#to me it seems like pink hair is gonna win instead sort of main protagonist energy
hxlcyon · 2 years
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sweater--child · 6 years
So, I finally read Ship of the Dead...
Now, I know. Its been out for months. Its been sitting on my shelf since it showed up on my doorstep way back in whatever month after waiting forever for it to be released after I preordered it. So trust me I know that I'm behind on the times. But I'm a college student and have the life drained out of me as I sit in my completely overpriced lectures and contemplate archaeological finds and cultural decelopment in western civilization.
And I saw you all attempting to be spoiler-y on my Blitzstone post. For shamed.
Edit: This is getting more attention than I thought it would. Please, add your own favorite moments and stuff! I love reading them and seeing what I missed.
But here are some of my favorite things from this particular book (SPOILERS!):
Fierrochase. Beyond just loving the ship, this is huge in ways of representation. I'm nonbinary myself, and lack of representation makes it so hard to go about my life and be accepted. Also dating is basically impossible? So this was a huge win for me personally. Also I feel like pansexual Magnus has just been accepted by the whole fandom as canon, which makes me little broken heart swell (I'm pansexual as well).
Fierrochase again! I just felt the transition into their romance was much more real than most books and media? Like it wasn't this "I kissed you and know we're going to be together forever and stuff". There was a confession and then honest thought and consideration? Also all the hinting and awkward crush moments were adorable and made the confession less jarring and prevented that awkward "oh no we need a romance lets just shove these 2 characters together with no pretext" that a lot of books and shows seem to fall into.
Magnus can know talk to animals, on top of glowing and healing and being a beautiful soul- confirmed Disney Princess. Now to get him a gown and tiara (men can wear dresses, fuck you).
Muslim representation. I'm not Muslim myself, nor do I know a whole lot of the culture (I'm an ignorant potato, I'm sorry) but from what I've heard Sam's character is pretty spot on and is really great. Specifically, I think the discussion about the treatment of Muslims in America, while short and brief (it is a kids book and Uncle Rick can only put so much in before it causes problems with publishing and stuff), was really important.
Mallory, TJ, and Halfborn's development. Mallory came to terms with her death (sort of) and embraced herself and her parentage. TJ showed all of us what it truly means not to forgive per se, but to move on, that fighting is only worthwhile when its for something bigger than yourself, and that optimism is never wasted. Halfborn coming to terms with the failings of his life (not returning to his life) and turning it into a purpose, a new way to keep going.
Alex. Alex gets her own little segment here because there are so many good moments with Alex. We finally got the source of a lot of Alex's will and independence with her Grandfather, along with Mexican culture representation. The real struggles of being queer. The loss of a friend. Building Pottery Barn (and refusing to designate a gender until they themselves could have a say). There's a lot- but what sticks with the me the most is that moment when he kisses Magnus at the end in the Hotel. The fact that he waited until he was a boy to me shows that Rick was making a point with this- it was one thing for Magnus to say Alex was the best thing that happened to him while she was a girl, but completely when he's a boy. It showed a real fear to Alex that she covers really well, and this moment addressed the very real fear of rejection that gender fluid, nonbinary, and trans* people face when it comes to dating.
Hearthstone. Baby boy breaks my heart. We get a lot of closure that I needed and really gave us a chance to see that Hearth is gonna be okay, that he can move on and be happy. He no longer carries the burden and is free.
Blitzstone? Okay, I know I've talked about this ship in the past, and I do still really love this ship, but I actually like that it was open to interpretation. Honestly, there isn't enough healthy male friendships in media. As long as my 2 boys are happy and healthy and alive, I'm not mad.
The flyting. Theres a trend I've noticed recently that I love and that's the departure from the typical brawny fighting male protagonists to mains who have an empathy and peacefulness about them. Primarily I think of Newt Scamender and Magnus Chase. Neither are fighters, and only do so when necessary. Newt is a caretaker and Magnus is a healer. Looking back on Percy Jackson, nearly everyone of his adventures was solved by fighting, which is not a bad thing and I'm in no way complaining. But I do have to praise uncle Rick for choosing to end this series the way he does- not only does he choose a nonviolent duel of words and wit (rap battle), he also veers Magnus from being insulting and cutting but instead Magnus literally wins by praising his family members. In the end, our hero didn't succeed through fighting ability and bravery, but instead because he realised that he couldn't ever really lose in life when he has these people with him, come Ragnarok or eternal existence as an undead hotel guest.
The Chase Mansion. Nuff said.
Big Banana
Magnus immediately assumes every goat he meets in Otis.
Alex's continual obsession with pink and green.
Mango Cheese is awkward and dorky in every situation and I agree.
Almost freezing to death.
Heavenly dates (I actually hate dates)
Percy praising Annabeth and gushing about his baby sister
Guava juice
Continued love for Falafel (never had it, but seems great)
Cherry Soda insanity resulting in ceramic Voltron versus mud monster showdown
Pop culture references and Magnus fearing his Tardis Banana
Chocolate tug of war
Being prepared for Ragnarok with organized parking and golf carts
Magnus doesn't know how to date and I agree
Amir is constantly astounded by how awesome his Fiancee is
Actual discussion of grief and loss
Dragon Heart grants Disney Princess powers to anyone savage enough to eat it
Hearthstone is a better Thunder God than the Thunder God Thor
Daddy Frey
Butchering all the Norse namesand pretending like I remember who half of them are
Green Hair Meal
Billionare fish
Blood, Spit, and Honey
Blitzen yelling at a dragon because his friend is sad
There's more but I'll leave it here for now
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rieshon · 5 years
Spring 2019 Preview
How the hell is there another season already. I was hoping for a light load this time around, but it looks like the anime gods will not be so kind. Bonus feature this season is all the titles are links to the shows’ official websites so you can click and look at the cute girls I mention.
Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu: This is an adaptation of a Katsuwo manga, who is the guy who wrote the original for the brilliant Mitsuboshi Colors which ended up on my top ten of the year list last year. An all-female cast of adorable looking girls, a proven mangaka, and the usually-capable Hanada writing the scripts makes this one look like a pretty sure bet. Oh yeah it's also got a good looking deko blondenblu gaijin.
Joshikausei: I think this is a short, but all you need to really know about this show is the tagline on the website: おバカかわいい、この日常がたぶん青春. They got all my favorite words in there. Too bad it's a short, but I think it will be fifteen minutes at least.
Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san: This is one of those shows where you can probably guess exactly what it's going to be like from the title. It's cute kitsune wife (actual age: 800) and other girls in a rabukome animated by Douga Koubou... which is endorsement enough but it's also got Ayaneru as a meganekko joji anime otaku JD?? Hell yeah. The cast is actually fantastic: Waki Azumi, Mareitaso, Ayaneru and Kitaeri, and Suwabe Jun'ichi holds down the male protag fort so that should be good too. No reason to think this won't be great.
Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo Yu-No: You wanna talk about some aesthetic, this is some aesthetic. It's an adaptation of the hugely influential PC-98 eroge of the same name, which was a work that in large part helped bring us the sort of complex science fiction and fantasy stories that would shape the golden age of that medium. With how much I've been lamenting the lack of 'that eroge aesthetic' in anime as of late, it should be obvious that I'm hype for this, and it's getting two cours from based feel. at that.
Fairy gone: Not gonna lie, I was kinda mad that this new P.A. Works original looks nothing like what they typically produce, but having seen the PV, it looks pretty good. Then I learned that the scripts are being written by the author of Grimgar, and I got hype. Fantasy plus WW2-ish shit is a good aesthetic (think Youjo Senki) and it's got the considerable might of a P.A. Works production behind it. The director of Suzuki Keiichi, who doesn't have a lot of credits but worked on the first season of the Jojo anime, which was great, so this one definitely seems like it could have all the ingredients to really pop off. The girls also look hot which is very important.
Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?: With Hina-sensei of Domekano about to leave my life this show promises a much more concentrated injection of teacher moe into my veins... In fact it is all about lewd and cute senseis and they all look good. My only worry is that, as sometimes seems to happen with shows where the lewdness is put front and center, the animation doesn't really look like it's the best. I am grateful to this show for allowing Ishigami Shizuka to play a cute girl at least, even if she is still slightly typecast as the tomboy gym teacher.
Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai: One of two shows about being a dumbass this season; in this one, everyone is a dumbass. It definitely looks like a standard harem anime, and I always need at least one of those a season to keep myself alive. The girls all look fantastic, but I'm especially excited for the pink-haired teacher character and the purple-haired loli BBA. There's also a delicious brown genki girl, a meganekko who wears kuropansuto... Yeah it's got all the good good ingredients. Oh yeah, it's also being directed by the guy who directed the extremely good Last Period anime last year, so it's got that going for it too.
Kenja no Mago: It's isekai tensei anime, and yes, it literally starts with the protagonist getting hit by truck-kun... But the PV ended up really winning me over, and I'm cautiously looking forward to this one. The premise is recycled, but there's nothing new under the sun anyway. It looks like it's got a decent sense of humor about it and the heroines look cute as hell, but it also looks like it's got some major production values being pumped into it. This show could definitely be a pleasant surprise.
Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai: One of two shows about being a dumbass this season. This one has some good-looking character art courtesy of Silver Link, and one of a couple major leading roles for up-and-coming seiyuu Waki Azumi. The main girl looks extremely adorable and is apparently a pervert so I got hopes for this one to be good.
Senryuu Girl: We actually traditional Japanese arts now (a senryuu is a kind of poem similar to a haiku) but more importantly, cute girls. Za-san takes the leading role but there's also Sumipe as a chuuni looking girl, Kuno-chan, and Paisen, among others. The direction doesn't inspire confidence (this guy was behind the shittier latter seasons of Prisma Illya) but it still looks like a cute rabukome.
One Punch Man 2nd season: How can there be a second season when he already punched last time? He's all outta punches! In all seriousness, One Punch Man was a surprisingly enjoyable romp the first time around, thanks in no small part to the spectacular (especially for TV) animation on display. There is concern over it having moved from Madhouse to J.C. Staff for this season, but if J.C. are being given enough money to rustle up the same level of talent as last time it should hopefully still be a spectacle.
Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki: Hougen marudashi no joshikousei! It's cute dialects anime!! That fishing anime had good dialects but it was actually a bad show; this looks like it will have a good dialect and be a good show. It should be cute if nothing else. The main heroine's thing is that she speaks Nagoya-ben, but given that the other heroines are listed as being from Gifu and Mie, maybe we will even get many dialects. Unfortunately, though, it's probably a short, since Creators in Pack are involved.
Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma: This is also a short (ten minutes) which is too bad because these girls look cute as heck. A show with a premise like this is really gonna depend on how likable the male protagonist is, though.
Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine: Toukyou no chuusuu wa marunouchi, hibiya kouen ryougiin... Wait, wrong anime. But yes, like the venerable Taisho Yakyuu Musume of old, girls are playing baseball in anime again. This one is set in the modern day, and I have no idea if it's a fictional setting where girls all play baseball or if they're gonna do the Taisho thing and try to take down the baseball boys because the website still has no plot section. The character designs look good as hell though, coming courtesy of Noguchi Takayuki, who also did designs for Tenshi no 3P! (they were like the only good thing about that anime) and Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu (similar). Hopefully this show has more than just good girls to ogle.
Shoumetsu Toshi: Only thing I really know about this is Ayaneru is in it because I've seen her doing promo work for it. The key visual definitely doesn't do it any favors, nor does the fact that it's apparently based on a mobile game, but man some of these character designs look great. Ayaneru plays some kind of moe gumshoe detective, Mingosu is a sexy lab coat channee, actually there's multiple sexy lab coat channees... Really that's all you have to tell me, I'm fucking in there. The show will probably be crap.
Carole & Tuesday: This looks very pretentious and vaguely like they're fishing for overseas viewers (actually they definitely are because the website even defaults to English when I load the site, which offends my sensibilities), but the PV does make it looks fairly interesting. It's another music focused series from Watanabe Shinichiro, who also tried to steal the hearts of the west with Sakamichi no Apollon in 2012, which was terrible. It might be neat though I guess. It does seem to have a black girl as one of the protagonists which is cool.
Isekai Quartet: I have no idea who asked for this, but if it gives me the opportunity to hear more of Amamiya Sora as Aqua while I wait for a third season of Konosuba, it can't be all bad. I ain't never seen no Overlord though, so a quarter of this is gonna be lost on me.
Strike Witches 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu!: The title is appropriate because this short is basically an appetizer for the coming next wave of Strike Witches content. It's a cute honobono comedy starring the Strike Witches girls, so it'll probably be good. Hopefully this can remove from my mouth some of the bad tastes Brave Witches left. It won't be until next year that we get the return of Takamura-kantoku and true Strike Witches anime, though.
Araiya-san! ~Ore to Aitsu ga Onnayu de!?~: What the hell is this? Do they really have these in Japan? It's about a dude who washes girls in the bath?? Whatever the fuck is going on here, the girls look cute and it definitely promises to be lewd, at least on ComicFesta's own streaming service. MX version will probably have nazo no hikari, so hopefully the uncensored one pops up somewhere I can watch it.
Choukadou Girl 1/6: It's definitely impossible to not think of Frame Arms Girl when looking at this series, which will probably end up being an unfair comparison. For one, it looks like we got a shitty ass male protagonist instead of a cute girl. I remember how Busou Shinki turned out... Not having high hopes for this one.
Fruits Basket: Honestly, there's no way I'd be watching this if it didnt have such a famous name on the tin. Two ikemen danshi on the key visual is too many! Fruits Basket is a legend of shoujo manga, though, and there should be a lot of resources going into this new, full adaptation of the series, so I feel vaguely obligated to check it out. People are mad about the new character designs but the girls look pretty good, especially that blonde delinquent looking girl.
Sarazanmai: Uh-oh. It's Ikuhara anime. My consternation with Ikuhara is well documented, and although I've never seen his opus of Utena, I find his works, though visually compelling, to be frustratingly obscurantist, or to put it another way, "trying too hard." Still, you gotta give the guy credit for being unique I guess, so I'll still end up watching at least an episode, whatever the fuck it turns out to be about. Unfortunately there seems to be a major lack of girls to hold my interest, not to mention none to be lesbians, so it might not last very long.
Kono Oto Tomare!: It's koto anime. You can have an anime about anything and this is one about people who play the koto. Lots of traditional Japanese arts this season for some reason. Unlike the senryuu anime though, this one only has ONE measly female character, and it doesn't even look like she's the protagonist, so I probably won't watch it. The koto is cool though.
Kimetsu no Yaiba: This show looks like a big deal just from the number of stations it's airing on and the fact that it's a rare TV anime from Ufotable... Unfortunately I have little interest in actually watching it. It's a Shounen Jump series, the art makes it look edgy, it uses the word "zetsubou" in the tagline and I already hate the Hanae Natsuki-voiced boy protagonist just after seeing his face in the key visual. There is a cute looking oni girl though.
Gonna put these down here since it feels weird to rank what are essentially ongoing shows:
Aikatsu Friends! ~Kagayaki no Jewel~: Friends is the Aikatsu series that finally really got its claws in me, so I'm chuffed that we're getting a second season, with some sexy looking space idols voiced by Hiyocchi and Oonishi at that. The fact that there will apparently be a time skip has me a little worried, but also, two years older Mio and Maika are gonna be good. I'm sure it will still be great.
Kiratto! PriChan 2nd season: Unlike Aikatsu, Prichan doesn't seem like it's getting any major changes going into its second year, but I hope they shake it up with some new idols or something. Prichan's definitely not on the level of its predecessor (though little is) and its formula is getting a little stale, so hopefully they take this as a chance to rejuvenate it. Oshamatrix full idols now goddamnit.
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