#thread: zara x bryson 01
marimelwrites · 11 months
@turkishdclights - continued from your reply to my open starter HERE!
If there was one thing Bryson seemed incapable of in that moment, it was keeping Zara away. The moment she moved towards him, he couldn't help how his arms naturally wrapped around her. His eyes, however, remained on the other man who didn't seem to want to wait around for Bryson to get an explanation. He wasn't sure whether to be more suspicious of him, or less. Either way, the situation wasn't looking good. He couldn't help it, the way it was more common for military to get cheated on by those back home while they were away on deployment, or a mission. He never saw this coming, though. Zara never seemed like the type of girl who might stray. It was that thought alone that kept him from shouting, or shoving her away.
He pulled back, his eyes landing on her face. She really was so beautiful, and seeing her again after some time apart always took his breath away. "Just got in and came straight to you the moment they let me free," Bryson answered, but his tone still wasn't as warm as it normally would have been. Nor was there a smile on his face. He needed to settle this once and for all, and he wasn't going to let it sit there bothering him until he exploded. That was once thing Bryson prided himself on, was the ability to talk about something right then and there, not beat around the bush.
"Wanna tell me who that guy was?" He asked gently, "What's going on, Zara?"
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