acutemushroom · 5 months
My HC of the LiB's birth order
The thought was rotting in my head since at least a week and I need to get it it out of my system one way or another. So, here what I think the Lords in Black+Webby birth order is from oldest to youngest.
Wiggly : I think that one is pretty self explanatory. He seemingly is the leader of the LiB, he chastised Pokey during the Summoning and he is the one that taught Webby back when they were on good terms. I'd be surprised he wasn't the oldest.
Pokey : He really gives me huge second eldest vibes. Like, part of the reason he's such a control freak is because he knows far too well that Wiggly will veto any of his decisions about their family and all. He doesn't have any actual decision power. Sure, he might be the second eldest of six siblings, but that doesn't mean a thing when your big brother is Wiggog Y'rath.
Tinky : I mean... he's too chaotic to not be the middle child.
Blinky : Out of all the brothers, he kind of seems the tamest of them ? Sure, he's a monster like the rest of them. But I mean, he's torturing his Sniggles and watching drama in his park and that's about it ? Blinky's whole thing is that he The Watcher with a Thousand Eyes, and observer. The quiet one you might forget. So, the fourth child.
Nibbly : Like with Pokey, it mostly is a question of vibes here. Like, I can see him being the second youngest, explaining why he kind of seems the most childish in a sense ? He doesn't have big plans like an apocalypse or controlling the world, managing a whole attraction park or anything. My boy just wants food and that's pretty much it. Hell, his cult sole job is to bring him particularly tasty food (the Honey Queens) and to allow him to walk the Earth a bit. And he doesn't seem seem to be actively leading them. So, yeah, big "youngest sibling" vibes here. If anything, I'm pretty sure the "baby of the family" vibes got even bigger as Webby got exiled and he kind of officially became the youngest of the siblings.
Webby : Again, vibes. Since Wiggly most likely is the oldest, it would make a nice contrast if she was the youngest. That and the fact that in "The Web I Spin for You" Webby said he was teaching her (and, if I remember well) and something about him protecting her (or his witches that were supposed to) really makes me think she might be the youngest of the Eldricht Gods.
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