#thull coad
suvidrache · 1 year
Thull with number 7 🥰
Better Times...
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 646 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad | Event List
Warning: depression, loss, and sadness | #JusticeForThull
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Thull had it all. He had a mate, and he had a child. He had loved his son, Dari, and Luta, his mate, very much. He had always been Fin-Kedinn's go-to man. His second-in-command. He had always stepped up as the leader of the Ravens when Fin-Kedinn was unable to do so. He was trusted and very good at what he had done. He had helped the clan to move when the time had come to move. He never thought he would lose it all.
An albino boy called himself Dark and beat the odds when he was left for dead by his father in the mountains. Dark was a skilled mage, but needed training. He hadn't hesitated in accepting the invite to the clan. There he had been named mage and remained their mage for many years.
Fin-Kedinn was growing older and his leg injury had hurt him more and more. Thull had still taken charge, as he did every time he was needed.
Then the asteroid hit. It had stripped Thull of his mate and their son. Thull hadn't much time to grieve, as Dark was later appointed to the clan leader. Fin-Kedinn had died sacrificing himself to save Renn and Torak. His family had died and now he wouldn't be the leader. Thull did his best to go on day by day. He helped Dark out the best that he could and when he could. He didn't want to be angry at him. It wasn't his fault. Fin-Kedinn had been the one that made the choice. The one who had replaced Thull with a much younger man. 
Thull sighed as he sat by the river, checking the traps and watching as the water rushed past.
Thull had continued hunting, fishing, and doing what he could to help out the clan. Dark had found a mate before being appointed and so, Dark's reliance on Thull became less and less.
Eventually, you came along. Thull had been rather hard to open up to and get to know. He was hesitant about meeting strangers and welcoming people into his life. He didn't want to feel the pain he had felt years before. He didn't want to be betrayed again. He had to move on.
After several moons (months) of talking, he had warmed up quite a bit. Both of you came closer to one another. It would be many more moons before he finally decided to ask.
"Y/N…" He said with a sigh. He looked anywhere but at you.
You were on the ground, you had been picking berries before Thull had approached you.
He sat down on the ground so that he was no longer standing above you and so you could be face-to-face with one another. He pulled his legs up to his body and rested his arms on his knees. He ran a hand over his face.
Something appeared to be bothering him.
He was glad for the silence, as you hadn't said anything yet. He looked behind him and saw no one. You were both alone. 
His blue eyes stared into yours only for a moment before he looked away again.
"Y/N, would you like to be…" He couldn't do it. He didn't think that he could do it.
He had uttered those words years ago to Luta.
"Y/N, I want you to be my mate." He said in a rather forceful manner.
He ran his hand over his face again. He looked like he was about to cry. His eyes met yours.
"Would you like to be?" His voice changed in various pitches as he spoke. He wasn't upset, not with you. His memories of his past.
"Yes, Thull, I would." You moved from your spot and over to him, you wrapped your arms around him in a hug. He buried his face into your shoulder and cried.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
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suvidrache · 1 year
Painful Memories
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 982 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad | Event List
Warning: mentions of death.
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The asteroid hit. No one had seen it coming, and no mages had been warned. Anyone who did see the asteroid? Had died. The Lynx man, who had gathered rabbits from the traps he had laid, saw it but died soon after.
The clans had begun an underground celebration for the season. Something that they often did. Most of the Ravens were gathered there. Luta and Dari were above ground, tending to the shelter and Dari occasionally playing. Dari was only eight summers old. Still a child. Luta and Thull's only child. Those that weren't hit by the asteroid crushing them were incinerated by the flames as it sped toward Stone Age Europe.
Luta looked up and called Dari over to her. He began to run, but he never made it. The asteroid had landed in the Boar Clan camp, killing every single member. Luta and Dari? The flames. There were many other unnamed people and none of those who died had death marks. None of them would be able to be given any. Everyone was either crushed or reduced to ashes. The people underground had felt the thud. The ground trembling from impact. The sound was deafening. Many had hit the ground and covered themselves as they braced for the unknown. Everyone underground was completely fine. They searched, and no one had been hurt. Looking out and seeing the burned world before them. The underground people believed they might just be the only surviving people. It was quickly cleared up as some people from other clans had come, searching to see if others had survived, and if everyone was okay. Thull had heard that no one in the Raven Clan that was above ground had survived. He didn't bother to check. It would only break his heart further. He slowly withdrew from the world as he mourned for the loss of his one and only son, as well as his mate. They had both been his first. His first mate (significant other), his first child, and his first son. They were the first and the only ones that he had. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he sat away from the clan. He didn't want to be a part of whatever may happen next. He didn't have it in him. There was nothing to celebrate nor any reason to celebrate. He had not much time to grieve as the survivors needed food; the food needed to be rationed. There may not be any animals left above ground. No one really knew. Water needed to be collected, so people had something to drink. The cave had fresh, untouched water. There was work to be done and Thull needed to help instead of sitting around. He wasn't the only one grieving. Many had lost their loved ones and friends. He was also next in line for being the clan leader. He helped out when and as best as he could.
When Naiginn threatened the forest, violence, and fear broke out. Thull stepped up to help Fin-Kedinn, who had sacrificed himself to save the world. Fin-Kedinn easily replaced Thull with Dark before his passing. The boy who had been abandoned in the mountains by his own father. Left for dead and expected to never return. Dark from the Swan Clan was Dark the leader and mage of the Raven Clan. All the work and effort Thull had done was for nothing. Thull had asked Dark if he was sure he wanted the entire forest to attend Fin-Kedinn's funeral, and Dark was sure. After all, Fin-Kedinn had been a well-known man and a friend to many. Normally, deaths were reserved for clan members only, but for Fin-Kedinn, an exception would be made. Thull left to let the others know of the fallen Raven leader and that his funeral would be open to anyone. Thull disagreed with the choice, but at the same time, Dark was his leader and what he said goes.
As time went on, Thull continued to grieve for his loved ones. However, it did slowly get better. Although they wouldn't be buried, Thull wanted some sort of remembrance for them. He placed a few painted rocks, one for Luta, and one for Dari, in the Raven Clan bone grounds. When he had free time to do as he pleased. He would frequently visit the stones for Luta and Dari. Sometimes, he would even speak to them. He knew that he shouldn't. They hadn't been given death marks, and their spirits would remain as ghosts. Speaking to them would only summon them and could cause a large problem for the living. Eventually, his visits became less and less. He noticed, though, a flower. It grew right next to the stone of Luta. A yellow one. Luta's favorite color.
He smiled as he saw it and eventually, he never returned as he moved on with his life. He didn't want to continue to live in the past and think about the painful memories that he had.
When you arrived, he hadn't been very open. Preferring to be a private man as he didn't want to feel the loss that he had again, moons ago. He did warm up to you through the moons. It was a slow and steady progress, but eventually, you became closer to one another.
You had found a yellow flower and given it to him as a gift. He looked almost as if he were annoyed and you apologized, thinking that you had upset him. He cried. It was a similar flower to the one by Luta's stone. As time went on, you became mates. Then you learned of his painful memories. The loss and the pain that he had faced. You were there every step of the way. Comforting him and helping him when he was at his lowest and celebrating with him when he was at his best.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @unlikelypersonalknight1 / To Join My Tag List Apply Here!
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suvidrache · 1 year
Different People. Different Preferences
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 722 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad | Event List
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Thull had always been over six feet tall (182 cm). He had been taller than Luta. However, she wasn't attracted to the difference in height. She preferred his muscles more than anything. So, he'd do his best to make sure that she saw his muscles whenever she was around.
When he had met you, it was a slow and steady progress. He was still upset from his loss all those months ago. When you became a couple, it was a slow and steady progress before anything became intimate. The most intimacy you had been given from Thull was laying down together, that was it. Nothing further. When Thull did finally decide, he was ready to take things further. He did the same as he did with Luta all the time. He tried flexing, trying to make it subtle but obvious to you. You were oblivious to what he was doing. Although, you did find it slightly strange that he was flexing more than he did before. He stepped closer to you. You looked up and Thull could see the look in your eyes, as you liked how tall he was compared to you. He picked you up, and the mood had slightly changed. You had lost it. You had preferred feeling small compared to Thull. Poor Thull assumed, like Luta, you enjoyed his muscles and being picked up. He saw the moment things had changed. He set you down and withdrew his arms.
"I'm… I'm sorry…" He said as he rubbed the back of his neck and walked outside. He would try again another time, but it wouldn't be today or tomorrow. 
When Thull finally gained the confidence to try again. He waited. Your back was to him as you hung the strips of meat up. Thull walked quietly up behind you. You paid no attention until you had finished hanging the last strip up. You turned around as Thull placed a hand above your head onto the post that held the shelter up. Your eyes slowly traveled up Thull's body before meeting his gaze. He placed his free hand gently on your face as he leaned down, closed his eyes, and kissed your lips. You closed your eyes and kissed him back. Your hands touched his belt, but you quickly lowered them. You weren't really sure if Thull wanted to escalate things now or not. Thull had felt the brief moment of your hands touching him. He moved his hands from the post to grab your hand and place it back on his belt. He pulled away and his blue eyes stared into you.
"Do you want to do this?"
"Yes… I do."
"Let's do it then." He said quietly and his lips were on yours once more.
You tilted your head back and worked at undoing his belt. His pants fell to the ground, and he took a small step out of them and away. You worked at slowly removing your clothes. Teasing Thull and letting him look at your body for a few seconds longer. Thull wasted no time removing his jerkin (shirt) and your eyes couldn't help but look at his body. He had faint lines of abs or where abs had once been. He had been muscular in his younger years. However, he stopped being as muscular once having a child and exercising as much. His chest hair was a slightly darker red than the hair on his head. The hair ran down the middle of his stomach. Lower and lower. Your eyes started to follow it when Thull made a noise. You felt your cheeks heat up as you looked up at him. He had a small smile on his face. He had been watching you watch him.
Different people. Different preferences.
You moved over to him and laid down near the sleeping sack. Thull moved between your legs and slowly began to rub/stroke you and you moaned. Thull continued, letting you become wet before he slid himself inside of you, letting out a moan as he did. He waited, letting you get comfortable before he began to thrust back and forth. Your hands grasped at nothing. There was nothing to grab. Thull's hands held your hips as he continued thrusting into you. Your hands grabbed his forearms before slowly sliding up to his biceps.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @unlikelypersonalknight1 / To Join My Tag List Apply Here!
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