mndstom · 1 year
starter for @turkishdclights ( adam )
Her hands are pressed on the male's cheeks, squishing them together while a mischievous grin is playing on her lips. "Oh gosh, I missed these cheeks sooooo much." While she speaks, she keeps rubbing his face and she really has to try her hardest not to burst into a fit of laughter right in front of him. Even when she has halted her actions, she still has her palms pressed on his face, taking in every facial feature of his before taking a small step away from him. "I'm sorry I've been gone. I have had to..." Naeun sucks air between her teeth, looking away briefly, before continuing her sentence: "Deal with some things."
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ofginjxints · 4 months
closed starter for @turkishdclights
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Having finished up for the day, Tristan had bid everyone at the studio farewell and had a jaunt in his step as he made his way toward the familiar greenhouse to leave a gift for someone he had grown quite friendly with. Amena had intimidated him at first. Not only was she incredibly beautiful, but she had an air about her that meant he had admired from afar the first few times he had dropped orders off. Though quickly, her supposedly aloofness was discovered to simply be her demeanour with strangers. Once they weren't strangers, it was more than easy to become friends (even if Tristan would definitely want to be more than that). And so, with a newly finished ceramic pot in his bag, he gave Amena a wave from the drive, seeing her through the glass of the greenhouse.
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writermuses · 10 months
@turkishdclights continued from here
Bastían was a stickler for punctuality and keeping track of his agenda. The professor was made for his job, perhaps not for socializing. Tapping on his phone a few times he spun it around to show the message. "Don't worry about it, really. You're here and I've been working, so it wasn't an evening wasted." He waited for her to have a seat before speaking again, "It's nice to meet you, officially, Zara. I'm Bastían, but Baz is fine, only my coworkers call me my full name and it makes me feel like I'm about four years old. Have you been here before? I could recommend something, if you'd like."
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lucidrims · 11 months
꒰ ͜͡➸ starter for @turkishdclights | from: five word sentence starters !
"it's okay, i've got you"
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     to add to her already stressful day, jiali tops it all off by embarrassing herself. she was in a rush to get to her apartment, failing to remember to bring an umbrella. just her luck that whoever was up above decided to play a game with her that day, as it starts pouring in the middle of her long walk home. because she was in such a hurry to get home as soon as possible, she almost trips in the middle of a paved road in the park she was cutting through. " i - thank you. " holding onto his shoulders, she peeks up at her savior, " woah, you caught me just in time. it felt like i was in a movie. " she truly must have lost her mind with the way she was giving commentary out loud like this. " sorry, i was in a rush and i didn't have an umbrella. " she further explains, accepting her fate and knowing she's just going to go home looking like a wet mop. " really though, thank you. "
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marimelwrites · 11 months
@turkishdclights - continued from your reply to my open starter HERE!
To say that it was a relief to see him again was an understatement. Catia had felt as though she'd been missing an entire part of herself while she had been gone. Had it felt amazing to do the work she was doing? Absolutely. Had it been worth a year long separation from the person she loved? No, it hadn't. This was the first time that she had been away from Rahul for so long, and it had turned into a learning experience. She knew her limits now, and if ever an opportunity arose for such a large scale project again, she knew now that she would never spend this much time away from him.
Catia's arms wrapped around him and she leaned into the kiss, reluctant to pull away now that she finally got to hold him. Still, she stepped inside, but once inside she turned to face him again. Her hands lifted to Rahul's face and she took a moment to let her gaze drink in every feature of him. "You're real. Finally," she whispered in awe. "I dreamed of this moment so many times, and for it to finally be here... to be back home with you?" She leaned in for one more kiss. "I'm never leaving for that long ever again. That's a promise. I can't do it."
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thefvrious · 1 year
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@turkishdclights wanted janessa
janessa had been afraid that the show wouldn't be a success -- that it wouldn't get picked up or have enough of an audience, but the opposite had proven to be true, and they had already begun shooting for the second season. she sat in her trailer, looking over the script for that day's scenes, tapping her acrylic nails on the counter before pushing herself up and out of her trailer, toward his.
the heat was like stepping into a blow dryer, but it didn't take long until she was at his door, knocking with the backs of her knuckles and a small smile on her lips. when noel opened up, she grinned at him, one hand on the guardrail, one foot on the first step up into his trailer. "buenas días. i wanted to run our scene for this afternoon, if that's okay? it's got a lot of emotion in it. i want to do it right."
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wildestdrcam · 9 months
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Victor had been coming to this same bar before he wrote his first novel, and it was the only bar he had come to since, when he actually did leave his apartment to drink. Usually, a Jack and Coke in the comfort of his own living room was plenty for him, but after the call with his publicist to iron out the details of his class, his apartment felt strangely claustrophobic, and he had found himself here. He always took the booth in the very back, as far away from the crowds as he could get. He had, of course, brought his notepad and lucky pen, but at the moment, he was just idly rotating it between his fingers, no inspiration coming to him for the chapters he was currently working on. It had been part of the reason he had agreed to the guest teacher idea when his agent had offered it; Victor knew he was behind on his book, and he had already missed one deadline. Hopefully, teaching a writing class for a couple of months would help his publisher grant him some leniency, and hell, maybe he'd even get inspired, working with college students and hearing some fresh ideas.
He was still twirling the pen absently around his thumb and index, when his fingers fumbled and sent the pen flying, clattering to the ground. "Shit--" He mumbled, reaching for the pen where it had landed in the path of someone walking by. "My bad." He offered, glancing up at the woman to give her an apologetic smile, before he slid back into his booth. || @turkishdclights
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lovecharged · 10 months
@turkishdclights liked for a sentence starter.
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"do you ever wish you never met me?"
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selfsabotaqe · 1 year
*       ♡     ◞      closed starter      ╱    for @turkishdclights .
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“ what was that about? ”   regardless of how much it would sound like a bad excuse, she did not mean to snoop. it was more of an accidental overhearing of a private phone call. but aera was not innocent in this situation either, considering it was difficult to divert her attention as soon as the words  set up  and  guy  appeared alongside each other. and whereas usually she would refrain herself from meddling in her girlfriend's private business, her mind had gone into overdrive now.
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lostintra · 10 months
Send me a [X] to see my muses favorite picture(s) of your muse @turkishdclights for eren x yasmin
i feel like this pic is important to eren cause it was probably the first time she let him fly her out to one of his big vegas fights and he assured her she didnt have to watch the fight, but he really wanted her there to spend time with before and after
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because his girl is just so beautiful and stylish.
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okay but imagine eren pranking yasmin by saying for her birthday he got a tattoo of her to see her reaction before showing her he got a temporary tattoo made with her picture lol
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i mean look at her she so beautiful and so happy. he was standing on that bedmaking her laugh and taking all the pictures
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okay but convincing her to go on a lil vacation with him and he's just like yep she's my captain
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filllthecrown · 2 years
closed starter for @turkishdclights​
As the show was winding down, Stefani couldn’t help but look over at the man who was just enraptured on what was going on on her TV. It would be comical — downright cute — if she weren’t so frustrated. It had been weeks since she had showed up in the hospital with the minor burns that didn’t even need anything topical put on them and he had been over to her tiny apartment enough for half a season worth of shows but ... nothing. Part of her thought that he wasn’t even interested, and if that were the case she’d be more than fine being friends but ... he flirted. Right? She felt like a teenager, full of confused feelings and second guessing herself. Ever time she felt she dropped a hint big enough to fill a cave, he just didn’t get it. No, tonight was going to change all of that, she was determined. Once and for all, she was going to find out if there was an actual spark there or she was just projecting. And if it was the latter, well, she was glad their shared TV show was going into a hiatus and she could have plenty of time to lick her wounds before emerging again.
When the news rolled on, she reached forward to grab the remote and turned off the TV. They had gotten into a pretty good routine: talk, watch, snack, discuss, leave. Nothing more, nothing less. So she knew she was switching up the game by getting up and heading to the kitchen. “Can I get you something to drink?” she asked. “I have soda, orange juice, wine...” Peeking around the corner, she shot a smile his way. “Promise it’s not something cheap. I saved up to get the good stuff.”
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mndstom · 10 months
closed starter for @turkishdclights
"So..." She starts, looking at their hands which are holding each other and her thumb is rubbing the top of Mona's hand. "I'm planning to tell my parents about us. Or at least I will try to tell them." It has always been a try from Naeun's side and then she has chickened out on the last second. Why? She simply hasn't had the balls to tell them.
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ofginjxints · 1 year
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All in all, it was a terrible decision. He got himself in his own mess, he shouldn't have gotten anyone else into it as well. It was a mantra he mostly stuck by, but his escape after a job went a little askew. He tripped an alarm that was not in the schematics as he was stupid enough to trust his client. It was a real rookie error but he was on the run.
Thankfully he had a few tricks up his sleeve as he snuck out and found himself at a familiar building. He had a system override key and strode in past the uninterested security guard confidently. Confidence was half of getting into places he shouldn't. And that's exactly what he did as he unlocked the front door of Zara's penthouse apartment.
"Hi honey, I'm home." He announced, reckless disregard for whether the woman would be alone or not.
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writermuses · 5 months
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lucidrims · 11 months
꒰ ͜͡➸ starter for @turkishdclights | from: five word sentence starters !
" don't leave me alone again "
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     " ahhh, i'm so sorry yoona yaaa, i just got distracted from the sale happening over there by the make-up section. " she smiles, taking both of yoona's hands in hers and shakes them then gives them a small squeeze. there was a crazy sale happening in the middle of a local mall, and the pair had planned this days prior, wanting to check it out. sadly, because of the amount of foot traffic that the sale brought over to the area, she got lost trying to find yoona again when she wandered off on her own. " i'll hold your hand throughout this whole shopping trip, promise. " kaori offers a soft smile, letting go of one hand but holds onto the other. " which store did you want to check out next ? you pick ! "
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marimelwrites · 11 months
@turkishdclights - continued from your reply to my open starter HERE!
If there was one thing Bryson seemed incapable of in that moment, it was keeping Zara away. The moment she moved towards him, he couldn't help how his arms naturally wrapped around her. His eyes, however, remained on the other man who didn't seem to want to wait around for Bryson to get an explanation. He wasn't sure whether to be more suspicious of him, or less. Either way, the situation wasn't looking good. He couldn't help it, the way it was more common for military to get cheated on by those back home while they were away on deployment, or a mission. He never saw this coming, though. Zara never seemed like the type of girl who might stray. It was that thought alone that kept him from shouting, or shoving her away.
He pulled back, his eyes landing on her face. She really was so beautiful, and seeing her again after some time apart always took his breath away. "Just got in and came straight to you the moment they let me free," Bryson answered, but his tone still wasn't as warm as it normally would have been. Nor was there a smile on his face. He needed to settle this once and for all, and he wasn't going to let it sit there bothering him until he exploded. That was once thing Bryson prided himself on, was the ability to talk about something right then and there, not beat around the bush.
"Wanna tell me who that guy was?" He asked gently, "What's going on, Zara?"
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