#to be the same person but you know theyre not bc bw would never do this and hes shown hed never do this but ๐Ÿฆ‡ can
cloneslugs ยท 2 years
also i hate most things where the final challenge is like well batman now you must give up your mask mostly bc it plays out so cliche and imo is such a weird stopping point for batman's story (esp if it's a villain who i dont think would care but props to ak for making me believe that jonathan has enough reason to care his hope v fear thing was actually good) but ak did such an interesting followup for post game seeing everyone close to batman react, esp w the high security lock up people i find it interesting that most people take it as batman = bruce wayne (seen a lot w everyone at the gcpd who tell him theyll just stick w batman or keep it to lighthearted jokes) and its jonathan's whole thing of giving face to the faceless and bringing down the idol-hood of a hero/hope (his argument for it is slightly diff than what i would go for though. i see it less as "now you have a face to blame, to put failure to" and more of "giving batman an identity takes him away from being a hero/urban legend/myth and turns him into something lesser which is a man" which i think was kind of touched on but eh. second doesnt work as well when hes long established and people know hes real which is another reason i think later timeline stuff is shakier for me depending on how it plays out) but im interested in the viewpoints of the majority batman = bruce wayne vs how a very small minority takes it, both being the people who knew batman most intimately, joker and harvey, who both make a statement about "wearing a mask" joker is harder to pinpoint in this game bc he is just a mind thing and most of his stuff is said to just be edgy or mean (but you can also argue that it's just bruce's own thoughts gone through some twisted joker way of saying them) but even still i think he makes a clear distinction (even if incorrect) that between bruce wayne and batman, there is a mask and an act put up & that theres freedoms in one that arent available w the other (even if he means it in accordance to violence) i think harvey's is really very interesting, idk as much for his dialogue to batman (aka bruce wayne) vs his to just batman, but his lines of saying "i didnt make a promise w bruce wayne on that roof" etc really sticks w me & the many diff implications w it & he goes out to say he understands what it means to wear another face, which goes into stuff arkhamverse never really explored which is the personal disconnect that bruce has between himself & himself + which one is more genuine, batman doesnt feel fear while bruce wayne does (ashose) -> who can afford to be emotionally vulnerable, who can do more good and who is currently doing more good (imposter) + i think it's such an interesting facet of being a superhero (at least for some) of being which one is who i pretend to be and which one is really me, which ik isnt as deep as ak takes it but to go back to it im just very interested in how harvey points it out that his friend on the rooftops wasnt bruce that he didnt give all this up for bruce that this trio didnt include bruce & how ultimately he wasnt let down by bruce wayne bc there is a distinction, and he, more than anyone else, would understand the distinction
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