, everyone sat on the edge of their seats, awaiting the description of what could possibly await them.
“This...” Rantaro mumbles, thinking of the boss fight ahead, “is going to be quite the experience.”
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