#those are my (badly worded) thoughts on subblrs/subtwts
quaranmine · 3 years
I see the different [MCYT]blrs as groups that reblog each other's posts in mass like a circle of friends passing a meme on their phone in middle school. No rules, just mild clown on clown violence.
Yeah! But not even so much a group of friends, or a defined group--imo, the point is to not make subblrs feel like they're only accessible to people who are "in" the group? But there's definitely a huge community aspect of it that makes it fun. Personally, I don't go through the maintags anymore (haven't for months) so I mostly rely on what's on my dash. This makes it easy to feel a strong community sense because I'm constantly interacting with a set group of people, but I also make sure to try and follow new people regularly and be willing to interact with new people (i follow a TON of people so i can see this being different for someone who likes to keep a really small list.) Because I want to help some in getting new people involved!
Anyway, I don't think that's what you're saying. But imo the downfall of subblrs (as illustrated by why i dislike subtwts) is when they start feeling rigid or like you have to belong. Like there's rules or the community has a "everyone agrees on x" type of thing. It should just be a fun community that anyone can join at any time! Like you said, no rules, just mild clown on clown violence. The point of fandoms is to have fun, which i oddly think some people forget on here. If you aren't having fun, don't be afraid to change something!
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